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ODAT - Saturday

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    ODAT - Saturday

    Morning all.

    Jump on here for the ODAT thread - if you're feeling good or bad, going AF or mod, new or old, seeking help or giving support, checking on your friends or wanting to find some - it's here for everybody!!

    Remember it's just a day. Just today to have to work on. No need to even consider tomorrow just, yet any more than you need to dwell on yesterday - it's gone. Over. It's not a special permission to drink lots day. In fact, how about it being a lovely sober enjoying whatever you're doing day. The only time you need to think about tomorrow is to look forward to the hangover free morning.

    I had another successful mod day yesterday for which I am pleased and proud.....but I would still rather it had been an AF day. Moderated days are good - but not too many of them!

    Love to all to come.

    Bessie xxx

    ODAT - Saturday

    Morning all. I'm still in the hole. Gahhhhh!!!!. Another all nighter. The thought (more than a thought) of a drink passed through my mind more than once. I have never seen such a mess in my career here. And hubby thinks the receptionist is bright and quick and a real "get 'er done" kinda gal. He's in for a rude awakening. So is she for that matter. I don't take kindly to spending days cleaning up after someone because they didn't do their job before going on vacation. And there were three whole days she had! Cleaning up after myself is one thing, but what she didn't do is causing me problems because I can't do my job without the results of hers. BAHH!!! And hubby keeps making counter draws at the bank and won't tell me so I don't know what I'm dealing with when I pay bills. Grrrrr......

    OK, sorry about that. I haven't had a rant on here in quite a long time.

    Lets see.... Today is a GF birthday. I have a present so maybe I'll drive over with doggie and play for a bit. After sauna and soak. I really want to take doggie swimming. We'll see how progress in the hole goes. I have to get some things in the mail by 11:30 AM so gotta run make a cup of tea and get back to it.

    Have a weekend so bright you have to keep your sunglasses on!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT - Saturday

      Good Morning all

      Actually made it through a Friday night, Whew!! Day 8 today, and I actually have plans with my sis, daughter, and cousin. I would have backed out, had I been drinking last night. It feels so good to wake up on a Saturday morning and not reach over for a beer, to take away the shakes from the previous night. I am up bright and early, having some coffee, going to do my hair and nails and look forward to another AF day. Hope everyone has a great day and achieves their goals for the day. Hugs
      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


        ODAT - Saturday


        It looks like you might make your goal after all!!


        Wow, I can't even begin to imagine the mess you are in with that office!! All nighter on Friday? Hubby and receptionist on vacation? Counter checks so you have no idea what you have to pay bills with? Grrrr.

        Enjoy the sauna and swim. Enjoy GF's B'Day and relax a bit today. :l


        Yay!! You did it. It does feel awesome, doesn't it?

        Love to all,
        AF April 9, 2016


          ODAT - Saturday

          well good morning everyone ..have awesome day see ya later
          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            ODAT - Saturday

            I am going to try hard to make this "DAY 1--AF". I have been slipping so much. I seem to get feeling so depressed, that the only thing to do is to drink--then I wake up in the morning and feel even more depressed about myself. Also, ever since I have been trying/focusing on this alcohol issues, I have been having the worst dreams--they are all terrible, and I wake up feeling depressed because my dreams have been so bad. But I have to break this cycle somehow.

            I have been very impressed by "Sea". I remember when you first posted (or I first read your post), how down and miserable you were. How have you been so successful in turning it around? Thanks.


              ODAT - Saturday

              Greenie ---- that's so unfair to you.... I hope you make it clear to hubby and the receptionist what a mess you've had to deal with.
              Sea --- you're inspiring.
              I had 2 AF days, and then I thought I'd mod last night ... was happy to be out with hubby and shared a 1/2 litre of wine and no more. ...... then, after I signed off here last night, I thought "what the heck, I'll congratulate myself with one nightcap .... which ended up being about 3 stiff scotches .... and I feel so bad about giving in to AL. No hangover, but just guilty and certainly not as energetic as I was yesterday. Going to try hard to moderate tonight as we're entertaining, and then back to AF starting Sunday again.


