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Gonna Miss Ya Soooo Much....

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    Gonna Miss Ya Soooo Much....

    I :illbeback::earth::hiya:As I'm am scrambling around finishing up last minute details,I was struck by the feeling that I was leaving something behind.It struck me that it was all of you.Sparky (laptop) is staying behind so I won't be able to log in and check on my sobriety family.Tomorrow we are flying over the pond to jolly old England to meet up with a group that are doing Crop Circle research.I am excited about the trip and prepared for the Pub Culture by getting Antabuse as a safe guard.I have never taken it but I have it just in case I'm tempted.We will return in 10 days and my wish for you all is to stay Healthy and be Happy !!! LOTS OF LOVE....Yours Truly,Evie Lou your Wou Wou....
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

    Gonna Miss Ya Soooo Much....

    We will miss you too!!! Have a great time! Let us know what you figure out about those crop circles! I have one in my backyard. Oh wait, I just left the kiddie pool on the lawn too long and killed the grass.
    Be safe & have fun!!!
    You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


      Gonna Miss Ya Soooo Much....

      I'll miss you!!! Have a safe trip!
      Lila **


        Gonna Miss Ya Soooo Much....

        Hey Evie, Enjoy the our crop circles - tis said that most are made by very drunk members of Young Farmers' Clubs with a plank of wood and a piece of rope...... Please bring some nice weather - give my love to The Barge at Honeystreet if you're around!



          Gonna Miss Ya Soooo Much....


          Blessings to you on your trip. My thoughts and prayers are with you .

          Will await your return.
          Be well and go out there and spread all the joy as you so wonderfully do!

          " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


            Gonna Miss Ya Soooo Much....


            Have a great time.
            I'm sure it's the aliens


              Gonna Miss Ya Soooo Much....

              Have a fun trip Evielou!! Would love to hear more about your research, as would Mr. Doggy! Sounds like you have a great AF plan too. Enjoy.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Gonna Miss Ya Soooo Much....

                Don't get lost in the circles...come back....

                Have fun !

                It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


                  Gonna Miss Ya Soooo Much....

                  Evie I've been reading a bit on the Glastonbury Symposium web-site and the event looks amazing. I didn't realise there was so much happening that week-end.

                  Are you Drunk, Stupid or Asleep?

                  'Fluffy bunnies need not attend!' As the world enters a contrived economic downturn (exactly as Ian predicted in his Symposium address last year), fed by falling house prices, manipulated food shortages, and manufactured hikes in oil and gas prices, coupled with the most outrageous erosion of civil liberties, Ian opens this year's Glastonbury Symposium with the controversial observation that the passive acquiescence to the increasingly outrageous agenda of the New World Order would perhaps indicate that humanity is indeed ostensibly a 'slave race'... or is it? Following on from his 2006 (The Hidden Agenda) and 2007 (Fool Me Once) Symposium presentations, Ian produces the evidence which leads him to believe that the next four and a half years may be the most critical time for humanity since the last days of Atlantis. The unfolding drama is what we came here for... but are we going to rise to the occasion or condemn humanity to another 5,125-year cycle of slavery..?

                  This guy sounds right up my street!

                  Evie have a wonderful time here in the UK, have a safe trip and don't go gett'n any ideas....

                  ..................Hope to see you back in one piece!!

                  Love and Happiness
                  "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                  Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                    Gonna Miss Ya Soooo Much....

                    Evie - have a great time on our little island! Pubs include a great amount of Al-free drinks - try my favourite....(you might have to ask twice if the bar-bod is under 50 years old but keep going!)...... Angostura bitters with either tonic and/or soda (seltzter)....slice of lemon/lime and ice and a straw - you've got it made! They're getting used to it here in the UK - often I don't even get a funny look any more, they just make it up without batting an eyelid. And cranberry and soda is really popular'll be fine. (Rarely AF wines but AF beers aplenty.)

                    And please let me know the answer to give folk that talk about - sorry Mad Mummy! - the plank of wood for crop circles......because just how do they get to the spot without leaving any trace then? My DH says it is easy to crawl amongst the corn without making a mark - duh? As if that hasn't been 'proved' impossible by those who want crop circles 'proved' to be rubbish!!!!!! I've heard of no marks - you?! (Other than the ones actually made by Young Farmers + plank + beer!)

                    Hippie - wow.....yes, things are hotting up for sure.....our wee planet is in an amazing place in 'time' (!).... Shirley Maclaine has a lot to say about it...and many others.... I must admit I just attempt to live best I can and look for ways to live without buying into all the fear-mongering and slave stuff..... Best not listened to or watched/read about as it gives it all energy....not denial but not giving it what 'they' hope I'll give it and become their 'slave'...not me!!

                    Evie, looking forward to hearing all about it! Get hold of a copy and subscribe to Positive News (if you don''t already)'ll be there for sure!

                    Love'n hugs and an early welcome to 'Blighty'!!!!!!

                    FMS xxx
                    :heart: c: :heart:
                    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                      Gonna Miss Ya Soooo Much....

                      Ya aha Hipster,Ian is an amazing Guy and can't wait to hear him speak...I've read some of his stuff and he has been right on..There are lots of great Speakers,not just on Crop Circles and UFOs...but on a variety of interesting things...we're arriving early so hope to get to know some of these people personally...
                      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                        Gonna Miss Ya Soooo Much....

                        See Ya Evie Ill miss you hope you have a joyful time
                        Love Cap


                          Gonna Miss Ya Soooo Much....

                          Have a Great trip Evie. You will be missed. Look forward to your return.
                          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                            Gonna Miss Ya Soooo Much....


                            Enjoy a marvelous trip. It will seem so different not having your bright responses to all the cries out here for compassion, understanding and encouragement. Let us know how your AF strategies work - that's always a test - getting out of our routines and still holding on to our sobriety. And whatever you do, continue to KICK AL'S BUTT!!!!


