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ODAT - Sunday

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    ODAT - Sunday

    A happy, peaceful restful Sunday to you all.

    Greeny - get your head out of that horrible hole and take doggy out somewhere open and free and spirit lifting. Only after you've got the receiptionists P45 sorted!!!! (actually I don't know if you have those in the US - here in the UK its the bit of paper you get summarising your tax details and earnings when you finish a job) Casey was right yesterday - boots on, kick arse!! Don't let them dump on you!!

    Bandit - laughed out loud at yesterday. Good weather does that to me too and I just KNOW what an achievement it is to worm 5 cats and wash and de-flea the dog!!!

    I slept and slept and slept last night. Bed early and then worried for a while about my pig with arthritis and what to do - she will have to be put down I think but there various options after that which need serious consideration. For once, I didn't set the alarm and only woke when the dogs were barking at 8.15 - so late!! Still, I'm taking that as a cue that I needed the sleep and need to have a quiet, ploddy day today. I'll still get jobs done but slow and steady. And I will be AF - there is no temptation, no need to drink. There is no wine in the house - only AF. No ice in the freezer either. Both those are temptations so they are banned!!

    Have a good day all.

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Sunday

    I tried yesterday, but didn't make it. I will be trying again today. Or is it already too late?? I think it is, as I am sitting here at 4:30AM drinking wine because I can't sleep.

    I love the posts of everyone who is doing it and are so positive and happy. Crap, I'd better stop writing and try to go to bed.:sigh:


      ODAT - Sunday

      Top of the day to everyone! Nurse...put AL down and get some sleep! He isn't doing you any favors right now! When you wake up you can start again with a fresh slate even though you might not feel the best but you always know that you can come here and get some advice from your friends.

      Bessie...good that you got to sleep in for a change. Life on the farm can get a little hectic from time to time! Got to run...big meeting in Kansas tomorrow and I still have to prepare all day to day. Hopefully now tornados! Don't want to end up in the Wizard of Oz!


        ODAT - Sunday

        Was Close but I made it!!

        Good morning all. I went to a Tatoo Expo yesterday, and I was getting mad cravings because they were serving beer, but when I thought about it, I would have spent the whole day in the roped off section were the AL was served and missed all the time with my family. Had a great time with my sis, daughter, and cousin. Yeah, I did cave and get another tatoo, but I did not drink. Bring on Day 9. I wish a wonderful Sunday to all.
        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


          ODAT - Sunday

          Mornin ALL,It is such a beautiful morning....The sun is shining the birds are singing and I am in love...Best of all,ALs is gone,dead and buried...Life is GRAND...
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            ODAT - Sunday

            Morning all
            Nice Sunday morning here although it looks like rain. Was able to only drink one 4oz glass of wine last night and I didn't want anymore!!! :shocked: Amazing! I think the Kudzu must have helped on that one. I took 2 caps about an hour before the wine.
            I'm still wanting totally AF days though because they're the best. Until then, I'll just keep trying. Good day to all and I hope everyone reaches their goals today.
            When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
            -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


              ODAT - Sunday

              Good afternoon all!
              Wishing everyone a good Sunday. It's a lovely day here in Ireland and about to enjoy dinner in the garden. Only downside is that I won't be able to enjoy it for too long as I have to head to my mother's later - not that I don't like my mother but would have preferred to have stayed here for the day. I'm only going for 3 nights but it might as well be for a fortnight with all the stuff I have to bring. She is minding my kids tomorrow as I have a hospital appointment and then on Tuesday I physically have to go to a work meeting. She's 78 but as fit as an ox and puts me to shame. My mother also has no internet access so I won't be able to log in here again until Wednesday happy ODAT for Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday in advance!
              And yes One2Many can so relate to that de-hydrated feeling. I was almost coaxed into getting guinea pigs by the kids the other day and was nearly going to but I think we will get another dog instead, our one needs a friend I think! - worst thing about the guineas was that I was stone cold sober and all... I am sure they are lovely little things but with cats and dogs all over the place not sure if that would be fair and that whole cleaning out the cage thing does nothing for me I am afraid. My hubby for some reason wants a giant flemish rabbit - apparently he always wanted one when he was younger and feels deprived! If anyone has one or knows anything about them please let me know! (flemish rabbits that is not husbands)
              There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                ODAT - Sunday

                Mingalarbar! (Burmese)

                Yeah, yeah Bessie, I know..... I can see the light at the end of the hole though! I cleared enough to clean a bit! My plan is kick butt tomorrow but in a nice way. I will have caught up on most of my work and have a nice clean office. I will kick ass in a nicely accessorized dress and prissy sandals with 30 AF days under my belt. SHE'S BACK!!

