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    Hi all !

    Hi everyone, i'm new here. Been AF for 2 weeks now and i start on Campral today. 2 x 333MG tablets, three times a day. Can anyone tell me if they work or if any side affects have been experienced?

    Hi all !

    Hey Crazy - just wanted to say "Hi!". Unfortunately I can't give any info regarding Campral either but I do know there are those who can on this forum. I'm one of those trying to mod - I've abstained twice before and that's really helped. See you around!
    Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


      Hi all !

      Welcome Crazy
      I am supposed to start on Campral, but my doc said it is too expensive, since I have no insurance. Do you mind if I ask how much you had to pay for it? I have heard good things about it, and my doc thinks it is good. Congrats on 2 weeks!!! I am coming right up behind you. Day 13 today. Look forward to getting to know you.
      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


        Hi all !

        :goodjob::goodjob::goodjob:I can't say that I felt much different on or off Campral...I drank anyway..Many others have good results with it...Topa made me crazy and could not think so I stopped...I am on only natural Supps. now and have Antabuse as an pill oft resort...Great on getting some SOBER time...It gets better and Better...
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


          Hi all !

          Regarding the price of Campral. Here in U.K. all prescription drugs are the same price subsidised by the National Health service. You don't need insurance like in the U.S. So sorry, i have no idea of the price.
          A prescription here is about ?6.00 or $12. Sorry i can't help any further...


            Hi all !

            Crazymiester, I don't know if I felt any different on Campral either. It did give me terrible gas. Like you really wanted to know that. I believe it is best for a heavy drinker to combat symptoms of withdrawal in your brain. I think my doctor prescribed it thinking anticraving. I drank anyway. My finding if you are not physically addicted to alcohol as I found mine was more of a habit and craving, the vitamins, supps and my good old will power worked best. Can't hurt to try Campral, I would always follow your doctors advise first and do alot of research and ask questions.


              Hi all !

              HI Crazymiester and a big :welcome:
              I don't know anything about Campral as I haven't tried it but am sure some on here will give you the scoop. I take Kudzu that I purchase from this site and it really does take my mind off the AL to let me get by the witching hours of 5 - 7 pm. then I'm fine. Other than that, I can't offer you much except that for me, just changing a routine a little bit helps alot. Keep coming back here and you will learn alot and get alot of support. Awesome place to be!!!
              When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
              -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                Hi all !

                Thanks anyway Crazymeister. Not liking the idea of terrible gas What I'm doing now is working so far. I am just going to add some L-Glutamine for the cravings. They seem to come out of nowhere. Yesterday was the worst though. I got through it Thank God. Have another AA meeting planned for tonight, and a woman who is depending on me for a ride. That helps keep me sober too.
                "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                  Hi all !

                  Thanks everyone but can someone please tell me what this Kudzu stuff is, how much it costs and what it does for you?
                  Sorry, i'm completely new here and have no idea about all this..
                  Thanx all..


                    Hi all !

                    Kudzu is an herbal supplement to help with alcohol cravings. I think it's best to get the stuff sold here--

                    NF since June 1, 2008
                    AF since September 28, 2008
                    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                      Hi all !

                      Kudzu is a vine that I think originally came from somewhere in the Orient,I think.They planted it in southern U.S. to stop soil erossion...or some stupid reason like that.They even tried to use it as animal feed but It got out of control and is now known as the vine that ate the south...For our purpose's it is used to stop alcohol cravings.You can get it at the health food store or if you become a subscriber here you get a free MWO book download and Kudzu mailed to you...
                      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                        Hi all !

                        Hi Crazy,

                        My doctor put me on Campral (same dosage as you - she said that taking the 6 pills a day is the way it works, i.e. they can't concentrate it to reduce the number of pills and have it work effectively) about a year ago. I found it very effective, particularly at first, in nearly eliminating the alcohol cravings. It seemed like magic to me. She explained that it works on a brain chemical in a way similar to AL, so that in effect it satisfies that need without having to drink. I have had no side effects whatsoever and have been on it - still am - for a year now. It is one of the safer medications in that it has few side effects, doesn't interfere with other meds, and will not hurt you if you do happen to drink. Now that's the good news.

                        What I found over the course of the year is that while my body no longer "needed" AL, my head still wanted it - badly. While I didn't revert to my vodka-swilling days, I did steadily increase my wine intake until I was out of control once again. That's when I found MWO, read the book and got serious listening to the cd's. They have been very helpful (am in the third week of listening) and feel hopeful once again. However, this time, will stay vigilant and will not let a false sense of security obscure all my progress. As a newbie, you may wish to read through some old posts to get more info. Good luck!


