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Not sure if I drink too much?

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    Not sure if I drink too much?

    Hey DeeBee,
    I totally agree with you. We learned a tough lesson when we applied for private health insurance (self employed). I've been on zoloft since first child 15 years ago (post partum, anxiety). I had a really hard time finding someone to carry me and for several years my premium alone was $200+ higher per month than hubbies. I'm scared to see what would happen if some type of chemical dependence comment showed up on my records. Sad to have to hide this when help is right there waiting!
    One2Many, sadly never quit drinking when on antibiotics (or my zoloft for that matter even though it is clearly on label). I figured it was some kind of conspiracy to nudge us problem drinkers - lol!

    Nice to see you came back spiderpig - bunch of really well meaning people here, lots of support of you every feel you need it.
    Best to all! Love ya, River
    You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


      Not sure if I drink too much?

      Hi all -- boy can I relate to "wine time" --- as soon as I started dinner prep, that was my cue to open the bottle. I used to have a glass of wine while preparing dinner, so that it made the daily chore more enjoyable. Then I'd have a glass of wine with dinner. I remember being aghast at having drank 1/2 a bottle of wine each day..... (boy, I'd like to have those days back!). Then I proceeded to have another glass while I cleaned up after dinner, and then another after it was all done, so that I could finally sit down and "enjoy" a glass of wine in peace! Lately (last few years) it's been drinking until it was time to go to bed. Looking forward to receiving the MWO book I ordered ..... but this site has become a life saver for me. Starting day 5AF today, and will try Moderating on the weekend (only if we have a social event). If that doesn't work, I'll have to go AF for a long period ---- that seems to work for many of you from what I've been reading here.
      I'm also on an anti-depressant that has a warning label, not to take with alcohol (I thought if I take it in the morning, it would be alright to drink by the evening). My doctor knows I drink (though not to the extent that I did), and never brought it up that I shouldn't with the anti-depressant.


        Not sure if I drink too much?

        Spider i hope Kate has the courage to apologize to you for her inaccurate post you didn't say we are do gooders at all the sad thing its not the first time .


          Not sure if I drink too much?

          I do want to touch on something that Dolly Sunshine spoke of.

          I talked to a good friend yesterday that I haven't seen in two years. She is going through hell. Her fiance was shot (just drove up to his apartment complex, got out of the car and ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time, no fault of his) and she wanted to chat. She has been sitting outside of ICU for 2+ weeks.

          She asked how I was doing, and I told her frankly and honestly. I became a drunk.

          She said "when" you used to just be a "good time" girl and have fun and then go to bed. Nothing real serious.

          I thought about it and thought about it and realized. Yeah, I was drinking back when we were "hanging" but I never blacked out, I never did stupid things, I did not let drinking interfere in my life, my marriage or with my family. I certainly didn't black out to the point that I drove a car without even knowing it!!

          Today, a simple two years later, it is and it does.

          I don't care what you want to call this "situation" we are in. It is a progressive "situation."

          If you don't look it square in the face now, you can end up where I am. And you REALLY do not want to be here.

          AF April 9, 2016


            Not sure if I drink too much?

            A Work in Progress;368578 wrote: Here's the thing: it doesn't matter whether we call it "addiction" or "habit" or "dependence" or "problem." What happens is simple: when we repeat a behavior, over and over again, we are strengthening certain pathways in our brains (and allowing others to become weaker). There are other factors involved as well (genetic predisposition, for example, and learning from influential others), but this fact about inevitable changes in brain pathways is enough to tell us that repeating certain behaviors (especially if they are pleasurable, even if only temporarily) sends us down a pathway that eventually will become incredibly difficult to turn away from.

            We drink because we enjoy it... and we do it over, and over, and over, for years. When and if we recognize that it is causing us much more trouble than it is worth... well, by then we wake up to the realization that our brains are going to require a lot of re-training, and there will be some internal kicking and screaming (the anxiety, the craving, the internal arguments... ).

            One of my favorite Zen sayings is very simple: "Cause and effect are clear."

            Best wishes, all.
            (A Work)

            This makes a lot of sense to me. Learning this was a big factor for me quitting smoking. Had to retrain the brain! It's hard--after doing the same motions(whether drinking, smoking or whatever) over and over for so many years---it's hard to change your thinking. Unfortunately, I still crave a cigarette if I even think about having a beer--so I'm still working on it!!
            Thanks for reminding us of this, and BTW I enjoy reading about your meditation techniques!!
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              Not sure if I drink too much?

              Hello everyone,

              back again. After lots of self analysis, your replies on here etc, I'm coming round to accepting that it is actually a problem.

              My 6 beers have been creeping to 7,8,9 plus bottle of wine, and sometimes pub aswell, so I'd be 15 units a day or there abouts.

              I have decided that whilst I dont think its a huge problem, it is on its way to becoming one if I dont act now.

              I shall do another post, as this is getting a bit long, and title it, 'my acceptance'

              I will order the book, and exhaust my current supplies, which is about 2 weeks worth, and then I can set a date and hopefully find a partner or 2 or 3 to go thru with from whenever day 1 is. I'm thinking 1st Sept.

              I also told my wife this morning, and will point her to my thread on here.

              cya all later



                Not sure if I drink too much?

                wow spider,

                What a difference a day makes. Facing a problem, even if it's a problem in the making, is a very good thing. One of the things Roberta Jewell (RJ) talks about in her book is the fact that her early years of drinking were the typical party times of so many young adults. The interesting thing is that some people naturally cut down over time, but some of us escalate our consumption/frequency. If we could all face the "growing" issue before it costs us, we'd be on this site for the sheer company. But sadly, as we read post after post, there is much pain and struggle out there. And the painkiller (or celebrant, whatever) of choice is booze. But we're committed to changing that in our own lives and hopefully inspiring others through our example. Good luck - let us know how you're doing.


