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ODAT - Friday

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    ODAT - Friday

    Such a lot of positive stuff on yesterday's thread and lots of lovely new people too mixing with the more established and everyone in between. It's here for new and old - for people starting, restarting, continuing and developing their relationship with Al. I am looking forward to seeing who posts on here today and the 'theme' it takes on!!

    The day out on the little boat was just fantastic. Blue skies, breezy and sunny and we moored up in the afternoon/evening at the most delightful little staithe and Griff Rhys-Jones was on the boat next to us doing some filming for a new series. He was a really nice, unassuming guy and was treated just like all the other boat people there - ie we all watched as he did tricky manoevres with his sail boat to make sure he didn't hit our boat!!

    We had some lovely food and for me the day was very easy. Just chucking a couple of ropes about really. Lovely dinner in the evening and I did drink wine - up to my (self imposed) limit. Al nearly got the better of me - I got that sort 'sod it' feeling and took the glass of wine that would have taken me over. I sipped it and it didn't taste so good (a different wine to the one I had been enjoying) so I put it down and didn't go back to it.
    I figured that it was a big thing for me to go over the mod limit and that doing it with a glass of wine I wasn't even going to enjoy just wasn't worth it. So I feel a little heady this morning (late night, early morning and dehydration too) but I am very pleased I took control and was able to put the wine down and leave it. Not something I could have done before I found here. :H:H

    But that was yesterday - today is today. Another ODAT. Hope everyone has a really great one.

    Love to all.

    Bessie xxx

    ODAT - Friday

    Had a rough night last night, was at the hospital, a friend had a bad needless to say the AF night didn't make it......

    I think she'll be okay, I'm taking the morning off work.I'll keep you posted.......I'm a little upset right now.
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      ODAT - Friday

      Thank crunchie it's friday!

      Hi All!
      Best wishes to all for a good Friday today, roll on the weekend!
      I found yesterday one of my most difficult days so far but i got through it and also got a piece of work finished which had been looming over me like a black cloud so this morning I feel a lot better. My 3 year old is just up out of bed and has started his day as normal by moaning about everything. Is this is a boy thing? - he moans a lot and is very whiney. In the middle of it all he can have fun but then it is almost like he feels he has been rumbled and just goes back to moaning again!. I have a 5 year old daughter who is not this way at all, she is still in bed and will get up soon bright and breezy as usual. I need a COFFEE!
      There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


        ODAT - Friday

        Good Morning ODATers!!


        Bessie, I am so glad you had fun on the boat AND were able to stay mod. Good on you!!

        Uni, I read on your other post about your night. :l:l Thinking of your friend and her children. I hope all turn out alright.

        Bandit, Every child is different. Both of mine were day and night. You get one figured out and then you get to figure out another one. It sure does keep you on your toes.

        Everyone else, please have a wonderful Friday and I hope everyone meets their goal today, whatever it may be.

        AF April 9, 2016


          ODAT - Friday

          Yep, I too used to do housework before finding this site.!
          I hope everyone has a good day today.
          I have a meeting with vicar to discuss wedding hymns this evening so am determined to stay sober today.
          ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


            ODAT - Friday

            I was up bright and early this AM when my alarm went off in the dark. Oh wait..... that wasn't my alarm, it was my dad calling. (same thing I guess). :H Bless him. I can just see the puzzled look on his face when I say I'm sleeping, call you later. But I know it's over and I get up, much to the delight of the pets.

            Brother got in last night just in time for organic roasted root vegetables and salad.

            Going to do the sauna and soak and then go to the hole.

            Bessie, the boat sounds like fun. I live near a lake but rarely go. We have a little fishing boat but it's a work in progress as are all of hubby's projects. I would faint if he actually finished something he started. Good for you for putting down the wine. I would feel very proud when ever I did that. To say no to AL is SO empowering. BTW, I did some shopping for you the other day but have yet to find success in that venture.

            Uni, I posted on the other thread too. Thinking about you.

            Bandit, I thought of the 7 dwarfs. Grumpy and Happy. :H Are you snow white?

            Cindi you are sounding very strong lately. Good for you.

            Morning One & Chelle. You should use the site as a 5 minute reward for each housekeeping task completed. Make that 10 minutes :H

            To all and all to come. No matter what, find some joy in this day and celebrate it!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              ODAT - Friday

              Good morning all ---- just a quick note --- got a game of golf on today, so have to run..... but I made it through day 2 AF last night ... and feel so much better for it. However, now the weekend plans have included Saturday night ribfest with friends here .... and there will be lots of wine ..... I'm hoping to mod just like Bessie did..... and I'll be very happy if I do ... will mean I've gained some control! I'll check in later .... good day to all of you --- let's stay strong!


