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So sick of being hungover

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    So sick of being hungover

    It takes me 2 hours to 'pull myself together', then I have about 2-3 hours to get as much work done as possible before urge to drink hits me.

    Im seriously thinking of stopping the prozac if it actually gives alcohol cravings.
    Id rather be depressed, than a drunk..

    There HAS to be a link with prozac and drinking urges... Ive drank more in the past 2months that Ive been on prozac, than I usually do in a year.

    Fed up and miserable
    ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?

    So sick of being hungover

    Hi Chelle,
    Sorry u are struggling, I just wanted to let u know ur not alone. When I was on prozac it too increased my urge to drink (it made me feel more highly strung and anxious). There are other a-depressants that don't have that effect and increase the 'calming' feelings. Maybe you need to try another sort? Have a word with your GP?
    Best wishes :l
    Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
    Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
    For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


      So sick of being hungover

      Hi Evie, Yes I think its time for another trip to my long-suffering GP. It's hard to get an AF day in these days. I can manage AF mornings only, which is crap.
      ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


        So sick of being hungover

        Hi Chelle12
        You have got me thinking now. Ever since I started my antidepressents (venlafaxine) I have drunk more alcohol. It could be possible. Hang in there. AF mornings are better than nothing. You are trying. It might be worth you going back to your doctor and discussing in. Good luckXXXSeto


          So sick of being hungover

          my dear drugs and alchohol dont mix specially over the counters been there done it went to a facility sanitarium last march thts where they got me look at the side affects from your meds most of the time they dont tell you because they dont no or it will tell you and you wont like what you read your on the net look it up do your self a favor and your body you only got one gyco hope im not affending you it took me a long time to understand


            So sick of being hungover

            Gyco;362391 wrote: my dear drugs and alchohol dont mix specially over the counters been there done it went to a facility sanitarium last march thts where they got me look at the side affects from your meds most of the time they dont tell you because they dont no or it will tell you and you wont like what you read your on the net look it up do your self a favor and your body you only got one gyco hope im not affending you it took me a long time to understand
            Hi, Yeah Im well aware that drugs and alcohol dont mix, but if you're an alcoholic and on anti depressants then they're bound to 'meet' aren't they? I mean, Im taking prescribed anti-d's, but I cant stop drinking.

            My problem
            I know its a problem.
            Im trying to stop, but cant.

            ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


              So sick of being hungover

              Chelle, the following is from a thread under Topamax, etc. I have bumped it up so you can find it easily. If I were in your shoes, I would start tapering down on Prozac and make an appt with your dr.

              Jewell;267349 wrote:
              The paradox you describe regarding anti-depressants and
              increased craving may be explained by new research which has identified
              a genetic vulnerability in subgroups of alcoholics who respond
              differently to SSRI medications like Prozac, Celexa, Paxil and Zoloft.
              There's evidence that early onset alcoholics--those who begin drinking
              before age 25--may not experience reduced alcohol cravings and, in
              fact, may suffer from increased cravings when treated with those
              particular meds. Similar studies indicate that alcoholics with a later
              onset drinking pattern may show decreased craving with SSRI treatment.
              Still other clinical trials suggest that a decrease in depression may
              lead to reduced alcohol consumption overall, so treatment with SSRIs
              should always be considered.
              We're following this work with great interest because it may result in
              much more effective pharmacological options. For instance, in clinical
              trials, the drug ondandsetron (Zofran, an anti-nausea medication) was
              shown to significantly reduce craving in early onset drinkers. And it
              is even more effective for that same subgroup when combined with
              Something to keep in mind when you meet with the doc and it may explain
              why some of you on SSRIs noted an increase in craving while on them.
              Note that Wellubtrin is not included in this group; it is a dopamine
              reuptake blocking compound, not a selective serotonin reuptake
              inhibitor like the others.


