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Not sure if I drink too much?

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    Not sure if I drink too much?

    I didn't think I was addicted either. A DWI, a stint at rehab, almost losing my job but I wasn't addicted. I honestly hope those of you who don't think you have a problem realize before you go through all this.

    I'll be the bad guy here. I wasn't drinking all that much daily BUT I had night sweats and tremors so bad I couldn't sign the check to buy more alcohol to make the shaking stop.

    I don't want to make anyone defensive here but PLEASE if you don't have a problem stop for awhile before it becomes one. I never thought I had one until it was one.


      Not sure if I drink too much?

      Well said, Dolly! If only I could rewind a few years and have gotten a handle on it before it got a handle on me...:sigh:
      You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


        Not sure if I drink too much?

        I know! But we are doing it now


          Not sure if I drink too much?

          Here's the thing: it doesn't matter whether we call it "addiction" or "habit" or "dependence" or "problem." What happens is simple: when we repeat a behavior, over and over again, we are strengthening certain pathways in our brains (and allowing others to become weaker). There are other factors involved as well (genetic predisposition, for example, and learning from influential others), but this fact about inevitable changes in brain pathways is enough to tell us that repeating certain behaviors (especially if they are pleasurable, even if only temporarily) sends us down a pathway that eventually will become incredibly difficult to turn away from.

          We drink because we enjoy it... and we do it over, and over, and over, for years. When and if we recognize that it is causing us much more trouble than it is worth... well, by then we wake up to the realization that our brains are going to require a lot of re-training, and there will be some internal kicking and screaming (the anxiety, the craving, the internal arguments... ).

          One of my favorite Zen sayings is very simple: "Cause and effect are clear."

          Best wishes, all.


            Not sure if I drink too much?

            Hi - I'm a newbie too. It does sound like alot - have you had a blood analysis done? I had one a few years ago and the results were scary. So I went on the liver-cleansing diet and results after that were superb ... but I started drinking more than ever after that, thinking that a clear liver gave me license to drink. I tend to agree with one2many in that its maybe more the habit that's the indicator (like smoking) - I smoked many years ago and once I recognised it as a habit, I worked hard to develop another habit to replace it. Just the fact that you are asking the question shows you have a concern about it. Like you, I enjoy drinking but its when I noticed (after much denial) that I had to have a certain amount every single day - that's what started freaking me out. Wishing you all the best, xx


              Not sure if I drink too much?

              Not wanting to waste anybody's time but I have been playing with the "change signature function" and want to know what my posts would look like....


                Not sure if I drink too much?

                well obviously if you are on this web site and questioning your own drinking,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, there is your sign

                sounds like you also compare yourself to someone elses drinking.......................... there is your sign


                  Not sure if I drink too much?

                  KateH1;368228 wrote: Wow! Spiderpig, You asked a question and you received a lot of really well thought out answers. Why are you being so defensive? I think that if you think of doing without alcohol for a period of time as a "punishment", that says a lot!

                  I do think that calling us do gooders and health freaks is a bit bizarre! The fact is that the World Health Organization has stated that more than 1 unit per day for a woman or 2 units per day for a man is unhealthy and has consequences.

                  It is certainly your perogative to continue drinking as you have been doing. No one here is trying to convince you of anything. You asked we answered. Sorry the replies are not to your liking.

                  Oh....and by the way.....I have a great life, a life without drinking!


                  youve taken me all the wrong way, big style, and you are the one actually being defensive.

                  Yes I asked, and yes lots of replies, which I appreciated.

                  I DID NOT call anyone here do gooders or health freaks, my reference to that was the amount of these people there are about in general life, not here.

                  I have no objection to anyones replies, they are all interesting.

                  If you re-read my previous post you will notice I said I'm here to discuss not argue.

                  It is not my intention to upset anyone nor preach to anyone, I'm just chatting.

                  take it easy



                    Not sure if I drink too much?

                    Spider pig welcome I see you have met Kate. I have been here a while she has offended a lot of people made a couple leave for good very arrogant about her sobriety she believes she knows best and every one should follow her way there are a couple of those types here dont let them turn you off. Best left ignored,. She will twist and turn and mis quote. Any way a great discussion you raised thanks for posting it and hope to see many more from you.
                    Thanks Cap


                      Not sure if I drink too much?

                      Hi SP

                      I haven't taken offence at anything you've said. You'll always get conflicting opinions about what's "too much". Here in Oz, one recommendation is no more than 4 standard drinks per day for a male, 2 for a female. A full-strength beer = 1 unit, a 100ml glass of wine = 1 unit, a proper pub measure of spirit = 1 unit. So, I guess going by that info, your daily intake could be considered "too much".

