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ODAT - Thursday

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    ODAT - Thursday

    Morning all.

    Bobbin about in a boat today! Friend has a little Broads Cruiser - think that might sound a bit dodgy to you lot in the US! But over here it's a little liveaboard that is used on the network of rivers and open areas of water (Broads) in this part of the UK. She goes on a 'Grand Adventure' every year gets friends on as crew - today is my day. Not many opps for drinks - she will have some on board but she's not a heavy drinker herself so this should be an AF or mod day.

    That's my Thursday. Hope yours is a goodie. ODAT.

    (for those interested in the animal tales.....a 'missing' hen appeared with two little chicks in the garden yesterday ... so sweet. The lame pig has arthritis - a condition bought on by bacteria (from a wound or something) and not a gradual degeneration like in humans. On antibiotics and some fairly heavily crossed fingers..... And getting another dozen sheep today. Only brings us up to 24 - not exactly a huge flock but we can manage that number on the grass we have and sell most of them as meat later in the year. Going to keep some ewes back with a view to breeding)

    Bessie xxx

    ODAT - Thursday

    Morning Bessie and all to come!

    Bessie your day sounds idyllic all "Swallows and Amazons"!

    Suffering here as husband has some kind of horrible, debilitating disease which is rendering him near useless (so what has changed you ask??). Of course to us lesser mortals it is known as A COLD!!! :H

    Working today so won't have much chance to post - have a good one ODATers

    Luv Bx


      ODAT - Thursday

      What is going on with the Weather?

      Good Morning ODATERS
      How is the weather there in England and around the world?
      Hope it is better than here - in Ireland it has been raining heavily now for weeks, solid rain all day yesterday and so far today. Tourists are taking photos of the rain it is so bad. I don't what the hell is going on with our weather, it was like this last summer too. To take my mind off the booze (and have no money to spend on it) I went and bought a load of outdoor play things for the kids - they are still in the box. What am I going to do with another 7 weeks of school holidays to go?. We are even considering cancelling seasons and just referring to Dark Winter and Bright Winter - HELP!
      There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


        ODAT - Thursday


        Have fun on the boat today. I hope it doesn't bob too much.

        Mad Mummy,

        :H:H I hate it when hubby gets sick. It is always such a crisis.


        So sorry about the weather. I know it can get depressing. I wish I could send some of our heat your way and with it some of the mugginess.

        Everyone else, have a wonderful day.

        AF April 9, 2016


          ODAT - Thursday

          Yow Wah gwaan! (Jamaican)

          Yesterday I saw a good friend who knew I went to Vermont and he have me a huge hug (two for that matter) and also told me I looked 20 years younger. After I left his office, I ran down the hall and looked in the mirror and decided it was an enthusiastic exaggeration, but a nice compliment nonetheless. :H BTW yesterday I tucked a blouse into a pair of shorts I've not been able to get into in years and years (I put on my ususal ones first and wouldn't wear them as they were so baggy they looked like a skort) and even wore a belt. I did not realize I had lost more weight as I seem to be eating constantly. I guess it's that healthy diet I'm on. AF just has more and more benefits.

          My brother comes today to stay with me and visit our dad. He doesn't drink. He never had a problem, just never had any interest. He didn't like the feeling of a buzz. That's something, eh? The buzz is all it's about for me. The house is nice and tidy so I'll be plugging away in the hole today. He is vegetarian but eats fish and the occasional egg which is pretty much my diet so dinners should be easy.

          Oh yeah, day before I locked my keys in my car. No big deal huh? My purse with the spare key was in it and it was running with the AC on full blast. SOBER! I need a hide-a-key for my BGP! :H

          Have a laughter filled day with a clear head and a happy heart.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            ODAT - Thursday


            It is so incredibly uplifting to hear you are doing so well. You have no idea.

            And, I will bet you do look a lot younger!!

            AF April 9, 2016


              ODAT - Thursday

              Top of the mornin...Awah a lovely mornin it is.I may be over doing the SUPER GREEN CLEANSING DIET that I am on...won't give all the details but everything is turning green.Feeling healthy and have tons more energy.Greenie...great to hear how well you are doing and just wondered if we could share the name greenie for the next few days????LOL
              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                ODAT - Thursday

                Locking keys in a running car is such a bummer! At least your dog wasn't in there staring at you wondering what was going on! That's what happened to me!

                Bessie...bobbing in a boat sounds like fun. I'll just be bobbing behind a computer all day long. Much less fun.

                Hope everyone has a great day.


                  ODAT - Thursday

                  Good morning all

                  Hope u have a great time Bessie
                  Hate when guys are sick "The end of the world"
                  Sorry about your keys, but good sense of humor.
                  Day 6 today, have to go face the boss, but the doctor wrote me a note to stay out until Monday. It is killing me financially, but I really do need the time to make some sober friends.
                  Bandit we are going to have a beautiful day here in New England, US. I wish I could send some sunshine your way. Love to all
                  "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                    ODAT - Thursday

                    Just posting to let you know I new member (as of yesterday) is enthusiastically reading this board with the hope that this is the support I need to dump AL. I don't feel I even want to admit my problem to my hubby as being a problem. He knows I enjoy my wine (far too much) .... but I'm not sure he realizes how difficult it is to give it up .... he hardly drinks at all.


                      ODAT - Thursday

                      Hello ODATERs and welcome New!

                      Bessie--your day sounds like so much fun! And mad, I hope you dh recovers soon! Mine mentioned that he might call his doctor today about his painful foot he's been nursing for a couple of weeks. (I suggested this then):H
                      I'm really happy for you greenie! It's nice when someone notices too! When my oldest son was a baby, we accidentally locked him in the car with the heater running when leaving a friend's house at 2 am! At least we had a spare at home and didn't have to call the cops to unlock it! We were not very sober however! (well, maybe I was)
                      Got a pretty long to-do list again today. Going to be hot (100) so better get started outside!
                      Didn't get home until 8 pm last night!!
                      Have a good one!:h

                      (Still going strong with 40 days AF)
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        ODAT - Thursday

                        Good Morning !

                        Haven't felt that in a long time. I got up 1 1/2 hours before I have to leave for work. I usually would get up 20min. and hit the ground running! Already juiced my carrots and grapes took all the sup stuff, having a french press coffee. None of those things would be except for mwo and you guys. AF

                        I get to pick up a new couch today, found it at goodwill yesterday.
                        circa 60's danish modern. been wanting/looking forever! Would not have found that but had the energy to go hunting yesterday because thats right AF !

                        Hope everyone has a good day.

                        It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


                          ODAT - Thursday

                          Morning All!

                          I'm actually at work at my shop an hour early! WOW! How great to feela touch of energy coming back!

                          And so excited about my friend's visit this evening. Hoping to stay AF ... may not be easy with going out to dinner, but we'll see. Soeone said something on these boards yesterday (or day before) that keeps ringing home with me: When trying to get this poison OUT of my system, WHY would I even want to mod and oput some back in? HUMMMMMM

                          Have a great one ODATers!


                            ODAT - Thursday

                            Hi New Day,

                            Welcome. I'm new here as well. I think we have similar situations because I haven't admitted to my hubby that I think (OK I know) I have a problem. He doesnt' drink at all so I find myself hiding it from him or pretending that I'm not drinking as much as I do.


                              ODAT - Thursday

                              Good Morning,
                              Today is the beginning of day 21 for me. In that time I moderately drank on two seperate occasions. For me that is just amazing. I will not drink today.