                ODAT - Saturday

                OK. 3 days AF (first ones in at least 9 months, maybe a year?), and last night, day 4, I CHOSE to have one small cocktail, and two-ish glasses of wine, with my husband, not alone (which is my habit, to start a couple of hours before he even gets home, he's not home till after 7). I heavily considered remaining AF for a while, but decided I wanted to test my will power on moderate consumption. I think I did well (coming from 5-6 glasses per night, every night). I'm not sure I'll even want any tonight, which was nearly unimaginable to say only 5 days ago. The battle's not won, just a nice victory this morning. And you know what? Even with that moderate amount last night, my head was not quite as clear as I've enjoyed the previous 3 mornings. Huh. Learn something new every day. Good luck all, I do feel I've come here at the right time.


                  ODAT - Saturday

                  just getting started

                  Hi everyone.


                    ODAT - Saturday



                    You might want to change your name so that it is not your e-mail. Just a thought.

                    Glad you are here. Why don't you tell us a bit about yourself?

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      ODAT - Saturday

                      Thanks for the line. Not sure how to change but will figure out.
                      I live in NC and have been a functional alcoholic for years. Business wise. My wife and I are seperating and both my children are in bad shape. 24 and 30. I love to talk and mingle in bars with friends. But can't seem to stop and leave when I should.


                        ODAT - Saturday

                        Hi Jewellman! I know what you mean about lingering too long. I would grumble about having to go somewhere and then have to be dragged away. You must live near water - lake or coast. I really like NC.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          ODAT - Saturday

                          Hi jwellman!:welcome:
                          Just want to welcome you here. Sorry to hear about you separating from your family. It must be really tough for you. Do your children still live at home?
                          Hope you find this site welcoming and supportive as I have. Read posts and get to know us.
                          love Evie
                          Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
                          Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
                          For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


                            ODAT - Saturday

                            Hello ODATers,

                            I really like this thread Bessie. In the end, that's all we can do - ODAT! Sea - you're sounding so strong. Enjoy your time with you r sis et al., without the usual crutch, of course. Jwellman - you mentioned your kids are in bad shape. I presume it's because of your family situation, and not because they, too, have a drinking problem. The only reason this thought occurred to me was that as a reforming problem drinker, I watch my girls like a hawk for signs that they might head down the same path. So far, neither shares my old ways - and they know I'm on MWO and meds to refocus my energies. Your children are at a marvelous age - be sure to spend some time with them even though the family structure is changing. They still need you. Take care.



                              ODAT - Saturday

                              Hello All,
                              It is nightime here now and I will be going to bed soon as REALLY TIRED - but a good tired. Could not get to sleep last night but everyone was up late in the morning so it was not too bad. Had a nice day in the garden with my husband and kids. Got a lot of their outdoor toys set up that we bought recently and they had a blast. The weather here has improved and it makes such a difference, I know my moods are seriously affected by the weather. I also got loads of things done - laundry, windows washed, grass mowed, dog got a bath and haircut, de flead and wormed the dog and cats (5 of them) which they hate but has to be done! I know it all sounds boring but I feel so much better when I feel like I am keeping on top of things. I panicked a bit when my niece in law called to say she was paying a visit. She is a lovely girl but we have nicknamed her 'Uncle Albert' (anyone who has seen the English comedy Only Fools And Horses will know!) - she turns up out of the blue for dinner and then stays for weeks. I used to know by the amount of bags she had with her but since she has got a car I can't tell as everything is in the boot! This time she just came for dinner, we all had a nice time and she has just left - we're still in shock!
                              Anyway, I know it is earlier in the day in other places so enjoy the rest of the day.
                              Best Wishes,
                              There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.