                      I would also guess that some of us here were drinking more than that and over a period of time this became a problem for us. It either affected our work, our relationships, our health or our heads. And when it became a problem, we found this place and started cleaning up our acts by either abstaining totally or moderating to an acceptable (to us) level.

                      I didn't think you were talking about us when you mentioned do-gooders etc. I think I know where you're coming from. Some days we're told that eggs are bad for you; some days you're told that a glass of wine is actually beneficial to your health etc., etc. - you can probably find all sorts of info to support or debunk any particular point of view.

                      So - in a nutshell and without moralising - yes, I think you're drinking too much but if you're happy with your intake I wish you and the missus all the best.


                        Not sure if I drink too much?

                        Just to change tack slightly, River0123 you mentioned that you didn't want to take Topa cause hubby didn't want it on your records, that makes me so MAD... if we wanted to give up smoking we would have access to all sorts of medication that would go on our records and we would be given a pat on the back for it!!!

                        I'm not venting at you, just at life in general... I also had to hide it from my records and it just makes me MAD!!!! But I do feel better now, thanks
                        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                          Not sure if I drink too much?

                          tawnyfrog;368682 wrote: Hi SP

                          I haven't taken offence at anything you've said. You'll always get conflicting opinions about what's "too much". Here in Oz, one recommendation is no more than 4 standard drinks per day for a male, 2 for a female. A full-strength beer = 1 unit, a 100ml glass of wine = 1 unit, a proper pub measure of spirit = 1 unit. So, I guess going by that info, your daily intake could be considered "too much".

                          I would also guess that some of us here were drinking more than that and over a period of time this became a problem for us. It either affected our work, our relationships, our health or our heads. And when it became a problem, we found this place and started cleaning up our acts by either abstaining totally or moderating to an acceptable (to us) level.

                          I didn't think you were talking about us when you mentioned do-gooders etc. I think I know where you're coming from. Some days we're told that eggs are bad for you; some days you're told that a glass of wine is actually beneficial to your health etc., etc. - you can probably find all sorts of info to support or debunk any particular point of view.

                          So - in a nutshell and without moralising - yes, I think you're drinking too much but if you're happy with your intake I wish you and the missus all the best.


                          I'm in Oz too. Glad not putting wrong impression across.

                          I'm not saying I'm not
                          drinking too much, I prob am, and like everyone says here I prob should look at doing some days off.

                          I guess what I'm saying is I'm at the point where I'm unsure if there is a problem there or not.

                          Everyone must have been here surely, maybe I'm here a bit earlier in the process than most, maybe I'm about to identify an issue in life.

                          I went AF last night with no problems, tonight is different as I'm actually off to pub shortly, but instead of staying a few hours I only plan to stay about 30mins then meet wife for dinner.

                          (btw is there a key somewhere to all abbreviations? I worked out AF, what AL and others?)

                          Guess part of my 'problem' if I can use that word loosely at present, is I was brought up to go to pub with father every night for hour b4 dinner.

                          I still do that to the day,not pub but pre dinner drinks, I dont EVER drink till 5pm, but then carry on till around 7pm, during cooking, I like to cook, and then have wine with dinner, I seldom drink after eating.

                          Wife drinks too, not as much as me, but often drinks 2-3 pre mix bourbons b4 dinner, whilst I have beers.

                          I never feel bad at work or anything, unless I have a big night, which I dont do often, and if I do I usually dont want any next night.

                          Its good to hear the comments here, all are welcome, and none offend me.

                          talk to you all l8tr



                            Not sure if I drink too much?

                            No key AL is alcohol, Mod is Moderating. ODAT is one day at a time. Solar Orbiter is One year completley alcohol free. There are others feel free to ask any time and a big bloody welcome to a fellow Aussie. I recommend reading the book if you get the chance. The boards are all about feeling free to DISCUSS things and support each other ...... concerns about life alcohol use the universe . The common glue is we are all getting concerned or wondering about our level of drinking some need abstinance some don't. The one thing I can say read the book it puts this whole site in the perspective intended by the author Roberta Jewel and makes sense of why this site is here .
                            All the best Mate


                              Not sure if I drink too much?

                              Hey thanks for your reply I appreciate your comments. I am currently seeing a counsellor who deals with problem drinking and after completing a questionnaire she says I am not alcohol dependant and need to break the bad habit I'm in which is definetly what it's become. I really do want to go back to just having a few wines at the weekend but am finding it hard. Don't see my counsellor for 2 more weeks and don't know how I'm gonna do as I find I need the incentive of seeing her. I don't crave having wine it's just like having a meal now - when it gets to 7.30pm I think "oh it's wine time"!!! Does that sound mad?


                                Not sure if I drink too much?

                                no not mad at all

