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ODAT - Saturday

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    ODAT - Saturday

    Happy Saturday all!

    Yesterday's thread EXCELLED itself in the variety of topics covered!! Not sure Al got a mention at all. A good thing or a bad thing?! So all of you with head lice, your cards cloned (it's not been a good week for you MM has it? Hope it hasn't driven you into the arms of Al!!), wet weather, children who just won't live in the shed and pooing poodles (and those of us with sheep with the squits!!) - hang on in there!! Such varied lives - keep Al out of them! Having said that I didn't keep him out of mine yesterday but I was in control and moderated happily. Shared a bottle of wine with hubby at dinner and was happy with that.

    In revenge for not doing the pig fencing I made him deal with the shitty bottomed sheep. Mwhahaha (evil laugh!) :H:H And trying to get yoghurt down their necks. And I made him re-do the pig fence. And he mended my bicycle tyre and cooked me dinner. And this morning I am having him up nice and early to start clearing out the barn (his mess!) to make room for some hay I am having delivered. I'm getting my own back bit by bit!!!

    Have a good day all - it's the only day you need to think about. Hope you can keep it AF or mod. It's your call, not Al's.

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Saturday

    Gee Bessie- it's early!!!!
    No squits for me-
    I love your posts-
    with thanks
    - a dag-less Sheep


      ODAT - Saturday

      still Friday here...and it isn't going well.

      Hope everyone reaches their goals today. Saturday WILL be a new day. I hope.
      Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


        ODAT - Saturday

        Almost gave in yesterday, got half way to the shop and turned back and wow am I glad this morning!

        And WHEY HEY!!!!!! the sun is shining......haven't seen it for so long.

        Happy day all


          ODAT - Saturday

          this is a new post for me. I like the idea though of charting the days as they go along. It is early SAturday here and I think the sun might come out. I am struck at the difficult lives some of the members have with small kids and so on - not to mind the little sheep. I live alone with my kids grown and feel so humbled at what you others are going through. I only have to take care of myself, no work problems, no husband to fight with, plenty of good happy friends, a now and again lovely boyfriend - another story though. I think my drinking habits are just that - pure habit. Going out after work was a real starter but have stopped that - five drinks later and I would be heading home with the night half over and a hangover descending on my already weary brow. AF would be great but I am happy with moderation for the moment. But I know AL is biding his time and the slippy slope is easy to find.

          I have a couple of ideas for today - go to a local country market and get really good food. Stay in bed and have another little sleep; go to the sea for a swim; travel two hours to visit two friends and maybe see colin farrell who is making a movie in their town; stay at home and clean out shed. Pity I didnt think of that one when mine were small. Maybe I will play in it. I am also in the process of making a pear and almond tart but need some eggs - hence the trip to the market. Made brown yeast bread last night have scoffed a lot already.

          Anyone need a really good jolly sober wife?????

          Have a happy day all.....


            ODAT - Saturday

            Well maggymay....don't need a wife, considering I'm a hetero female, but I'LL TAKE COLIN FARRELL!!!!

            Day 9 AF for me, and its going to be a great day!

            And as always, thanks to everyone here for your wonderful support!

            Have a great Saturday!
            "Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."


              ODAT - Saturday

              well every one is alive thts good,as far as the farms go my freind in alberta has beeen doin the family hobby farm for years,good canadian boy,and a good german girl,as far as boozn i dont think either do tht,kind of miss the guy ,but he moved on to better things,family, he kinda giggled at me when i was bringin up 4 yungins with wife,of 32 years,sorry maggie,this ones still taken,hansom dood tht i am,hahaha,he left ontario,and a new life and hahaha made 5 of his own,gees us canadian men,no how to do somthin rt,hahahaha,and keeta hang in there there are som nc moments ahead,but i hav to tell you,ive been sober for 8months ,it has its moments,like last nt ,i never stay up past 10pm,didnt gt to sleep till 130am,everyone drankb by the bonfire,and the one that complained about my drinkin drank the most,almost a 1,5 ltre of wine,i dont no,you hang in there there are a lot more good moments than bad,yesterday,today,and tomorrow look it up it really makes sense,all hav a great day gyco


                ODAT - Saturday

                Good Morning All ODATers
                Keeping AL at bay today is my goal. Hope everyone else reaches theirs.
                Can't stay, gotta go work in the garden!! Have a great weekend!
                When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                  ODAT - Saturday

                  Colin??? Is that you calling???

