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Finally went back to my GP...

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    Finally went back to my GP...

    Wasnt my usual one cos he was on holiday, but saw another Doc and she askd if Id been in touch with "Turning Point" yet... (Im in the UK, so dont know what the international equivalent is).
    I said I hadnt, but that Im ready to now because things are getting ridiculously out of hand.

    I phoned the number (shaking like a leaf) and they're going to get back in touch with me for an assessment, counseling and talk about a personal recovery plan.

    Ive also come clean to my father that Im drinking again. He's disappointed, but said wel done for taking a step forward to helping myself. I cant talk to my mother about it because she recently had a mini-stroke, and I KNOW she will be so ashamed and worried about me.

    My dad said to me last week "Just stop drinking..."
    I smiled, and said it wasnt as simple as that.
    He said "So, are you an alcoholic now?"
    To that, I kind of paused and then actually said out loud for the first time "Yes. Yes, I am. And I need help".
    He looked devastated, and I was surprised to hear myself say it to him, that I accepted I was an alcoholic.

    Well, its now 10.36am and Ive just had a glass of wine.
    The shakes have stopped enough now for me to do my housework, but I honestly dont know if I can abstain from drinking anymore today.

    Needed to get this off my chest. Thanks for listening

    ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?

    Finally went back to my GP...

    Hi Chelle
    Well done on admitting you have a problem. I can totally understand where you are coming from. I don't drink through the day but have to have wine around 8-9 pm and drink and drink until I drop literally - I am also an alcoholic, I cannot go a day without drinking and I never know when enough is enough. I know how alcoholism progresses and I am so scared. I am also in the UK so will look up turning point. Once again well done for admitting this. Your family SHOULD give you support, YOU want to get better and that in itself is a great improvement. XXXSeto:l


      Finally went back to my GP...

      Hi Chelle,

      That must have been very difficult for you - sometimes saying it out loud to someone else makes us truly face ourselves. It's very good you've got a dr.'s guidance in this. I think they are very helpful, but (at least for me) were not enough. For many of them, treating addiction is part of the job. For us here on this site, it is our life. That's what was the missing piece for me - my dr. is not a problem drinker. She treats me with expertise and compassion, but she doesn't truly understand the way the folks here at MWO do. So arm yourself with the best medical help you can get, but keep coming here for all the wonderful support and help that you know is just waiting for you. You are a brave woman - pretty soon, you'll be a sober one, too. I just know it.



        Finally went back to my GP...

        Good for you Chelle! I've only admitted it here. For you to say it out loud, to someone you care about is HUGE and very courageous. You Dad will be on your side, which should help you even more.

        You should be very proud of yourself.
        "Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."


          Finally went back to my GP...

          Hi Chelle,
          It sounds like you have reached your own 'turning point' in that you know you are going to find it very difficult to abstain from drinking without further help. The fact that you have phoned this place and also admitted being an alcoholic to your dad is supporting this.
          I used to joke with people in work that I was a 'functional alcoholic' and most would just laugh but one colleague who I was very close to just kind of winced and I knew they knew. The only person I have told that I am an alcoholic is my husband and he is helping me as best he can but he has his own pressures and we are raising two small children so I feel like my issues have been put to one side. However, I know too that I have to work on this for me.
          Wishing you all the best, you know in yourself that you have to do something and you are doing it so well done.
          There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.

