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new and learning

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    new and learning


    I'm new and have learned alot from the book. Bought the supps. and cds, but uncertain about the topamax. I'm scared to go see my doc because I don't want any record of this problem...I keep it very secret, or at least I think I do.

    I have been drinking a bottle of wine most days a week for a couple years. Stopped once this year for 8 days, it wasn't really hard, but was after a fight with my husband about my drinking and not because I wanted to. Now I want to for myself. Not at all sure why I do it, I really do have a good life... more about that later.

    I hope to make some friends here, where I think I can be honest about this shameful thing. I would love to hear from others about how they have moderated or abstained. I really enjoy a good glass of wine, I just want to be able to stop after one, and not every day. My husband drinks very little, and tries to be supportive, but doesn't understand and fluctuates between patronizing support and anger/annoyance.

    Things do not change, we change.
    ~Henry David Thoreau

    new and learning

    Hi bjb and:welcome:

    I'm glad you read the book, and have the supps and cd's. That's pretty much the way I started. I didn't use any prescription meds. I didn't want to go to the doctor and I'm kind of a tightwad--so I tried it without--and it's working. There are many, many wine drinkers here. I can't help but wonder if its more addicting. I was a big beer drinker and smoker. I wanted to quit smoking once and for all--and knew in order to do that I had to quit drinking at least for awhile. As it turns out--I must have been mostly addicted to the smokes, because without them I don't really WANT to drink.
    It was hard at first--and I was real bitchy I'm sure--esp since hubby still drinks. I don't take the kudzu anymore, and don't seem to need the L-glut either. I've started taking most of the supps that are supposed to help with mood. I still get irritable and short--but I don't think its because of AL--I think its hormonal.
    Anyway, I hope this helps a little. You will get tons of support, education and entertainment here. It's usually a little slow on the weekends.
    If you want to learn more about peoples experience with the topamax--go to the holistic healing forum--there are threads about it there.:H
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      new and learning

      Hi bjb, I'm not exactly new here, but have been trying different parts of the program over the past year. I too am a wine drinker. I don't really get dt's or cravings, but I do think I use the wine to numb something (depression, confrontation, anxiety, you-name-it). I'd like to enjoy a nice glass or two w/o wanting more but my shut off valve doesn't work right now. Hopefully with the program we can moderate some day. I too have a good life other than the alcohol controlling it more than I'd like. Keep in touch. Keek FYI 48, mar., fem., teens. (oh ya, I'm trying the entire program with meds and all now)


        new and learning

        Welcome to the Board bjb. Wine is my downfall as well, I really appreciate the taste of a good bottle of red. I am working this alone as well, no meds or anything. I do have the supps and they do work if taken on a regular basis. The support here is amazing as well, and has helped me out so many time, I am eternally grateful of everyone here. Read the posts from people and know you are not alone in getting through this addiction. People who do not have a substance abuse problem; can not fully understand the mental and physical strains you go through on a daily basis. It's good to hear your husband is trying though for you. It's even better to hear you want to do this for you, and you alone. All the best to you, and looking forward to knowing you better.


          new and learning

          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            new and learning

            Welcome bjb,

            All good advice here. I believe it was Evielou who advised a newcomer last week to read some of the old threads. You can select the Just Starting Out category, and go back through the old posts. Lots of good advice, hugs and support. I've found the cd's particularly helpful (just finishing up 3 weeks of the 4) and have been able to moderate - usually ONE glass of wine (not the big glass filled to the top!) on occasion, with many al-free days in between. I come here daily. It has replaced my lonely "cocktail" hour. Keep on posting - it's a wonderful group here.



              new and learning

              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..

