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12 days in jeopardy

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    12 days in jeopardy

    We are expecting company tomorrow night, and my manipulative mind is already working overtime. I now have 12 days, feeling really good, and gotten through some obstacles. Knowing that tomorrow night will involve wine, I though it was appropriate to inform my wife that my approach through this new program I've been involved with online (MWO) is moderate drinking, She was intrigued, to say the least, but I also informed her that I just may have a glass of wine or two with dinner tomorrow night. I know that this is my AV, and I don't know where I am going.....please, some advise?

    12 days in jeopardy

    hey there nunewf and WELL DONE on those 12 days !!!!:goodjob:

    My advice: No wine! Go for the initial 30 days AF that MWO recommends. I's critical, whether you plan to moderate after that or not. No negotiating! It's so fantastic that you've got this far! You're almost half way to 30. Give yourself the gift of this 30 days. Don't toss it away for (one more) night of wine. You can do it!! But you have to commit 100%, because you're right -if you leave the door open even a little at this point, AL will take over. Tell the mrs. no attempts at moderating until after 30 days AF. You can do it!!! You'll feel better than you could EVER imagine.

    My 2 cents only. Good luck and keep posting!



      12 days in jeopardy

      I'd have to agree with WW (because she is so wise!) and because in my experience I tried to moderate right away, and it didn't work. Still binged. The 30 days was the best thing I did. Of course I managed to do it at a time when I didn't have to socialize much at all! Not where AL was on option anyway. It's been 48 days now, and i don't really want to drink.
      I went to a neighborhood bbq last weekend, and sipped my virgin gin and tonic w/ lime all night, and no one was the wiser! And I felt great about it!
      You could put af wine or cranberry juice or something else in your wine glass.
      I think its really hard to learn to socialize without the al--but I also think it can be done. Alcohol is really overrated in our society--no wonder our kids drink! Well, not mine--but minors in general.
      Good luck, let us know how it turns out ok?:h
      NF since June 1, 2008
      AF since September 28, 2008
      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


        12 days in jeopardy

        Good morning my favourite Newfie,
        Way to go guy, 12 days is awesome.
        I have to agree with magic - no wine. (To tell you the truth, I am afraid of Magic.....LOL.) You need to get those 30 days under your belt. I was really afraid of social interaction, parties and invites. To my surprise, nobody really cares weather you drink or not. People are usually so wrapped up in their own consumption, they don't pay much attention. If anyone asks: just make a face and point to your stomach "gastric problems" works everytime.
        Have a great 'sober' weekend.
        *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


          12 days in jeopardy

          hi nunewf good thinkin and congrats on the 12 days,moderation is good and i wish u success,my family dint do it llast nt,lol,god i can say tht and gloat, hahahaha and they no it , and i never said a word, ahahahah,because theres only greif in what i say,they tend to always rub my nose into yestrday,which again happens to be 9 months ago in 6 days,god i feel good,but as always its will power and a matter of time, again ,gyco


            12 days in jeopardy

            ps and listen to ww she not only has wisdom she is very good lookinto hahaha


              12 days in jeopardy

              Hi nunenuf, In the past 10 days af didn't work for me even though I had a lot of resolve. Whatever you decide, keep coming back. Myself, I'm trying a longer AF stint this time so that I can give the mwo program a chance to work it's magic. Will be thinking about you while at the ball game tonight with everyone drinking beer but me!!!!! The topa makes beer taste like p--p anyhow and lets face it the wine was to get drunk, not for the oak or cherry essence. I can, I can, I can, have a good time without alcohol. Click your heals and repeat this mantra before your party. LOL keek


                12 days in jeopardy

                Hey Nunewf,

                We all have social temptations. After I'm done reading some posts, going to hit the shower and go to a friend's party with my husband. It's a big summer bash, and there will be plenty to drink - he's the V.P. of Marketing for a beer company!!!! But, I won't drink today, because at parties it's just mindless. I used to drink when socializing because it made everyone (including me) far more interesting. My new-found sobriety has opened up far more interesting conversations that I actually remember. When I do allow myself an occasional glass of wine, it is sitting down, deliberate (SIPPED!!!) and thoroughly enjoyed. For today, it'll be a non-al drink in my hand with all my energies on talking to my friends. Just another way to look at things -- helps me feel happy and not deprived in any way. Good luck!



                  12 days in jeopardy

                  i totally agree with wonder,give it a can do this
                  wonderworld;366283 wrote: hey there nunewf and WELL DONE on those 12 days !!!!:goodjob:

                  My advice: No wine! Go for the initial 30 days AF that MWO recommends. I's critical, whether you plan to moderate after that or not. No negotiating! It's so fantastic that you've got this far! You're almost half way to 30. Give yourself the gift of this 30 days. Don't toss it away for (one more) night of wine. You can do it!! But you have to commit 100%, because you're right -if you leave the door open even a little at this point, AL will take over. Tell the mrs. no attempts at moderating until after 30 days AF. You can do it!!! You'll feel better than you could EVER imagine.

                  My 2 cents only. Good luck and keep posting!

                  :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                  best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                    12 days in jeopardy

                    Everything said here makes so much sense, and WW, thank you for the advise...thank everyone for taking the time to respond. Right now, I'm not going to worry about tomorrow, because when I think about it, the only answer is to have wine to fit in. I'll deal with tomorrow, tomorrow. I'll check into MWO often throughout the day, and share how I feel. The 30 day mark is a new goal, a goal I never had before, and I hope that too will make a difference.


                      12 days in jeopardy

                      You sound like such a strong person.
                      Im so sure you will do just fine tonight.
                      You've done so well so far, and you will continue doing so.
                      Stay Strong,
                      ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?