                ODAT - Friday

                Looks like rain today....or should I say wet feels so good this morning.One of my orcids is in bloom and thats a miricle because I barely tend to it.The start of another busy weekend.Stay strong,stay happy!!!
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                  ODAT - Friday

                  Day 7 and very nervous

                  The weekend looms and the drinking buddies have been calling. I have been ignoring the calls, but I feel bad. They are not bad people. I just can't be around it right now. They are not close enough friends that I can confide the truth, so not sure what to do. I do have an AA meeting picked out for tonight. I went last night and met a few women and got some telephone numbers. My boss blew me off yesterday, so I don't know what the deal is with my job. Doctor has kept me out of work until Monday. I have plans with my sis for tomorrow. She is not a drinker. I am working on it. I actually got physically sick to my stomach this morning thinking about it. Think my brain is trying to tell me something? Hope everyone has a fabulous Friday
                  "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                    ODAT - Friday

                    Good morning from Philadelphia to my new friends...

                    Today is day three for me - feel great. About teh grumpy kids - My girls are 16 months, 9 and 14 and the two older ones are grumpy almost every morning. I am a morning person, so now that I am AF I am even MORE chipper and happy in the a.m. (no hangover) which annoys the hell out of them.... The little one is always happy to see me though! The weather here is nice this morning....going up to 89 degrees with not too bad humidity. Lately the humidity has been "hair baramoeter" has been out of control. I look like I have a fright wig on! Anyway, have a busy weekend planned...the middle daughter is going to the beach and Saturday we have a flea market with some neighbors which will be fun. My basement is FULL of useless old stuff. Problem with doing flea markets is that I just end up buying other people's crap with the money I make selling my crap...! Hope everyone is well and I hope to stay so busy this weekend I will not be tempted! Fingers crossed!

                    All the best - Kat

                    PS - Universal - I am so sorry about your friends. I will keep them in my prayers. You too.
                    "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                      ODAT - Friday

                      Wow, alot going on here already this morning. Uni--I haven't read your other thread yet, but want you to know I hope all is better today!
                      KBCE--we have a lot in common-=like our hair and the flea market thing! I love them, and auctions, and garage sales, but I have so much stuff that I don't need any more. I might gather up some clothes and take to Goodwill today though!

                      Going with hubby to Dr. this afternoon. He is finally going to have his foot checked out. I suspect he has been walking around on a broken bone for 2 weeks-- but he is convinced it is Gout! Was a little put out with him and the way he treated me last night, so not really looking forward to going with him. I'm picking up on a pattern--his mom was over for supper it was her birthday--I can't even describe it so won't try--but he just has his little "digs". Like the house is dirty (it is) he didn't know someone else had a party (I told him)......Thinking back, he does that when we have company. Wonder why--or am I just overly sensitive?

                      Also had issues with 13 year old son. He was staying with a friend in town, and couldn't be found. Turns out they were at the lake--after being told he could NOT go there. I was SO ANGRY--Mr. AL raised his head, and said " Boy, wouldn't a drink and smoke just calm you right down?" No wonder so many drink during stress--I mean I could hear it loud and clear. But really didn't consider giving in. I guess I really am getting better!

                      Well, this is too long--sorry. I hope everyone has a great Friday and weekend ahead!:h
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        ODAT - Friday


                        Yes, teenagers can definitely make you want to drink. So glad those days are over for me. Now it is staring my son and his wife right in the face. Three more years and their oldest is a teen. heh heh heh

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          ODAT - Friday

                          Hi guys,

                          LVT - I had it out with the BF last night too. I was obviously upset and he was so insensitive - he treated the accident as if it was a minor fender bender instead of the serious crash that it was. My friend and her girls are so lucky. And what does he do? He goes out drinking with his buddies and I couldn't get a hold of him all night. When I finally did I told him how angry I was that he didn't even at least text to see how they were doing and he hung up on me. This is not normal behaviour for him but needless to say I am PISSED off......

                          Anyway, update - mommy is released - nothing internal, girls, one has a broken collarbone, the other they think has a couple of broken vertabrae in her back (poor thing, she's only 7) so they are keeping the girls a couple more days. This is sad but good news because they are lucky to be alive. Obviously they had some angels looking over them........

                          Love you guys.
                          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                            ODAT - Friday

                            Morning ODATers!

                            Just a quick note before a full day of house projects with my buddy here for the weekend. We had a great evening with a BBQ and lots of giggles. Didn't manage AF (guess I knew I wouldn't) but did manage only 3 (actually about 2 1/2 half!) glasses of wine only! Amazing for me. Wish I would have held at 2, but oh well. At least it was not the normal 2 bottles! Baby steps ...

                            Hope everyone has a great Friday and makes the goals ..

                            Love you all!



                              ODAT - Friday

                              Nice baby steps! I slipped last night but stopped at 2 glasses What is your goal for tonight? Got anything on the grill tonight...LOL!!
                              LTG AF January 13, 2011

