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    Good Morning All! Day 2 AF for me here in in the Northeast. Woke up feeling great. Thank God. Last night found out that we had a death in the family (elderly relative) and the funeral is Thursday - I have to read at it. Major stressor, good time for wine, but I didn't! AND I WON'T.

    My eldest and I watched a show last night called "Intervention" on A & E. Has anyone seen this? It is heartwrenching. I am not a fan of reality shows (my reality is drama enough thank you!) The woman on this program was a raging alcoholic (she never drank before she married her 4th husband who was an alcoholic drug addict who died from AL complications 6 months into their marriage)...she went from beautiful career woman to a big mess. Ruined her family, etc. The did an intervention and she went to a 90 day rehab and the change was miraculous! It make me cry. It really hit home - not that I am anywhere near that stage, (she was drinking those big jugs of vodka every day) but AL is a beast and can get out of control so quickly - there but by the grace of God go I! At one point this woman's 17 year old son said "you missed out on my childhood because you were drunk all the time" much of my kids lives would I have missed if I didn't stop now? It makes me shudder to think about it. It only makes my resolve that much stronger. Gotta be AF cause I sure as hell can't moderate - at least not wine and I need to be AF for as long as possible. I do not think I can ever go back to drinking wine :upset: but hey, that's life. You know, it's funny - most nights I "wouldn't have time" to sit and watch a program after the baby went to bed...too busy drinking my I have loads of time. Even had time to cook a bit batch of buckwheat pancakes for breakfasts this week as well as a bunch of grilled tofu with ginger for lunches. Went to bed at 10:30 AND SLEPT! I pray I can do this. I ordered some supps so I hope they come soon.

    Hope everyone has a beautiful day (even in this hot and humid weather...YOU SHOULD SEE MY HAIR!!! :H

    "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


    Hi K! Congrats on 2 days!!!

    I saw a little of that. And did hear the son say that, about missing his childhood. It hit home, and made me sad. My girl is 12, and I HOPE I haven't missed out on too much, but I do know, I lost alot of excitement about her life, as well as mine, while I was drinking wine. Its funny, I remember years ago I would never drink by myself because it would make me want to go out. Somehow, that turned into drinking by myself and rarely going out. How and when did that happen???

    I'm only on day 5, but feel fantastic and optimistic. I'm hoping that I can do this too. I don't want to moderate...I know I can't TODAY, but tomorrow my "beast" may try to get me to believe otherwise.

    I'm sorry to hear about your loss, and the fact you have to face this only 2 days into being AF is tough, but you sound strong so use that.

    Good luck to you...I plan on being here all the time, so if you need a shoulder....
    "Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."



      thankx for sharing and geat job on 2 days af..and those intervention shows can really hit home ..
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..



        Panacea - thanks for the kind words. It is sad, but she was very ill and very old. It was her time.

        This place really is great. I went AF for 14 days, then July 4th hit and the wine floodgates opened again...sigh. Holidays are hard. Fireworks without wine is really hard! lol

        I have three kids - 14, 9 and 16 months. I have talked to my 14 year old telling her a little about what I want to do - being AF. She said didn't even notice I was drinking the wine to excess. Guess I hid it pretty well....even so, I want to remember EVERYTHING from my kids and my marriage. After three kids, my brain has totally been sucked out of me....I need to preserve what little I have left and not pickle it! Congrats on day 5 - that is awesome. I wish I could moderate, but I know myself too well. It is way too slippery of a slope and I am just trying to get my balance now! Talk soon!
        "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:



          Congrats KBCE,

          Keeping plugging away. I know your children will be a major beneficiary, but sobriety is a great place for us to be as individuals. It ages us and costs us dearly in so many ways. I missed the "Intervention" show about alcohol - but saw the one where the young girl was fighting an addiction to crystal meth. So scary. Enjoy your AF days - they are precious, indeed.




            If anyone gets to see this show the next time it is on I high recommend it. It really is eye opening seeing the addiction from the kids eyes. Even though I was a child of an alcoholic this show really moved me. Helped me remember why i want to stay sober so badly. Catch the show if you can.



              Hi Time, YES I watched that show intervention is on EVERY monday night here in salt lake city sure keeps me green and full of HOPE



                I love Intervention as well, it's a great show and really shows you how you can turn it all around.

                Hot and humid here too, not good hair days indeed.
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



                  I remember an episode a while back where the mother (a June Cleaver) succumbed totally to AL. Her kids would find her lying drunk on the lawn, etc. During the pre-intervention one of the boys said they wish she would die because they were so embarassed. The boys went to live at their grandparents and she was drinking mouthwash. By the time she came out of rehab, hubby had filed for divorce.

                  Beaches, bet your hair looks cute!
                  Enlightened by MWO



                    Hi everyone,
                    We could all end up like that poor woman and her kids unless we escape AL, and I pray that by the grace of God we all do.
                    make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.



                      I just remembered that in high school, a friend of mines Mom drank alot. We came over after school, and she was passed out in the bathroom. We had to pick her up and put her into bed. His house was always a mess, and we actually cleaned it once. We never really discussed it after the bathroom episode. He was so embarrassed about it. We just pretended it was no big deal. She died about a year later.

                      How come I just remembered this? Wasnt drinking that day, just put it out of my mind.

                      Thank God I'm here.
                      "Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

