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Redundant from job and tempted

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    Redundant from job and tempted

    Have not posted for a while, as have been on holiday and very busy. Have been trying to moderate, with some success, but have fallen hard a few times (mostly when on holiday). Have just found out I am being made redundant from my job (which I love). Am so tempted to get drunk, but know this will not help. A good friend from work has telephoned me twice this evening, asking me to join her and her friends for drinks in town. I have turned her down, but really want to go. If I do, I know I will get hammered and then regret it, as they drink loads and they have been in the pub all day so far! Hubby is away tonight, so I can do whatever I want. I know I need to stay put and not join my friend, but ..........

    Any advice on getting through this situation without drowning myself in booze would be appreciated.

    Redundant from job and tempted

    Hi Leolady, Redundant from job - does that mean your employment has ended? Not quite sure. Assuming so, I am sorry about that! Maybe you could ask your friends to meet you somewhere for breakfast tomorrow and then, in the morning, you'd be less likely to over indulge? Just a thought.

    I plan to go home and dig in my gardens this afternoon and stay AF for today at least. Good luck to you!


      Redundant from job and tempted

      When the temptation is strong, my motto is to go to sleep early. Who cares if you wake up @ 4:00 a.m. ready to go? Far less temptation @ 4:00 a.m. than evening time!


        Redundant from job and tempted

        Thanks, LemonLover and luCKy for your really fast replies. Yes, it does mean that my job is coming to an end - will probably have to leave at the end of the month - my job is property law and the property market here is going into recession, so not enough work for everyone - lots of people in the same situation. I will stay on here for a while and read and then take your advice and go to bed, I think. Definitely less temptation at 4.00am! Good advice to see my friends in a less tempting environment and different time of day!


          Redundant from job and tempted

          Hi leolady,

          Boy, temptation beckons us at every turn! It's so easy to cave in - for a few "delicious" hours, that job will mean nothing. But we all know that come morning, you'll still be mourning your job loss, with a hangover! Our real estate is in recession as well, and many people who over extended themselves in the good times are losing their homes. Seems it takes hard times before we change our behavior. Am sure many of them are drowning their sorrows. But, our challenge is to face life without AL to buffer the feelings, so hats off to you for putting up some resistance to the old ways. Each time you get stronger you help us all get stronger as you share your story. Thanks for posting - you've given me more resolve! Take care--



            Redundant from job and tempted

            I'm very sorry to hear about your job but I was wise of you not to compound the problem with drinking; you will be much more able to think about other options with a clear head.


              Redundant from job and tempted

              Besides all the wonderful words of advice, I would as well, stay glued to this site.
              Being here, sober, has much more of an embrace , I have found, am finding, tonight.

              Turned down a social event tonight, for I knew it would turn into the pseudo~social : "See, I can drink for just fun" infront of everyone, for I dont hammer it down by the bottle, until I am behind closed doors.

              Good for you, for posting. Good for YOU, for hanging in there(here), just like the rest onboard.

              Wishing you well, and a pleasant night where you reward your self and your body/cells with only fresh air, and pure input into your being, thus you are comforted on a deeper level that what the drink pretends to offer.

              Bless You so,


              " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


                Redundant from job and tempted

                Hi Leolady,
                Know how you feel, i just try to remember how bloody horrible i will feel in the morning, good advice to catch up in the morning at least it will give you something to look forward to and when you see your friends you will be so thankful you didnt catch up after all. Dont know what time it is over there it is 4.32pm in the afternoon in Aus, so the night might be over and you are happy you didnt fold (hope so)
                keep busy