                  "Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."


                    ODAT - Saturday

                    Sun has come out to play!

                    Hi All,
                    Nice day here in Ireland at the moment - bit windy but the sun is shining at least.
                    I have let the kids out of the shed and they have gone down to the play with the neighbour's kids in their shed so have a few hours to myself - strange feeling!
                    Maggymay, if you see Colin Farrell will you tell him to cop onto himself and get in touch with me, what is he doing hanging out with this Emma girl he's been seeing the last few months?? The man needs steering in the right direction.
                    I did have a beer last night, husband fell asleep so I took his last two cans - cardinal sin I know. I didn't really enjoy them (am a wine person myself) but could not sleep and was awake until after 3a.m. However, we both intend going AF now for about two weeks, until the August Bank holiday weekend here in Ireland (going away for a few days) so I will struggle on.
                    Have a good day everyone!
                    There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                      ODAT - Saturday

                      Day 15

                      Way to put hubby to work Bessie. Sorry about your sheep squits. Hang in there Keke. Way to go Minty! Thanks for the pic Pan, good way to start my day, but it is already Hot as Hell here. I have to work the evening shift in a nursing home with a broken AC and drive my car there, which also has a broken AC. Ughh, but so need the money. If I was drinking, I would have called out and got fired. I will just have to suck it up, and feel for the elderly patients with no AC. Hope everyone has a Great day.
                      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                        ODAT - Saturday

                        Is today Saturday? thanks for letting me know? Okay. everyone be well, happy, safe and sound. Because i said so. :lilmoon::notes::notes::sun::exclamation:


                          ODAT - Saturday

                          Udriin mend! (mongolian)

                          Yesterday ended up being quite the trial. But I tightend up my BGP and rode it out. Dropped off the scotch to my dad. Then the car made some huge noise and proceeded to reek of gas and sounded like a great big hog motorcycle without a muffler. People from a distance turned to see what the hell was making such a horrendous noise. Then I got sideswiped and run off the road. Somehow I got a ticket for improper lane change. Odd thing is , I wasn't changing lanes. The other woman passed me in the merge lane and couldn't merge onto the interstate so she just kept going like I wasn't there. No cell phone ( still in my lost purse) so I limped the car to the dealer. This is hubby's car. Mine is in the shop being repaired from a parking lot hit & run. I drive up and squeeze out the door (it doesn't want to open very far after the sideswipe) as gracefully as I can which was better than climbing over to the other side in a sundress and everyone was looking because of the noise the car made upon my entrance. I straighten out my dress and announce that there is apparently something wrong with the car. All watching burst out laughing. I managed to talk them into a ride home. I walked in the door and all I could think of was a nice fizzy crisp G&T. I have to wonder if there had been any in the house if I would have drank it. Well, there wasn't so I couldn't and obvioously I was without transportation. What a ramble!

                          My neighbor's fig trees are my breakfast spot. I stand under the trees in my bathrobe and woof figs. HEAVEN! I take figs and wrap them in procuitto and skewer and drizzle with a good balsamic vinegar then grill till heated through. Words cannot describe how good those are!

                          Well, duties call my name. Have a good AF or light drinking evening. AF for me.
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            ODAT - Saturday

                            Happy Saturday ODATers,

                            This is just about my favorite thread. Always interesting lives for all to see. Sea, you've been doing such a great job. It's wicked hot and humid here today, so good luck with your elderly patients and you. As soon as I clean up am heading to an annual summer bash which I hope will be loads of fun. The heat will keep me drinking cool water and passing on the stuff in the cooler. The host is the V.P. of Marketing for a beer company, so you know those coolers will be full. That's why I'm here before I go - want to let the subliminal cd do its magic, and get a shot of resolve from all of you. Feeling pretty good about things - will NOT blow it because the booze is free! Talk to ya'll soon.



                              ODAT - Saturday

                              never got anywhere yesterday. did stuff here but heading off now to try to see him..... will get his number!

