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ODAT - Thursday

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    ODAT - Thursday

    Oh poop. Yesterday was a Dog Day (DD) I had a very bad mood bottle of wine. But actually didn't really enjoy it and am looking forward to being AF again tonight.

    The pigs escaped again yesterday and it took me forever to get them back in - 3 times! I had to re-arrange all the fencing and was very hot sweaty and bad tempered by the time I raced to the station to pick hubby up. I have been asking for MONTHS, in fact probably YEARS, for the field to be fenced properly. We have had all the posts and wire and gates for a long time now but somehow the money and time has had to be spent on something else that he has considered important. Like a patio! FFS :upset:

    The field is currently fenced with electric wire which is ok but once the animals get through it once they learn and do it again. And then the world is their oyster!! I have pointed out to him that being sued for an animal causing an accident on the road is likely to cost us waaaaay more than paying to fence the field. It will be done this autumn, apparntly, but in the meantime I will be the one having to cope with the escapees.......grrrr.

    Next time I will NOT let it tempt me to drink either. Tonight will be a dry one.

    Love to all.

    Bessie x x

    ODAT - Thursday

    Hi Bessie, One2M and all to come

    Sorry you had such a dog/piggie day yesterday Bessie. Stress is one of my big triggers, I always feel the need to treat myself!! The first glass/two is a treat, after that its all downhill. Am on Day 4 after the hols so very pleased with myself. I moderated well while away but was afraid that after two weeks of having a drink every night that it would be hard to get back into AF mode again but not so. All that AF time does count so newbies stick at it.

    Have a busy day ahead. Daughter has got the loan of a connemara pony for a year and is getting him this week so lots of preparation!!

    Have a great day everyone.



      ODAT - Thursday

      Morning Bessie!

      If I were you I'd just go ahead and have the fencing installed. End of story. You are the one home all day responsible for the animals. If hubby gives you crap about it, too bad so sad. How can you remain sane if you are wondering all day " have the animals gotten out?" " have the animals gotten out?" " have the animals gotten out?" " have the animals gotten out?"
      Ask your husband if he could focus on his job all day with these distracting thoughts in his mind?



        ODAT - Thursday

        Porky Pig!

        Hi All,
        Bit of a porker day for me yesterday too, broke my good AF run.
        I had been struggling badly since the day before but resisted going to the shops to get some. Then about 9pm, a neighbour dropped up two bottles of wine for my husband as a thanks for helping them get their car open a few days ago (they had locked the keys in it). My husband has been AF too, no way one of us could do and not the other - we'd kill each other!. Well, we just took one look at each other and it was almost a race for the corkscrew. We polished off both bottles with me having most of it. Anyway, not going to beat myself up about it. I still have yet to do 30 days and I think if I could, then I could really look at being total AF or trying to moderate. I know I have posted before about being committed to an AF life but what I want is to be free of the hold it has on me, there are still a few times when I would love to have a drink but then to be able to walk away from it. I am trying to do this on my own and I think I really need to get the MWO supplements to help, especially the anti-craving ones. Money so far has prevented this but doing some extra work now so I am getting them no matter what. I have decided that there are a couple of times in August when I am away that I will drink, stay AF in the meantime, order the MWO CDs and supplements, and then when I get back to the normal routine in September, stick to the MWO programme and really give the 30 days a go.
        Hope everyone is having a good day - defo an AF one for me - I paid for it this morning I'll tell you!
        There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


          ODAT - Thursday

          yea i agree with 67 ,what we put off today,doesnt get done,i no with myself when i drank thts what happened,then the nagging started,then the drinkin got worse,i guess a couple is good,and your here for support ,


            ODAT - Thursday


            Its are we today?

