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Feeling Hopeful

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    Feeling Hopeful

    This morning is day 18! I can't believe I am saying that, I feel like a miracle has occurred. Call the Vatican! My first post "back then" I was so afraid because I nearly drank myself to death that night before. Today I feel so good and proud. And of course it hasn't always been a walk in the park, but the support of this site has been amazing and has kept me going when I felt like giving in or "rewarding" myself (yeah right, some reward - hangover!). I do the supps and CD's and feel hopeful that each day will get better.
    I haven't been the mom I wished I was because I found it so incredibly stressful. I thought I needed a drink just to prepare dinner, deal with baths, homework, etc. Now I remind myself that with all this new found energy, my reward comes in the morning when I bounce out of bed at 5 and get a few hours completely alone.
    Last night we had a really wicked storm. My 15 year old daughter was at a sleepover and scared. She asked me to keep my cell by me because she "might need me" (you don't hear that often from a girl that age!). We texted throughout the evening when normally I would have been passed out, and again at 2am. The buzz woke me up when normally I would've slept right through it in my little self induced coma. We texted for a while and she thanked me for waking up and being there for her. I felt immensely proud just over the little fact that I was there for her when she needed me. I think little reminders like that will keep me going, along with all of your support.
    Sorry, did not mean to write a book, but just so very grateful to you all and the MWO program. To all of you newbies who are frightened and scared, just keep trying, never give up. There is hope, and you will find it here and within yourselves!
    You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha

    Feeling Hopeful

    Good morning River and CONGRATULATIONS!!! Isn't it great to be able to show up for life. I often thought about what I would do if I was drunk and one of my kids needed me. I am also very proud that I made it through a Friday night!!! Day 8 today. I made plans with my sis, daughter and cousin. If I had been drinking last night, I would have backed out. Now I am looking forward to the day. I don't know if I told u or not. I brought the book to my doctor. She is a big advocate of the Campral, but said it is too expensive since I have no insurance. She put me on Celexa for now. I'm not sure if it is the Celexa or just me body freaking out over not have alcohol, but I have been clenching my jaw, have muscle tension and aches, and not sleeping well. I just took my third dose of Celexa, so really not sure what is causing this. My body must be freaking out with no alcohol for this long. I am reading the book. Thank u again.
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


      Feeling Hopeful

      awesome well done .. it only gets better and better.. keep up the good work
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        Feeling Hopeful

        tlrgs, thanks and I've been meaning to tell you how awesome your son plays! Future rock star! And Sea, congrats on day 8 - I'm so very pleased for you!
        My sleeping still suffers a bit, but the Calms Forte gets me back to sleep almost immediately.
        Enjoy your day with family today - well done!
        You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


          Feeling Hopeful

          River, I am so happy for you. What a nice story for you to share about you and your daughter. It's those little things we do with them now, that they will look back and see as big things that we've done for them. Your story was actually very touching.

          I love the point you bring about about "rewarding" yourself. So many people have to change their thinking that a drink is a way to reward themselves after a hard day or a drink is needed to properly celebrate something. This is where so many of us have gotten into trouble many years ago. Too much "rewarding" and "celebrating". Such a dangerous way to think.

          Great job on your AF days!! Keep up the wonderful work.

          Love, Me
          Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


            Feeling Hopeful


            You certainly should feel hopeful. For me, the longer I have been AF the better it gets.

            I have 4 girls (7,11,13,15) and I too used to drink through the nightly routines. All AL really did was add to the stress (and yes, sometimes it is still stressful). I've been AF for more than 5 months now.

            Thanks for the texting story. Now I'll tell you one of mine..

            Somewhere around AF Day 90, I decided to take the girls to the beach for the day. We had a fun day - kids played in the water though the water was cold, played soccer in the sand and ended up by buying t-shirts and ice cream. It was a hot day. When we got back to the car I asked my eldest for some cold water. She handed it to me and I said "bless you". She replied "I'm already blessed with the best mom in the world". Yes, from a 15 year old. I would have never had that moment were I still drinking.

            Keep accumulating those AF days and you will keep accumulating those wonderful moments.

            Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


              Feeling Hopeful

              Congratulations River and everyone,

              You've accomplished what you thought would be impossible a short time ago. Isn't that a wonderful aspect of life, that we get the chance to change and start over. We can't undo the past, but we sure as heck can learn from it. If you are present in the life of your 15-year old, you'll still be present in the years to come. They won't always admit it, but they need us at times. My youngest is in college, and she tells me of friends who have no relationship or a strained one with their Mom, and she feels especially sorry for them. Ours was also strained until I got the booze under control. Sobriety is such a sweet thing.

              And Sea, you're amazing. I'm still not so sure about thoses tatoos, though. But better than booze! Take care --



                Feeling Hopeful

                way to go river gyco


                  Feeling Hopeful

                  River, that is great! Wonderful that you are seeing so many rewards already.


                    Feeling Hopeful

                    Wow, everyone! I just check this thread and was amazed and thrilled at all the responses and encouragement. In fact, it is giving me "chills"! WOW!!!

                    Beck, what a beautiful story, thanks for sharing it. I love your last line, to keep accumulating those AF days and you will keep accumulating beautiful memories. I'll always try to remember that!
                    Love you all!
                    You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                      Feeling Hopeful

                      Good for you. You should be very proud. I have teenage kids also and it's amazing how different my relationship is with them now. You sound great!


                        Feeling Hopeful

                        I remember "meeting" you just after you joined - what a long way you have come!!

                        Keep up the good work, you are doing yourself proud!!!!!
                        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                          Feeling Hopeful

                          What awesome, inspirational posts! Thank you so much for sharing!
                          NF since June 1, 2008
                          AF since September 28, 2008
                          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