                I'm going to visit my dad today and take doggie. After we shared my last drink, he has decided he wants to drink and I am to bring him a case of Johnny Walker Black scotch mini bottles! Isn't that funny? I quit and he starts. He hasn't had a drink since his stroke almost 2 years ago. We used to knock back some scotch together.

                I may start yoga next week. I still have those aching joints and the edema in extremeties. It's starting to concern me. I'm not sure it's detox. I think it may be the tinctures or something I'm taking or combination thereof. I deserve to feel WONDERFUL!! so I need to figure out what is going on. Yesterday at the health food store I was chatting with the owner and he said "you have changed something.... exercising more maybe?" I said I had changed the way I eat (which is true) and he said well, you certainly wear it well. Big smile on greenie's face! AND, I was chatting with a receptionist as I waited for an elevator and she asked who I was going to see and then said well lord, I don't know what he's going to do with you looking so juicy and all! :H JUICY! Can you imagine? Juicy greenbean :H:H:H

                Sea, what's your tatoo look like?

                Everybody have a grand juicy day! :H
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  ODAT - Sunday

                  Day seven, it's the AM here in Canada, the sun is shining, and I feel pretty good about today. Went back to a meeting last night, it seems my cynicism about the meetings is diminishing...must be some sort of mental block. However, I intend to keep the meetings just as I need them, there's still a lot of negativism that in AA that I can't deal with.
                  Nurse, although it feels helpless, I know the feeling. A new day brings new attitudes....just overcoming the first craving will give you strength you didn't know you had, it'll be enough to get you through the next craving. I am thinking of you, and your post really helped me. Try substituting, a cold coke, tomato juice, iced tea...once you've committed to a substitute, the helplessness will begin to go away. My very best to you!


                    ODAT - Sunday

                    Juicy Greenbean! PMSL!! That is a fabulous name - that's what you will be from now on. All juicy and lovely and fresh and tasty! Bet that makes you feel good!

                    So much for my peaceful restful dayl. First thing is a neigbour comes round, asks if I know a little brown and white terrier they have found. Yes I do, take it back to it's home. Owners don't thank me. Go to feed piglets - 3 are missing. Fourth is bleeding from bite wounds. Hen's feathers everywhere too. Cutting the story short the piglets were found, the hen is ok (just missing a tail) and the bitten piglet has been treated. But all points to the terrrier. I will be having words. They won't necessarily be terribly friendly words. Before I knew it, it was 3pm and I hadn't even had breakfast!!!!

                    Bessie xx


                      ODAT - Sunday

                      New tatoo, shamrock above ankle, my name in Gaelic-Seacaillin- shamrock on top. It goes from my ankle almost to my knee on the side of my leg. It is Awesome
                      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                        ODAT - Sunday

                        ANother attempt - no this time this is it!! No al all day today = did the ironing, sorted the kitchen and then had a leisurely soak!

                        Onward and upward as they say



                          ODAT - Sunday

                          530 here and am still in my pj's and loving the day.. got to get my ass busy soon need to get things ready for tomorrow . got a long week plan and bessie hope you find your piglet have a great day everyone
                          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                            ODAT - Sunday

                            Hello all,

                            What a busy Sunday everyone has! It's a beautiful day in New England, and one small glass of wine while out to dinner last night made for a good rest and welcome morning. With the head clearer these days, find I'm appreciating things a bit more. Thank you all for your stories. Bessie, I'd have some words with the owners of that terrier. Perhaps they should do some "time" caring for your piglets and hen so that they'll think twice before letting the doggie roam. Sea - had no idea you were a tatoo girl. I prefer jewelry myself, but it's all in the way we adourn ourselves. Everyone - have a good and sober week.


                              ODAT - Sunday

                              greenie, you sound wonderful.... same to eveyone else that is doing well, and "I share the pain" with those o us that didn't have such a great weekend. I'm depressed, by my attitude, DH, the constant smoke and hacking cough I've acquired and the 3 bottles of wine I put into me. I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Im wearing depression green and hope to change my clothes for the start of my work stint. I'll be putting in 12 hour days through mid August and won't have the time or energy to do anything at home but shower and sleep and do the watering. Hugs, g. Yes please!! a picture of the new tatoo!

