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ODAT - Monday

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    ODAT - Monday

    Hey hey a new day! Thank goodness.

    I didn't end yesterday on a good note :upset: Got hit by a craving which I managed and knocked back with LGlut then it came back up on me later. I thought I was doing ok as I took half a hour to get to and through the first drink but that set off a splurge. :boohoo:: So lots of hard work today to get it all out of my system and make sure I fall into bed tonight tired and tired only. The dogs were happy though - I usually invite them upstairs to sleep on the bed when I have been drinking. I love waking up with them - my pack. :dog: They are quite cuddly and loving!

    So setting my cap at an AF day today - the start of an AF week maybe? I've been pleased with July so far (apart from last night of course) so ODAT I am going to make it a month to be proud of!

    Love to all.

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Monday


    Sorry about the bad day yesterday. It is amazing how one can set us off to 2,3.....

    I hate sleeping with my beautiful dog. I really do.

    Poulan (the dog) really likes me. I have absolutely no idea why but he does and when we sleep together, he snuggles right on top of my legs. If I move him, he waits until I fall asleep and then he is right back.

    He is warm and I am middle-aged, which means I end up sweating mightily, and he is heavy so my legs fall asleep and the pressure on my legs cause my hips to hurt.

    I love the darned guy but he does ruin my sleep.

    However, I do know without a doubt he would die to protect me and I guess you can't ask for more love than that. (Not sure I can say the same about hubby. :H)

    Have a great AF/Mod day everyone!!
    AF April 9, 2016


      ODAT - Monday

      After an AF Saturday I splurged yesterday as well. God I wish I hadn't. I have been having panic attacks for the last two hours and only slept maybe 3-4 hours overnight. It's so ridiculous. I can either have a very pleasant morning and then a miserable anxious afternoon and evening if I abstain, or the reverse if I drink. I hate this. I wish I could just put myself into a coma for a month and come back and be free of this. I need to quit being so lazy and tackle this. Going to go run now and see if that helps drive some of the panic out. At the very least I'll sweat some of this stuff back out of me.


        ODAT - Monday

        Sawubona! (Zulu)

        My ODAT is currently over my spouse rather than AL. No phone call from him for days. He never came home last night. (We are talking 2 week fishing trip, no cell phone, but has a calling card for those who may catch this and don't know). His truck is not at the office. I hope nothing has happened to him. I will call the campground when it opens and see if I can find out something. :upset:

        I talked to Rhonda Lenair yesterday. I am to stop alll supps and tinctures for a couple days and reintroduce tinctures one at a time. May be some other things I was taking as well. My system does not like heat (which I know to be true) so I am to stop sauna and steam room. And call my MD to be checked out. I really don't like going to MD. But I will do what I must. Last night was a painful one, and I had a restless sleep due to that and hubby. My brother left this AM. He looked at me and said "You have to get out of here."

        HarveyDanger;363322 wrote: I wish I could just put myself into a coma for a month and come back and be free of this.
        I felt the exact same way. Harvey, it gets better. Now it is a memory for me. A vivid one, but a memory. If that were the case though, you may not learn the lesson.

        So onward into the week, ODAT for whatever you are ODATing. AL, work, food, sugar, relationships - anything. Good luck and keep a smile on your face. It may fool the rest of your body. :H
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          ODAT - Monday

          Wow hope your husband is OK. That puts things in perspective. Drinking isn't good, but I know I'd be beside myself if my wife were missing.


            ODAT - Monday

            Well, he rolled in a little bit ago. A "What did I do?" look when I cried. He didn't think it uncaring to leave a message for me at the campground (whose number cannot be located anywhere in the house or on the internet), if I called rather than call me himself.

            I told him to not take money out of the bank as we were borderline at the moment. I paid myself the 401K money due me since the beginning of the year (which is supposed to by law be paid within 2 weeks of the payday). He hit the roof and demanded I lend him money for advertising. I said no, we were not gettingi into that again. That's what the line of credit is for! He is furious and said I have left the relationship, we are no longer a team, etc. . Ranted and raved said "thanks for the nice welcome home present". I watched all this and wonder how I managed to marry a child. He responds the same way each time he does not get his way. Thank God I am no longer drinking or I surely would right now.

            I have appt. with MD this afternoon. I may ask for a script for tranq darts to shoot at him during moments like this. Or perhaps self inject. :H
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              ODAT - Monday

              Good Morning all ODATers. Sounds like alot of us are having a rough time of it. Today is a new day so lets focus on that. I did drink last night too but didn't over do it so I feel pretty good today. Not hangover, etc. In fact, I'm heading for the gym in about an hour. I couldn't do that hungover for sure. Today will be AF for me and hopefully for those of you that want it to be. We can only do what we can day at a time.
              Best to all who come.
              When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
              -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                ODAT - Monday


                I am so glad you are sober today. Now you can make clear headed, rational decisions, not just react under the influence.

