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    Hi all.....

    This is my first post so apologies if it ends up in the wrong place! I'm 47, male and from Cheshire, UK. I've been off the booze now for 38 days, which, for me, is pretty amazing as I've been a heavy drinker (Tennants super strength lager) for 30 years or more. Prior to giving up I was throwing up each night and basically displaying signs of liver disease, so it is really important that I stay off the hideous stuff; trouble is, as time goes on, I keep thinking that it wasn't that bad when I drank (although it WAS) and, courtesy of my job, I am under real stress at the moment, which really makes me feel like a drink. Thing is though, I think the MAIN reason I want a drink is boredom and the feeling of not "partying" if that makes any sense.
    I know the actual addiction has gone (wahay!) but I am scared of slipping..I also know that, given my addictive personality, I couldn't just have the occasional drink, I need to give up...I really have picked a rubbish time to do it though, as things otherwise couldn't be worse!
    Any help out there?:upset:

    Hi all.....


    Congrats on 38 days!!!! You are way ahead of me. I am on Day 13. I can only tell u what I have been doing. I am using this program in conjunction with AA. I am often alone, divorced and kids are grown, so I really need AA to have any kind of social life. Boredom is a Huge trigger for me too. I have to stay busy. There is alot of support here. Great people. I am glad u are here. Time to stop allowing alcohol to Kill us. I wish u the best and hope u will stick around.
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


      Hi all.....

      Well Hello E-Elvis, time for you to start living as you are now 38 days onward! Evil fun is ahead of you. You will experience more fun than you ever did drinking yourself sick. Have you checked out supps, and nutritional support as well? Get all the help you can. You have joined a fascinating bowl of nuts who know all about sobriety and how it works. Don't feel cracked, we all are, and are proud of it. 38 days...omg you are doing so fine. YES you are. Welcome again and so nice to meet you.



        Hi all.....

        Hey Evilelvis

        I'm in the neighbouring county to you - Lancashire! So glad you found us and congrats on 38 days! I can relate when you say you're frightened of slipping... I came here for precisely that reason as I felt I was beginning to obsess about booze again. I've abstained twice with a major slip in between - now I'm learning to mod, which admittedly is hard and I've had to lay down some strict ground rules myself but for the last 6 months no slips... I understand that modding probably isn't an option for you but I know you'll find plenty of support here as you continue your journey alcohol free. Keep posting!
        Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


          Hi all.....

          :nicemeeting:Welcome ElvilElvis (cool name BTW),

          A huge CONGRATULATIONS for 38 days AF!! Whenever you are feeling bored or the urge to crack open a beer hits you, come on-line! I'm looking forward to reading more posts from you.

          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


            Hi all.....

            Love the name, EvilElvis!! Welcome to you. Good job on the 38 days AF. How great it is to wake up clear headed and not vomiting! You do not want to go backwards!!!
            Take it slow and easy and come here for support. Like Ripple said, we are a bowl of nuts and understand what you are going through. Welcome aboard!!
            When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
            -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


              Hi all.....

              Hi EvilE,
              and welcome!
              Sounds like you are doing real well with 38 days under your belt. Have you gone cold turkey?
              Know what you mean about the stressful work thing and also the boredom - I drink for all reasons - had a bad day with work, kids stressing me out, feel i need a reward..... list goes on and on. Is there ever a good time to give up?
              Hope your stress at work eases off. Keep reading and posting here - will help keep your boredom at bay!
              Best Wishes,
              There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                Hi all.....

                Evilelvis, You won't be bored if you stick around these threads!
                You have found a great place ! Congrats on day 38!

                It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


                  Hi all.....

                  Welcome EE. You will find wonderful people on this site to relate to. I would suggest you find hobby or some other social outlet to relieve the boredom.

                  Good Job on 38 days.
                  Enlightened by MWO


                    Hi all.....

                    Hi Evil!

                    I'm only 7 days into this, but I'm with you on the "it wasnt that bad when I drank". Sometimes it wasnt, and it's funny how I'm remembering to good times only now. I'm playing alot of mind games w/myself, and forcing myself why to remeber what lead me to MWO in the first place. I know I cannot have the occasional would just lead back to where I was, with more over indulgence then not, regret, and guilt.

                    38 days!!!!!! WOW! You should be proud.

                    I just keep reading and posting here as much as possible, to remind myself that I need to NOT drink, and keep in touch with all the great people on this board.

                    Stay, and talk.
                    "Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."


                      Hi all.....

                      Wow, what nice people!! Thank you for your comments, it's really nice to know that I'm not those that haven't got as far as I have (and I have a HELL of a long way to go) my message would be if I can get this far, anybody can!! I agree with Panacea about the mind games....I play them every evening; I also am with Bandit in relation to finding ANY excuse to drink....I'm either miserable, so I booze, or happy, so I booze, or celebrating, so I ...etc.
                      Anyway, a really big thanks to all of you and I'll keep posting. Please let me know how your getting on too. And Vlad; you KNOW how living in the north is a precursor to boozing!!


                        Hi all.....

                        Welcome EE,

                        We all have drinking minds! I even found some people downright boring if I wasn't juiced up. Never occurred to me to dump the bores and find interesting people, pleasurable activities, a great book or movie instead of drinking my way through life. MWO and the folks on this site are lifesavers (and definitely NOT boring!).

                        Our family is thinking of going to UK, Ireland or Scotland next year on a vacation (have never been there) if the weak dollar doesn't do us in. But in every travel video we've watched, it seems like the center of social life is in a pub. Am thinking for you, or Vlad or many others on this site - must make it tough (unless, of course, the videos are just glamorizing the pub for the tourists' sake). Anyway, good luck to you. Look forward to hearing of your progress.



                          Hi all.....

                          38 days is a great accomplishment! I too look for reasons to have a drink; bad day at work, favourite movie is on, I'm cooking dinner...whatever. If it would stop at one or two that would be great. Moderation is not an option for me right now, maybe in time. You will receive so much warmth and honest support here. Welcome.


                            Hi all.....

                            You are apart of a wonderfull, exciting, expressive world here. From the first posts to the ones that have been here for a time, you will find so much fullfillment and understanding.
                            I am encouraged by your 38 days!! I also, understand that voice of deception as we forget what the hell was like. I have not forgotten that last withdrawl and the misery so I am staying away from the hard-er stuff, it is my downfall. Still delving more that I should, but, I come here everyday with a hope and I listen and learn and care right back at you.

                            So glad you are here, you share the same heart as as the other beautiful souls here.
                            Everyone, so unique and a different way in their expressions and interpretations.
                            But, of one mind no matter what.

                            Peace to you, always.

                            " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales

