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    I am new to this bare with me. I am 25 years old. I have drank atleast a 12 pack a day for 10 years. I am very addicted, and never realized it until recently my wife and I split up. I made an agreement with her that I would quit drinking and we worked things out. But over time I just went right back to it. Now she has left me for good. I lost my job because I don't have any energy, and I am depressed and sore all the time. My family says they see a huge change in me, but all they do is lecture me. I have lost interest in all of my interests. My life is falling apart because of this stupid little can. I have tried and tried, and I have no friends to support me. PLEASE HELP ME!! How long do I have to suffer before the cravings go away?


    dolphin;364154 wrote: are so young..good for you to be wanting to stop..have you been to the doctor yet??,he might give you something to get you thru the first few days...stick with us,,you will find it helps and theres loads of advice about supps etc...well done again for wanting to do something about your drinking..
    It's good you found this place. Dolphin has a good point about going to the doctors to help you get through the physical withdrawls..stay here and read as much as you can about how people are coping and dealing with this. Post as much as you want; we are all here together and all willing to help. :l




      My Way Out is a wonderful program with many, many success stories. I always recommend reading the book first (it can be downloaded or purchased right here-I bought mine on It outlines the program and there ARE supplements that help with the cravings. A change in habit is also important. If you drink beer at 5:00 every evening like I did, come here and read & post instead. Or exercise. Or whatever else you like to do. At first you may have to force yourself. Change your drink--lots of water is great to help flush your system--with lemon is good. I found at first a glass of tomato juice or a can of diet pop--the can at least filled that void.
      You will get lots of support here!!
      NF since June 1, 2008
      AF since September 28, 2008
      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:



        I went to the doctor........he percribed me prozac and some anti anxioty (excuse my spelling) meds. They screw me up so bad I can't take them. And how can you take meds if you drink like a fish every day of your life.



          That is a big one. Nothing replaces the tast of beer. I have tried water, but sometimes I don't think there's enough water in the city water plant to replace that cold can after a hard days work. I can't stand pop/soda or any sugar based drinks. I have even thought of buying 3 or 4 cases of NA beer but its very hard to find where I live




            I agree, you should see a doc. I drank almost that much beer and I had terrible withdrawal for about 5 days. Alcohol for me was all about loss too. So many jobs lost, never a normal healthy relationship. Let me know if I can be of any help as you begin your journey. The first time I got sober, I was 28 and I stayed off of alcohol until I was 39. You Can Do It!!!!Hope you will stick around. I look forward to reading your posts.
            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)



              Welcome... Welcome!!!There are many people here to help you .Many that really care and you can surely count me as one of them.If you can get a few days sober and you want to take the choice of alcohol away then the drug you might try is Antabuse.If your partner knew you were willing to take that daily then they may give you another chance(if you want them back)?You can order it from Riverpharmacy without RX...Spent alot of time reading this site.There is so much HELP here and since you found us,you will never be alone in your fight again...I look forward to getting to know you...
              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!



                He proscribed me ativan, which caused me to shake violently, I was weak and light headed. So I stopped taking that and continued the prozac. Went back to the doctor and he replaced the ativan with buspirone. That caused me severe insomnia. I still haven't slept in almost 48 hours.



                  Sorry, didn't see the other posts. You already did see a doc. My doc gave me Ativan for the withdrawal. It did kind of knock me out, but it helped. I had stopped drinking at that point though. Never been on Prozac. I am on an antidepressant called Celexa. Too soon to feel any effects. I will go off of that after a short while I am done with the Ativan.
                  "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)



                    I loved that girl so much..........she was everything to me. That is why I'm doing this at such a young age. I am determined to fix this problem. So how much money am I looking at for that Antabuse, and the books to help me. Remember I just lost my job.



                      Probably less money than the next case of beer you I have not stopped drinking but I just got done trying and Just failed. I even gave in and went to the gas station and said "I'll just get one" came home took a couple sipps and dumped it out. I was so proud of myself. Now I'm back to that 12 pack.



                        Hmmm...I find that a strange choice to replace ativan. That drug causes many people anxiety/sleeplessness. He should have given u valium or librium. Something to help you relax. You may have to call the doc again. Medication is always trial and error. Sending positive sleep vibes your way.
                        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)



                          At what time of day did you take the Ativan..........I'm scared of that stuff now



                            I took one milligram every six hours. It was odd. The first dose wouldn't really affect me, just help with the shakes, but after the second dose, I would crash. I was out of work too, so I was able to crash when I needed to. I was able to taper off after about 5 days.
                            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)



                              Lately since she left me I haven't been eating good no matter how hard I try, I never sleep good, and I drink lots of coffee in the morning, and lots of beer at night. Maybe the ativan could help me and it wasn't the reason for the side effects. I'm just worried about it, I have never had that happen before I took that pill