            Bessie: poop wine NO good, bad for the mood. NO MORE ... touch the fence ZZZZAP :H
            one2many: good thoughts for Bess. Damn pigs ... oink . oink . :sausages:
            rust: happy pony day, lovely to have a new pet .... no drinkie today . :sorry:
            1967: we all need a JOY attack ... tell Bess ... she needs that FENCE!!! :wow:
            Bandit: i am a porky piggie...i am eating so much, AF - anymore Food? :grannypants:
            gyco: no deal, one is too many, and too many is NOT ENOUGH, choices??? :choc:

            okay, i used too many smilies, too happy today....staying sober really sucks at times. it gets better everyone...really it does. don't let the little things get in the way.


              ODAT - Thursday

              Good Morning All,

              Just wanted to say thanks to EVERYONE for being a huge part of this with me. I've now reached day 7 AF, and I couldn't have done it w/out ya.

              Have a GREAT DAY!!!!!
              "Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."


                ODAT - Thursday

                Afternoon ODATers, have been still battling the broken shower in the bathroom - new part is "out for delivery" with a Courier firm. Getting really fed up with it. Have managed to have a few AFs though and otherwise max of 2 glasses of wine, so pleased with that. Will be more pleased though when I can put the bathroom back together and have a shower...... am definitely not a bath person!

                Sorry Bess' know all about those "bad mood" bottles, me too!



                  ODAT - Thursday

                  Good morning all

                  Sorry about your stress Bessie. I admire you. You never give up! Congrats Pan! Way to go! You CAN do it mwo2. Ripple you are too funny. My son the body-builder called last night and was giving me crap for not eating Never had a great appetite. Hope I didn't miss anyone, just waking up, having my coffee. Preparing for another Heat Wave. Thank God I got the AC in my car fixed yesterday. Day 13 today. Amazing. I posted on another thread or two about my close call yesterday, so I won't go on about it here. I am definitely going to add the L-Glut to my tool box today. I am working all weekend, so that will help keep me out of trouble. I wish a Great day to all.
                  "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                    ODAT - Thursday

                    I'd like to send hubby over to watch after the piggies. Bessie and I would both get a reprieve. :H

                    I'm living on ibuprofen at the moment. This muscle and joint swelling & pain is getting me down. At least I'm not living on Al. MD is running test for all kinds of things. All supplements are on hold. I feel like I'm 150 years old. The ibuprofen keeps it at bay, but when it wears off I go down quick.

                    Seems like some ODATs needed a group bark yesterday. :H Hope today is better for all. I get a masssage tonight. I hope that helps some. I think I'll have that 30 day reward of ice cream today as well.

                    Find joy today and cling to it.
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      ODAT - Thursday

                      Here's looking at you kid!

                      Hey Ripple - how the hell did you get that picture of me??
                      There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                        ODAT - Thursday

                        Good Morning!
                        Bessie: Sorry you had a bad pig day followed by a dog day:upset:
                        Back on track today though. I'll join you in an AF day today. I had one yesterday and feel marvelous today.
                        Everyone enjoy your busy day today. :l
                        When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                        -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                          ODAT - Thursday

                          Bandit;365196 wrote: Hey Ripple - how the hell did you get that picture of me??

                          Pan: day 7 (turning point) ... more changes coming dear. :heart:
                          M-MUM: broken shower ... wot a stink in the arse! anties:
                          SEA: give me a GOD-DAMN coffee, will'ya! :cupajoe:
                          Green: Cling on and DON'T LET GOooooo....:cheering
                          BANDIT.....Shhhhhhhhhh....lets not tell anyone....OKAY????
                          Greenhouse...its gonna be hot here in the NORTHEAST... :chute:

                          Love Rippy...


                            ODAT - Thursday

                            You are great, Ripple!! Hang tough!! :b&d:
                            When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                            -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                              ODAT - Thursday

                              aw .... where there is laughter or something is FUCKED up Rip has been there!! Add alcohol .... OMFG. can't help it, the simple things make me smile. Love to all ..... that is NOT me in the AVATAR... :bomb:

                              that poor woman needs a hug!!!! :l XXOO

