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Newbie Starting Day 3

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    Newbie Starting Day 3

    So far, the worst was last night, end of day 2...dinner (witching/bitching/crazy) hour was nuts. I thought my brain would implode. I got on live chat, and found Lemon Lover, and Darling, who knew exactly what I was saying, and worked the chatting into getting dinner ready. Then hub came home, I WENT UPSTAIRS to the tub, and the worst passed. He took over. It was such a blessing. The worst started at 6, and was over by 8. Not bad.

    BUT, I'm not sleeping so great, some tossing and turning...always have had that problem, I realize, unless I've had wine. Any ideas for just getting some decent sleep without a "hangover" effect?! I'm liking being able to wake up more clear headed, go figure.

    Newbie Starting Day 3

    I too can only fall asleep if I've had wine .... and last night was my 1 AF night in quite awhile ..... took Melatonin after an hour of tossing and turning ... and twitching legs. Helped, and a clear head this morning.


      Newbie Starting Day 3

      I been adding a big cup of Camomile tea to my per sleep meletoin and am sleeping much better
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


        Newbie Starting Day 3

        When I was in rehab they gave me 6 mg of Melatonin. The doc said that was the "magic" dose that seemed to work.

        However, I do not think Melatonin helps in the early withdrawal stages. Withdrawals just flat out suck. But they do pass, just like a cold.

        I have heard Benadryl in the early days helps. Of course, Benadryl makes me wake up "druggy" the next morning but it is better than lying there awake, sweating, thinking...

        There are lots of recommendations on sleep aids in the Holistic section. Do a search.

        L-Tryptophan, which I do take daily because it helps my mood, and Calms Forte, the list goes on and on.

        Good luck, everyone. You can do this. Just think of it is a flu you are getting over. (This is from Chief, btw, one of our grand poohbahs here.)

        AF April 9, 2016


          Newbie Starting Day 3

          Good going all of you. The sleep thing will get better. Melatonin and 5htp or l-tryptphan are recommended for sleep. Also a glass of warm milk helps me sometimes. I also find the hypno cds at bedtime help, turned off before he tells you to come out of it. Also, my DH has trouble sleepin sometimes and he says he has read that just resting is almost as good as sleep. I have no idea if this is true but when I can't sleep I try to think happy thoughts instead of stressing about it.


            Newbie Starting Day 3

            GOOD JOB 4tops! You got through the night AF! I was anxious to read your post this morning and was glad you stuck with it. Even with all the chaos. I don't know what to tell you about the sleeping - I had a pretty restless night myself but I'm hoping it will improve.


              Newbie Starting Day 3

              Oh, wow! Congrats on staying AF last night!

              Regarding trying to get a good night's sleep, I think meditation cd's is a good idea, or even your favourite 'chill out' music, maybe?
              Also, according to my dad, a "hot bath and cup of tea" works wonders.
              Pamper yourself in the bathroom... will take your mind off things. Im planning on doing that tonight. I have a hair conditioning treatment/face mask and plan on a nice soak in bubbly bath
              ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


                Newbie Starting Day 3

                I was a little restless last night too - day 2 for me. I never sleep well anyway and I used wine as a sleep aid too....I decided to do a little reading after the kids got to bed....there I was reading and all of the sudden I was OUT! It was awesome. Also, the baby actually only woke up once so that was doubly great! 4tops you can totally do this. Like I said in a post yesterday, you are smart and determined and YOU CAN DO THIS. Isn't this place the best?

                Good luck everyone

                "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                  Newbie Starting Day 3

                  4tops;361118 wrote: I thought my brain would implode.
                  Oh yes, I know that feeling!!! Good job sticking with it!!!

                  Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                    Newbie Starting Day 3

                    I think a little retail therapy is in order for me today. I am in search of new bed linens and I want to work all weekend on fixing up our bedroom. I'll keep busy and away from being consumed of thoughts of the evil cocktail.

                    The chocolate cake sounds wonderful 4tops! Yummers! Although if it were me, it would be a great big lemon meringue pie

                    A grammy at 48, Looking, is wonderful and it sounds like you have a really fun day planned!

                    I feel pretty good so far today. It's nice.



                      Newbie Starting Day 3

                      This is a great place to extend to each other our encouragement, it seems to be working for me (Day 3). 4tops, you and I will walk this walk together via the internet, my very best to you tonite! Just imagine how good you'll feel tomorrow!


                        Newbie Starting Day 3

                        Congrats on Day 3. 4tops,`s to Day 4!!!!

                        Darling x
                        Formerly known as Starlight Impress.

