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suggestions please

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    suggestions please

    i moved to a tiny town 6 mos ago to be with my grandsons, and that's been great, but i don't want to be with them all the time. i have no friends here, there's no movie theatre,library,malls not even a red light. there's absolutely nothing to do. the boredom and LONLINESS are killing me. a bottle and the tv are my only companions. any ideas?

    suggestions please

    Hi Gatorgirl, and Welcome.
    Im new here too and feel like Ive very much found myself here. This is a fantastic forum with some awesome people who really are inspiring.
    Keep popping in, and reading posts.
    Keep in touch.
    We're here for you.
    ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


      suggestions please

      You can go on the live chat here and get to know people.


        suggestions please

        Gatorgirl, do you have a yard or a garden? Any volunteer activities you can do? I love animals so I volunteer at a local animal shelter one night a week and sad to say it is the highlight of my week. I love the animals and the provide a lot of pleasure and unconditional love. Are there community plays or theater you could get involved in? Any type of volunteering with art groups if you like art? I know it is difficult, because I live in an area where there is lots to do but still finding the right fit is hard. I wish you luck on finding your niche.


        P.S. Dolph, you crack me up.


          suggestions please

          Hi gatorgirl,
          How well I understand because it was (parially) my moving to Alabama (from Washington DC) and finding myself pregnant at 39 that was my undoing. There we were, happily married, with a 10 y.o. son, done trying to get pregnant.... and lo and behold...the joy of my life happened! Really

          But husband, baby, and 10 y.o. son alone don't equal support. No friends and an isolated life lead me to the wine bottle, which I still am working on.

          Lonliness is dreadful, not enough alone time is dreadful, it's the balance that matters, and I'm trying to work that out.

          Things do not change, we change.
          ~Henry David Thoreau


            suggestions please

            Hi Gator,

            Don't know if this will work for you, but sometimes when there's not much going on, you have to start the action! Pick an activity you like to do, and send out invites or post notices in town to have others join you on such-and-such a day at a specific time and you're off and running. These things have a way of growing. Through a common activity, you find others who share your interest and who may then interest you in something else. May be worth a try. Keep fighting for your sobriety. The bottle will not be good company, no matter how well it sweet talks you.



              suggestions please

              Sounds a little bit as isolated as my town, we have one traffic light and if you drive 46 miles, there's another one! 3 hours plus to the nearest mall.

              Small town are very needy of volunteers, and as cuckoo mentioned - gardening is a wonderful past time. I also make a list of books I want to read and order then from Amazon (used books). I wish sometimes I could knit, but any hobby that you might enjoy - learn it and enjoy.
              Enlightened by MWO

