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Allow me to introduce myself . . .

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    Allow me to introduce myself . . .

    Hello all,
    I've posted several times on others' threads, but thought it was high time I introduced myself. My story is remarkably similar to RJ's. Enthusiastic party girl in college, only to be followed by years of drinking for every reason under the sun. I think every "casual" wedding picture had me with a drink in hand. It was my "friend" through the lonely baby years, the stress of moves, the centerpiece of every celebration. Over the years, hubby naturally cut down while I just kept on drinking.

    Tried many times to control, but it wasn't until I saw an ad in the paper saying there were new medications to help chronic drinkers that I started to get serious. Went on Campral about a year ago, and cut down remarkably. However, found the siren song too strong and drinking started escalating out of control once again. Found the MWO site, ordered the book and cd's, and have been reading posts since late June. I have to say that I'm so encouraged. You all are an awesome group. Am talking to hubby about Bessie's piglets, Sea's tatoos, River's successes (and on, and on). I'm a neophyte when it comes to posting, but feel welcome here regardless. Thank you all.


    Allow me to introduce myself . . .

    Hello to you and as you continue working towards sobriety you will find a way to control or eliminate drink. Takes a long time...dive in and explore the ways people battle the bottle. It can be done, as many have fallen and got back up. :hello::waving::colorwelcome::besafe:drama:


      Allow me to introduce myself . . .


      :welcome: So glad you posted and shared.

      I think the book is amazing and the advice is so helpful.

      The people here keep me a little more sane, or maybe a lot insane, depending on how you look at it.

      AF April 9, 2016


        Allow me to introduce myself . . .

        Hi Vera
        It is good to get on here and read the threads, it sure kills some time, half my life is dissapearing on here, i am in aus and have to wait till you all wake up but it still gets me through just reading. It keeps me very busy and that is what i need, mind you i dont have life .
        keep posting


          Allow me to introduce myself . . .

          Hi Vera

          I know that u have been around for a little while. I have read your posts. I am from New England too. I live in NH. We are having an East Coast meet up in Boston on Aug 2. I don't know if you knew that, but I think it would be great to put some faces to names. I am told that there are about 9 of us so far. If you are not already planning on going, maybe something to consider. I have been killing alot of time on here also, but am cleared to go back to work today. I work for a Nursing Agency so I have to wait for them to find me some work. It really sucks, mortgage payments are behind. I have sent out a bunch of resumes to try and get a more permanent job, but my track record is bad. I look forward to reading more of your posts and hope u will consider the meetup. I will try to post a pic of my new tatoo soon.
          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


            Allow me to introduce myself . . .

            kool glad you are here and posted .. would love to hear more about you keep on posting
            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


              Allow me to introduce myself . . .

              Hi Vera,

              Congrats on your intro!! Amazing how similar and different all of our stories are, arent' they? There is always something in someone story we can relate to.

              Looking forward to hearing more from you.

              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                Allow me to introduce myself . . .

                Hi Vera,

                Thanks for sharing and 'introducing' yourself. For me this site has, like Cindi, kept me sane/insane at times when I've needed it most!!. This is THE best online community EVER and I'm so happy to be a part of it. The cross-section of people here is amazing and so diverse yet our common goals bind us somehow. Well that's how it feels for me!!.

                Look forward too to hearing more from you on the boards in the future.

                Love and Happiness
                "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                  Allow me to introduce myself . . .

                  Hi Vera-b!
                  Thanks for telling us your story, I'm so glad that you are finding strength and encouragement here. You will never need to feel alone again, we are all here for you!

                  This morning (day 20 - whoohoo!), I was listening the the CD's and a funny thought crossed my mind. The first day or two I was kinda pissed at the guy who was saying things like "You choose to give up alcohol, alcohol is beneath you". I'm like "you a**hole, don't tell me what to do" kind of thinking. The last few days when those phrases have been said "I think - DUH - I KNOWWWWW..." Things are clicking. . .
                  Keep posting and reading and above all, keep hope alive in your heart! We can do this!!!
                  Oh, Sea, I do want to see your tattoo. I'm thinking of getting the tiniest one ever to replace the scar on the inside of my wrist (the one caused from crashing into the dresser on my last drunken stupor). The scar is fading and I want to keep it as a reminder of how bad I let myself get. I do have one small tattoo and it was so incredibly painful I swore I'd never get another, but maybe the word "Hope" would be short and sweet.
                  Love to all!!!
                  You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                    Allow me to introduce myself . . .

                    :applaud::applaud::applaud: Great Choice !!!!!Welcome to our FAMILY.....
                    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                      Allow me to introduce myself . . .

                      Hi Vera--
                      I think it is cool you can talk to you hubby about your MWO friends. Mine just looks at me like I've lost my mind--so I keep it to myself. Which is hard.
                      It's almost like he's angry at me for not drinking.......I'm going to start writing in my journal again, so I can tell if I'm just being overly sensitive, or if I'm picking up the correct vibes.
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        Allow me to introduce myself . . .

                        LVT25, My hubby and I aren't getting on well, I also think he is mad at me for not drinking. I think he misses his party buddy, feels guilty when he does drink, and also a little "jealous". I also keep it to myself, but yes, it's hard. He is also jealous of my online posting and chat time. And I feel myself distancing myself from him so that he doesn't "pull me down". I feel vulnerable and can't be around him when he is drinking. And he drinks ALL THE TIME if he's not at work (he only works PT). I also find myself constantly defending the kids as he tends to "direct" from his recliner that he sits and drinks in all night. Probably one of the rockier times in our 18 years of marriage. . . but I feel strong, stronger than I have in a long time. I won't let him pull me down. Journaling is a great idea! I haven't done that in years. In fact, I'm going to go out an buy one today. Thanks for the inspiration
                        You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                          Allow me to introduce myself . . .

                          Thank you all!!!
                          LVT25 and River, what's with those husbands?? Sounds like they might be jealous of your accomplishments - the newfound confidence, serenity, hope that comes when we're not all messed up. Don't let them bring you down. I think it's against the MWO rules, anyway.
                          Sea - the meetup in Boston sounds great, but I have plans that evening - am meeting some friends who have been working the last year in Japan and are back for a visit. How do I find out about the next event? I'm just south of Boston, so can easily get into the city. Hope you get your job break soon - I'll say an extra prayer (I'm a church secretary, don't know if that will help?!?).
                          Cindi - yes, the book and cd's are amazing. I'm on week 3 of the cd's, and they are literally changing my head. I used to have brown eyes . . .
                          Chilli,Hippie and DeeBee - just goes to show that no matter where we're from, we can get in trouble with booze on any continent. I'm up for putting that in reverse, so that we can hold each other up from wherever. I wonder if our esteemed President thought of establishing a global network that talked about building each other up rather than tearing each other down - hummmmm.
                          Evielou - you have the most colorful greetings. I just learned last night how to put a picture by my name. You'd have thought I invented the internet.

                          If I missed anyone, my apologies. Thank you all for the warm welcome. I've had a good 2 weeks (a random few half glasses of wine - one a day, with many AF days in between) and fully intend to make this a lifelong commitment.