                So sick of being hungover

                Hi again Chelle,
                I too just want to say that al free mornings are a start eh? And it certainly isn't worth beating yourself up. Have you tried trying to increase the time each day before you drink? Going out for walks etc (if it ever stops raining in the uk!)
                Just as long as you never give up trying...
                love Eviexx
                Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
                Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
                For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


                  So sick of being hungover


                  Arm yourself!! Have you tried all the tools on this site? Supplements and anti-craving meds may give you the early boost you need to get the drinking tamed; then you might have the energy and enthusiasm to exercise, eat healthy and tackle the hyno cd's to get you further to your goals. Everyone here will support you all the way, but it all starts with you. There was a time when I flat out told my husband that it was impossible for me to drink less, and quite frankly, I really didn't want to. But I've seen the light, so to speak, and know there are so many rewards in hangover-free living. There isn't a post I've read where someone regrets they sobered up. Join us!! Hang in there --



                    So sick of being hungover

                    Chelle12;362475 wrote: Hi, Yeah Im well aware that drugs and alcohol dont mix, but if you're an alcoholic and on anti depressants then they're bound to 'meet' aren't they? I mean, Im taking prescribed anti-d's, but I cant stop drinking.

                    My problem
                    I know its a problem.
                    Im trying to stop, but cant.

                    Actually you can you just have to want to and you have to do it.


                      So sick of being hungover

                      hi chel i was on valuum for years didnt like it and got off, it was my doctor who put me on them because he didnt no what else to do ,some doctors arent even tot what do with people with addictions,depression, and what ever ales us,but i do no if you gt rid of the boose for about a month, which ive done many times over the 37 years i drank,youll feel like a hole new person gyco ps it doesnt mean you hav to stop moderate i wish u well gyco


                        So sick of being hungover

                        Be careful with the SSRI's and if you are prone to alcohol abuse.

                        I have alcoholics in my family so I am genetically predisposed to it. Once I started Prozac my alcohol comsumption started to increase. It was also because I was suffering from Post Partum Depression with my eldest at the time, who had colic.

                        Once I switched over to Paxil a few years later, my alcohol consumption sky rocketed!!!

                        My mother came over one day and dumped the rest of my Paxil.

                        I went to the doctor again and was put onto Effexor. I went from Wine to Vodka. My life went down the drain - seriously!

                        Please don't drink while on medication. Go and see your doctor and tell them that you are drinking more on anti-d's. Your doctor will put you onto something that will help with alcohol cravings and at the same time will help your depression.

                        Trust me - been there, done that!!!


                          So sick of being hungover

                          I went on antidepressants about 3 years ago and gave a really good effort to stop drinking as per the directions from the Dr. and the Rx. Made it a while, but then fell back - WOW the first couple times I had such a horrible reaction, horrible headaches, natious, pounding morning after (even on only 2 glasses of wine) that I thought "this has GOT to make me stop!" I was wrong. I kept drinking. I gradually built a tollerance up I guess and it no longer bothered me. I know the alcohol counter-act the meds, and actually increases the needs for the meds for depression.....catch 22. I'm on day 5 of MWO, and am catiously optomistic. I am still thinking of wine, a LOT at times, but not to the point of making plans to go get it. This is the longest I've been without for a long time.

                          Maybe the antidepressants will start to work again!


                            So sick of being hungover

                            I'm a new member, and just reading your posts have me thinking I'm in the same position .... I've been on Cipralax (anti-depressant) for the past year and my drinking has excallated in that time as well .... although I'll admit I was pretty heavily drinking pre this med, but not to the extent I am now. My doctor (who prescribed the meds) knows I drink wine (but never questioned me as to how much).


                              So sick of being hungover

                              Thanks folks,
                              Since Im on 2 prozac a day, Ive decided to take 1 pill every other day, rather than suddenly stopping. I think my GP will just put me on another anti-d, which is no good because I dont want to go back to square one of suffering all the side effects of a new drug.

                              Also, rather than thinking "right this is going to be an AF day" and then fail miserably, Im going to instead try and expand on the AF mornings... see if I can stretch them into early afternoon/midd afternoon and eventually evening.

                              At the moment I really couldnt give a damn about stopping smoking, because although that's damging my health, the alcohol is damaging my health and also altering my mood.
                              I snapped at my partner last night... hate the way my personality changes through drink. I become a completely different person.
                              ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?

