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Day 3, fear rules

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    Day 3, fear rules

    This is actually feeling pretty good, my mind is getting clearer...but fear is becoming a bigger and bigger factor. I fear tonite, tomorrow, the weekend, next week... I struggle to keep in the "now", but I know that's the answer.

    Day 3, fear rules

    I am on day 6, and I too fear the weekend. I have to keep remembering the aftermath, how I feel after I drink all weekend. I may have to suck it up and go to a meeting. I'm sure that I will be alone most of the weekend. My kids are older and are not around much. Hang in there, and do whatever it takes. I will
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


      Day 3, fear rules

      HI ..I feel the same way you both do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good luck


        Day 3, fear rules

        Can you talk more about what you are afraid of so we can better support you? Remember, alcohol does not jump in your mouth by itself (well at least not the first one, sometimes after that it seems to).


          Day 3, fear rules

          Last night, which was Day 3 for me, I was actually down to "putting it off" for 15 minutes at a time. Just wait 15 more minutes. Then I would go do something and a half hour had passed, so I picked another just 15 minutes. Kept that up for hours.

          I can't face the weekend, the next week or next month or even sometimes the day. What I can do is break it down further ... and I went to bed AF. WHOO HOO!


            Day 3, fear rules


            Wow. Good on you!!

            That is how it goes. Just get through the next "whatever" time.

            You did it!!!


            AF April 9, 2016


              Day 3, fear rules

              WTE: Great baby steps thinking!
              LTG AF January 13, 2011


                Day 3, fear rules

                Fear is just a feeling. Sit with it, embrace it for what it is, and then let it go.
                Goal 1: Today
                Goal 2: Tomorrow


                  Day 3, fear rules

                  lukalee;361349 wrote: Fear is just a feeling. Sit with it, embrace it for what it is, and then let it go.
                  I completely agree with this - it's not a voice, or a personality - nothing like that - it's just a state of mind, and one which can be changed.

                  As alcoholics, we can often "think ourselves into drinking".

                  Just because you think it - doesn't make it correct!

                  As Lukalee said - let it go, and march on.



                    Day 3, fear rules

                    Zen and all,

                    You hit a proverbial nail on the head. Our minds start drinking long before we do. A couple of times my head (and the shoulder with the devil on it!) said, V., the wine is calling you. Now I don't know about you, but I've never actually heard the wine call out. But my head heard it loud and clear and raced to silence the siren's call. So, by whatever means we can (the 15 minutes rule is a great one - will try that!) we need to reframe our heads. I've found that the cd's sold on this site are very helpful in bolstering the good thoughts and banning the bad.

                    Sea - so glad to hear you're on day 6. Don't let your mind jump you to the weekend. Instead, let it go crazy with elation that you're 6 days, and not hunched over sick like last weekend. You deserve the kudos! Take care all



                      Day 3, fear rules

                      Tonight is my third AF night. I decided not to buy any this week and not even tempt myself. However, I felt utterly exhausted today. Everything was an effort.. moreso than before. Plus i got a dreadful headache later in the day. Is this normal. I had gone down to a bottle of wine every second night before I stopped altogether. Are these withdrawal signs or should I be having any?


                        Day 3, fear rules

                        Could be some withdrawal. I have been exhausted and had headaches too. This is day 6 for me. Hang in there. It gets better.
                        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                          Day 3, fear rules

                          Sorry posted on the wrong thread.
                          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                            Day 3, fear rules

                            Day 4,

                            Once again, thanks all for your support and understanding. Got through the nite..into Day 4. Actually had breakfast this AM. So far, so good. My biggest fear is being somewhere I can't avoid, and the actual pressure I put on myself to drink....just to fit in. I think my inclination to fit in is more powerful than the actual craving.


                              Day 3, fear rules

                              Good for U

                              Congrats on Day 4. I started drinking to fit in, and look where it got me? Sick and alone. I am working on changing my playmates. The drinkers have been calling for two days and I fear the weekend. I have been ignoring their calls, but I feel bad. I went back to AA last night. It was difficult and humbling, but I got up and got the 24 hour chip. There were a couple of people there who knew me from where I used to live, so it was even more difficult, but I did it. I don't give a crap what people think anymore. I am Fighting for my Life.
                              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)