                I am not sure which way this relationship is going, but either way, at least you are able to really think through the issues.

                AF April 9, 2016


                  ODAT - Monday

                  Its ME!

                  Being a GOOD GURL pays off.... I FEEL GREAT! yup... I AM GOOD.... wooo ..... whoooo :H



                    ODAT - Monday

                    Hey guys,

                    I am still struggling - It has been a rough month for me. Last week was hard but thankfully my friends are doing really well - all are out of the hospital and resting at home - bruised and sore but thankfully alive!

                    Today is it - I am starting an AF run today - I've had enough of this crap this month........I am tired, I am not feeling well, and I am feeling completely out of shape - all to do with alcohol and smoking......I was modding so well and hadn't smoked at all at the beginning of the month when I was on holidays and now it seems it has all gone downhill so I am needing to pull up those big girl pants and give my self a good swift kick in the arse and get back in gear here.........

                    I WILL NOT drink today.............

                    Love and hugs,
                    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                      ODAT - Monday

                      oh uni...thats what happens you get sick and tired of back and forth...thats what Ripples did...put a :stop: to the bottle again. A good long break clears the head once and for all. Love to you need for you going through shit..when there is a WAY OUT. :l


                        ODAT - Monday

                        AUGH!!!!!!!! I am so annoyed with myself. I did very poorly this weekend and have been doing not to good even before that. I thought on Friday, “I think I will try to moderate this weekend”. Well, that was a lame-ass idea to be sure. Stopped at the state store to pick up a small bottle of wine, but saw that my favorite Chardonnay was on-sale in the BIG bottle…so there ya go. Friday I had 2 small glasses (really small, no kidding) and woke up fine. Had a big yard sale and had a great time…had a few glasses that evening (again, small) but nonetheless….and woke up feeling slightly groggy but OK. Went through the day happy and fine – took the kids swimming, fun fun fun….then cooked dinner…uh oh…the witching hour…still had ? bottle left (of the big bottle remember) and decided to have a few glasses…got ? way through the third glass, got totally disgusted and dumped that glass and the rest of the bottle down the drain. Took a magic marker and wrote “MY LAST CORK July 13, 2008” on the cork. So, so disgusted with myself I wanted to scream. Even though I never got drunk, or really even buzzed, I still drank and I am so angry at myself. When we went to the pool, my best friend was there with her cooler full of wine – I had no inclination to drink anything but sparkling water since I drove the kids. That is the thing – if there is even a remote chance I have to drive, I will not TOUCH alcohol, but the moment I get home and know I don’t have to drive anywhere…there I go with the wine! What the hell is wrong with me? I am such a damned hypocrite! I KNOW how good I feel when I don’t drink! I know I look better when I don’t drink! I know I am a BETTER PERSON when I don’t drink! I have a happy life and a wonderful amazing family! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME? OK. I’m over it. I just need to NOT have it in the house. That’s it. Got to pull myself up and just get on with it and NOT BUY IT! SIMPLE! It’s not damn brain surgery now is it? Sorry for the rant. Sometimes I am just such an ass!
                        "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                          ODAT - Monday

                          Good day all--

                          If you didn't catch my thread in general, a friend of mine was killed in a car "accident" on Saturday night. She's not a good friend I see all the time, but when you live in a small community and you kids go to the same school--well, lets say I have a lot of people I call friends. Anyway, I put accident in quotes because is it--when you go out and drink (i'm going to assume she was too drunk to drive) miss a curve a few miles from your house and hit a tree with no seatbelt on--is that really an "accident"? Her husband had received a phone call from someone that saw her on the road, and told him she was all over, so he and his son went to check on her. Unfortunatley they were about 2 minutes too late. So they both saw her immediately after it happened. Her son is 13. Imagine that! She also leaves a daughter who is 18. She was only 32. Makes me sick. It is truly amazing when you think about it, the power alcohol has. She would have NEVER made the choices she did sober. She loved her kids! She loved life! She will be missed.:h
                          NF since June 1, 2008
                          AF since September 28, 2008
                          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                            ODAT - Monday

                            ...and that is an example of why I will not touch alcohol and drive....I am so sorry for your loss and I am sending prayers for all those left behind. Damned AL.
                            "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                              ODAT - Monday

                              LVT - I am so sorry for your loss. My friend had an accident last week too that could have killed her (not due to al though). Shows you how precious life is..........we all love our children, our spouses, our lives - that is why we are here - so we won't let AL ruin it.......

                              Best wishes and prayers,
                              Love and Hugs,
                              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

