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    Hi Sun.

    We all can relate; there is always that one last straw that breaks the camels back..
    The people here are amazing; they truly are and there is always someone here when you need a helping hand.



      Raising my hand to "testify" along sides you all! Just read some update on the supps and I found some inspiration. I believe, now, that my doses have not been high enough? Oh, my goodness, because I did not experience any difference. The GABA, as Evie~Poo, spoke of , has been wonderful in the way I feel physically as well as The Amino Acids. Will be uping the Kudzu after ordering more and the L~Glut and continue to read and read and listen and look and take in anything and everything.

      It is the presence of being here, around this spirit and the kinship that permeates these pages that inspires in the moments I for one would be under the covers, world shut out.
      There is no place like this , here , on this planet that I know of.

      My eyes are getting adjusted to the light more and more.

      " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales

