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Not sure if I drink too much?

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    Not sure if I drink too much?

    Hi newbie here.

    Just curious really, I drink what lots of people would say is a lot, others not so much.

    I dont really feel addicted, I can go AF for a few days if need be but with no side effects, I enjoy my drinking.

    On a daily basis I drink every night 6 stubbies (375ml) of light beer, then share a bottle of wine over dinner, and then often we have a bourbon and coke or 2 before bed.

    Does this sound bad?

    Wife says we are not alcoholic, but alcohol dependent?

    I have a friend who needs a drink when just out of bed to start day, now thats what i call alcoholic.

    Comments invited


    Not sure if I drink too much?

    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
    Dr. Seuss


      Not sure if I drink too much?

      Hi spiderpig,

      I'm a newbie too. Sounds like alot to me, would be worth cutting down. I love wine and have gradually gotten to a bottle most days, so I definately am cutting down. I so enjoy a good glass of chardonnay, so my goal is to be satisfied with 1 glass, not 1 bottle.

      Maybe setting a goal will help you.

      Good luck

      Things do not change, we change.
      ~Henry David Thoreau


        Not sure if I drink too much?

        Hi Spider,
        Do a couple of the alcoholism questionaires online - that will bring more clarity.
        make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


          Not sure if I drink too much?

          I have been trying the cutting down but getting afraid of it. I think you can slip back very easily. I had a couple of good weeks but yesterday nearly did the dog on it. a cocktail of fun.. Just be careful and vera b wrote a very clear thread to on little by little that set me thinking. She was so right..... mind yourself.


            Not sure if I drink too much?

            Sorry to be harsh... but isn't alcohol dependent the same as an alcoholic??? I'd try going without for a day... I used to drink 2-3 beers and half a litre of vodka every day, if I missed a day I knew about it the next... the cravings were horrendous - thus confirming it (took me a while to admit I was alcoholic though). OK, that's just me, but I'd seriously consider going AF for a while and the MWO program is here to help you. I've just started taking Kudzu (it takes the edge of those cravings!!!) - I am learning to moderate my drinking now - after abstaining twice previously (first for 50 days, then for 40 days), I'm trying to drink just every other day and to keep it at just 2 beers when I do. I'm in the UK and our health service recommends we drink no more than 20 units for a man / 14 for a women in a week - to put it simply that's about 10 beers a week for a man / 7 for a woman - but of course NOT ALL IN ONE GO!!! Sorry if I'm sounding harsh - I'm just concerned...
            Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


              Not sure if I drink too much?

              hi pig where ive beeen if you hav to think about it,you mt hav a problem more than 1 is to much,been the AA circiut for ten years,vlad and few b4 me said it,your thinkin rt now about it,next it comes up and really bites you in the a s s,you dont want tht,this site is great,moders, and abstainers,no contaversy,your choice,we all want the same thing happiness gyco


                Not sure if I drink too much?

                Spider - Welcome!
                Just out of curiosity, just the wifey drink as much as well? I know my husband and I would coach each other on, telling each other we don't have a problem, everyone drinks as much as we do, last night's craziness was just a fluke, etc.

                One2Many, well said! The only difference between our stories is that I do fall down, I do black out and do not function normally

                Of the last 365 days, I probably remember going to bed 1/4 of them. Which is very frightening, even more so when you have children.

                As I near my 30 days AF, I'm somewhat scared. I don't know what my plans are, as I never dreamed I would get this far. I suppose it's time to figure that out. I want to be a successful modder, but scared I can't do it and then will feel so disappointed in myself.

                Anyhow, welcome again spider, you've found a bunch of new friends today!:welcome:
                You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                  Not sure if I drink too much?

                  SP, only you can truly determine if you are an alcoholic - no once can do it for you. The by-the-book definition of an alcoholic is someone who cannot stop drinking despite negative physical or social consequences. I've always been told that a good test is to go out and try some controlled drinking (i.e. have only one or two) a couple of times and see how it goes. Do you want/crave more? Are you moody/irritable without it? Could you leave it alone completely for a month?

                  See, those are the things that I use to judge my drinking, and I certainly consider myself an alcoholic even though I would only drink on the weekends (granted it was usually a 2 pints of vodka a day). What you use to judge your drinking is up to you, and if it doesn't bother you then I wouldn't worry about it.

                  As to your friend, alcoholism is full of shades of gray, and theirs just happens to be a little darker...

                  Hope you find the answers that you are looking for.
                  Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                    Not sure if I drink too much?

                    One question: Does the thought of going 30 days without drinking any alcohol kind of throw you into a panic??
                    NF since June 1, 2008
                    AF since September 28, 2008
                    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                      Not sure if I drink too much?

                      The fact that you are here - is major. When we ask the question - is that too much? we usually already know the answer. And remember, alcoholism is a PROGRESSIVE disease. I don't know how old you are or how many years you have been drinking. But, there was a time, not too many years ago that I too, could go days without alcohol with no physical side effects. Then one day, you will notice, that this is no longer the case. Welcome! Read alot and post often. Lots of nice people here with an amazing amount of support and advice. Best part is - they will not judge. It says we are a community, but it really is more like a wonderful family!

                      Hugs, Best
                      "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                        Not sure if I drink too much?

                        Very well said bestlife! If you have to ask, you're probably in trouble. The reminder that problem drinking - alcohol dependent - alcoholism - is progressive is dead on. We all started drinking (as RJ did as well) thinking we were just one of the social crowd. But alcohol takes a different path - the path to eventual hell! Tackle the beast before you lose your marbles - your body, your life and the universe will thank you. Join us as we all strive to make ourselves better, one beautiful day at a time.



                          Not sure if I drink too much?


                          soo many replies.

                          Well I feel like 'one2many ' above here, just feels normal to drink.

                          I'm not sure if I want a way out as I dont feel trapped, I function normally, dont get in trouble.

                          I do keep telling myself to have an AF night, but it seldom happens.

                          I should really do the AF one day a week I suppose.

                          Interesting forum, I shall hang around.



                            Not sure if I drink too much?

                            OK just my take on this...

                            Someone once told me, many years ago, that if you are questioning whether or not you have a problem with alcohol, you probably do.

                            I really don't think it is about amount of intake. It is about how important alcohol is to us. So many of us here are very functional people, but recognize that having alcohol in our lives is just way to important. I am certainly one of those.

                            If we choose to ingest something, particularly something unhealthy, and feel the need to google about it on-line, then something is telling us we are worried about it. We don't sit and do research on things that are a "non-issue" in our lives.

                            I am certain that for many of us this is NOT a desease of physical addiction, but certainly an addiction all the same. People without an issue with alcohol don't worry about it-ever.

                            Well, that is my take anyway. Stick around, get info. and go from there.

                            Best of luck to you.

                            formerly known as bak310


                              Not sure if I drink too much?

                              its not how much, you doo drink.

                              You will know when bottle disease strikes!!!! Ask now and know later. My tip would be do a 30 day run dry! NO BOOZE for 30, then 60 and then 90...okay you are re-wired and ready to resume your regular drinking habits. :thanks: Rip.

