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Same Old Song and Dance

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    Same Old Song and Dance

    Hi everyone,

    I found this site for the first time last week. I think it is awesome. I haven't been on since. I have 2 days AF!! I am very proud. Problem is, I really want a drink right now. This happens every time I've tried to stop. I know I should go right over and dump all the Vodka down the toilet. I just can't seem to do it. I'm hoping someone can help.

    Same Old Song and Dance

    Being here is already a great step! You can do this! Stay proud of your accomplishments and never quit trying. You have a whole army of wonderful warriors here behind you. Stay strong, post and you'll always find someone here who knows exactly what you are feeling & facing. We're all pulling for you!
    Wishing you strength,
    You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


      Same Old Song and Dance

      Ava, Stay on the threads, are you on right now? How about going to live chat? I drank alot of water with lemon. 2 days is huge !! Having AL in the house is hard for me, just can't do that. You will feel even stronger tomorrow if you can just hang on.

      It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


        Same Old Song and Dance

        jsut go ahead dump it out and do it you will feel so much better ..stay strong and busy you can do this ..we are here for you and write down how you feel right now and all the pro's and con's and you will see more pro's then con's of why you shouldnt drink ..good luck
        peace , love and god bless
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          Same Old Song and Dance

          Hi Ava
          I found when I first stooped drinking i had to get all the al out of the house. After I was further down the road I could be around it without it being a fight.Right now I imagine a very big fight going on in your head .One way to end this round of the fight is to get rid of the al.If I were you and really wanted to quit the drinking which i know you do, I would pour it down the drain.By pouring it down you are in control taking away the power it has over you.It will also not be their to tempt you at another time.Try the chat room people are usually their to help.
          Stay Strong And Keep Fighting
          Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
          AF 5-16-08


            Same Old Song and Dance

            Hi Ava
            One of our other teammates is going through the same fight tonight.I just read one of the other treads under special interests.I think it was "10 months" any way she said she just poured the rest of her al down the drain tonight and is starting her fight now.We have all been were you are.You have to be strong
            Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
            AF 5-16-08


              Same Old Song and Dance

              Hi Ava

              I am fairly new to this forum also. I feel as if I can come back (after a little bit) and the people are just as wonderful as before.

              I don't keep al in the house. I used to keep a "bar" in my house so I could have whatever I was in the mood for. Not having al in the house helps a lot.

              Listen to the people who have been here a while and are successful at fighting this demon. They know what they are talking about. I just went 10 days af and was so happy. I screwed up but started again and for some reason, felt a shift in my thinking.

              Keep going and come here often. This is the real thing.
              __________________________________________________ _

              Love yourself enough to walk away from what no longer serves you.


                Same Old Song and Dance

                How did the wine tasting event go last week (or weekend)?


                  Same Old Song and Dance

                  Hi Ava - Just made it through day one myself, I did put almost a whole case of beer on the curb for the trash men yesterday... Was releived to see it gone when I came home for lunch.
                  I made it to five days last month, but I kept the beer around, opened the closet and there it was... bad news.
                  Having a schedule helps, I plan what I am going to do when I get home from work. That way I have something to think about besides AL.
                  Well, I'm on to day two without the brew, and I wish you the best.


                    Same Old Song and Dance

                    Ava, GET AL OUT OF THE HOUSE!!!!He will lie,cheat,steal his way down your throat...He did it to me over and over.He won't ever live under my roof again,the MURDERUR!!!!!
                    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                      Same Old Song and Dance

                      Hi Ava,

                      Congrats on making you first post, the next step is tossing the booze!! When in doubt come on line there is alway someone to chat to and reassure you and help you throught the struggle.

                      YOU AREN'T ALONE!!
                      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                        Same Old Song and Dance

                        Welcome Ava! I am fairly new too and I just poured my wine down the drain two days ago and it was very empowering. I CANNOT HAVE WINE IN THE HOUSE. Period. I can have whatever else, but NO WINE. You can do this - the people here are amazing and supportive. We are all going through something, and together it makes it so much more bearable! Good luck to you! We are here for you!
                        "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                          Same Old Song and Dance

                          I am going to make it 6 out of 8 who say get the booze out of the house and the other two who didn't say it were I'm sure simply being polite and non repetative!! Better yet pour it out and take a picture of you doing it like DoggyGirl did here a few months back. What a hoot!, still makes me smile just thinking of that picture!! BTW, make sure you pour out any others that may be hiding away for safe know the ones I'm talking about!

                          I have been here 5 months now and the number one cause of relapse is getting too close to the "fire" and trust me, having a bottle in the house will burn you every time. If you need me to come over and do it for you, just PM me!!

                          Be strong!
                          Is Addiction Really a Disease?
                          Watch this and find out....


                            Same Old Song and Dance

                            I definitely cannot keep alcohol in the house. Had a few cravings today, but they passed.
                            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                              Same Old Song and Dance

                              Hi Ava,

                              I'll join the majority and say kick AL to the curb. The mere fact that it is calling to you should be your first hint that it will not leave you alone. I find coming on this site with the subliminal cd playing on the headphones is better that any cocktail hour. It is affirming, it is healthy, and I get such a lift from the wonderful folks here. Make this your new habit. Don't wait a week or so inbetween, especially at the beginning. I'm amazed at the number of "senior" members who give such great advice to those of us early on our journey. Hang tough - show the AL who's boss!


