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Only two drinks a day

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    Only two drinks a day

    Thank you, all, for the welcomes, and the good words. I've sent for the book and already feel so much better without that daily drinking. I can't imagine that I'll never have a glass of Veuve Cliquot in my life, but it had better be some pretty special event to risk that depression again. Where can I find the MYO acronyms and shortcuts? I had to read a few messages to figure out what AF meant, there are a couple more text things that I don't know--I'm not all that computer literate. Many, many thanks again!


      Only two drinks a day

      Welcome CE429 - a big one. 72 and still learning some stuff! I'll try and help with some of the acronymns

      AF - as you've worked out - Alcohol Free
      Mod - moderate/moderation as in drinking moderately
      ODAT - One Day At a Time - there is a daily thread for that
      OMG - Oh My God!
      Al/Alice - alcohol
      PMSL or ROFPML or similar wierd ones - all mean laughing a lot!! And there is a lot of humour on here as well as the deadly serious aspect of cutting down/giving up alcohol.

      Welcome again! You will get lots of support and advice and help on here.

      Bessie xx


        Only two drinks a day

        "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


          Only two drinks a day


          Good for u for giving up the alcohol all on your own. I am 9 days alcohol free and feel great. My energy level is way up. I look forward to reading your posts. Hope u will stick around. This is a Great place.
          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


            Only two drinks a day

            Hi CE429, :welcome: Glad to have you on board!! Cuting back or quitting al together has so many positives to it it makes the work you have to do a bit easier. It's a journey for all of us. Looking forward to sharing more of yours!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              Only two drinks a day

              WELCOME!!!!! Life is precious...grab a hold and RUN as fast as you can with it. AL gets the best of us. Here is to happy AF days!!!
              Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                Only two drinks a day

                Welcome ce429,

                Isn't it amazing that we think we're being moderate, when we're not even close! My Dr. (when I report the number of glasses of wine) always asks what size glass I'm using. By topping off a large glass, I was only fooling myself into thinking I didn't have a problem. It's so great you're willing to tackle this at 72. Now, you've taken away yet another excuse some of us might have tried! Hope you enjoy RJ's book - it launched a whole new world for me.

                And Bessie - thank you for the translations. I, too, stuggled with some of the jargon (I mentioned on another thread that I thought Evielou's tag line of "bustin' AL's butt" was referring to her HUSBAND).



                  Only two drinks a day

                  Thanks, Vera, it was so nice of you to reply. I'm so new at this, not computer proficient in any way, I'm sorry if I'm responding on the wrong page or thread or whatever. This site is such a great find! I'm getting so much strength from reading about others' difficulties. I start my scrip for Naltrexone tonight. I am just so surprised that years and years of what I thought was "moderate" drinking wasn't moderate at all, and probably the cause of extreme
                  fatigue and depression that has no other physical explanation. My mom died at 71 of a CVA
                  and alcoholism and I felt I was just about to do the same. 21 days AF tomorrow, I'm stunned with how easy it was, but I haven't been to a restaurant or party or gathering or
                  any kind of occasion where I might be expected to hold a glass! Had a Coke today, first in
                  about 50 years, it was kind of awful!
                  Have I replied on the wrong page? Could use some advice!


                    Only two drinks a day

                    "Bar drinks or did you pour them?"

                    That was a great question to ask - lucky you have a clever doctor. Congratulations on your success, welcome!
                    Drinking has been my hobby for several years now. It's time to get a new hobby


                      Only two drinks a day

                      Welcome ce429, I'm 7 days now..and like yourself, feeling pretty good. I've had 7 years AF a few years ago, started sipping about 2 years ago and I became depressed and tired like yourself. Seven days has made a big difference how i feel, and I know from experience, that it continues to get better... no matter what age you are. Watch out for those events, I'd keep my distance for awhile....and watch out for the small stuff, the minor things in life are what can nip you, and before you know it, your nipping again!
                      Good to see you, and the best of luck!

