Hey DeeBee,
I totally agree with you. We learned a tough lesson when we applied for private health insurance (self employed). I've been on zoloft since first child 15 years ago (post partum, anxiety). I had a really hard time finding someone to carry me and for several years my premium alone was $200+ higher per month than hubbies. I'm scared to see what would happen if some type of chemical dependence comment showed up on my records. Sad to have to hide this when help is right there waiting!
One2Many, sadly never quit drinking when on antibiotics (or my zoloft for that matter even though it is clearly on label). I figured it was some kind of conspiracy to nudge us problem drinkers - lol!
Nice to see you came back spiderpig - bunch of really well meaning people here, lots of support of you every feel you need it.
Best to all! Love ya, River