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ODAT - Monday

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    ODAT - Monday

    Here we are again. The start of another week, but most importantly, for us ODATers it is the start of another DAY! Put anything bad about yesterday well and truly behind you and look at this one afresh. Take anything good about yesterday forward into today to keep you positive and motivated. That's my little pep talk for the morning :H:H

    Up bright and early to put the finishing touches to some paperwork I started yesterday. Got a busy but bitty day, finishing in the pub! Got to go to a meeting there - we have a village 'foodie' group and we organise evenings where villagers get together and share food. This next one is a barbecue with a local chef coming along to make up sauces and dips to go with our chargrilled creations. Should be good. Thinking of doing pigeon breasts as we have plenty of them. Just need to make sure I get through the meeting ok.

    Have a great day all.

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Monday

    good for you bessie, good luck with everything. foodie group sounds very nice.

    I need to put yesterday behind me big time. Had too much to drink and ugh and raging. I am very disappointd with myself but will not beat myself up any more. There were some lovely parts to the day and will bring them forward. I will thank god for my lovely life and for the lovely day I am going to have. It is a beautiful day here. I better get up and get out. i was going to stay in bed and feel sorry for myself but I wont. Sometimes it is easier than others and I must focus on the good again.

    take care maggym


      ODAT - Monday



      dopnt know where or how to start. HELP!!!!!!


        ODAT - Monday

        Hi all ODAT'rs

        Thanks for the pep talk Bessie. Its a beautiful morning here and the start of another week. The start of my second week AF since coming back from hols. Feels great to have a full week AF since coming back and the great thing was, I did not even think about it. No planning, feeling deprived etc. I had had a nice two weeks, ate and drank and now was just cutting back. Taking it ODAT and today will be AF.

        Have a great Monday everyone.



          ODAT - Monday

          Good Morning ODATers,

          About 3:11 a.m. here.

          Oh well. Might as well start the day when I wake up.

          Bessie, good luck on the pub. You can do it. Stay busy with other things besides drink.

          MaggyMay, I am proud of you. You let one bad day set you on your heels and think. Many of us (me) have taken that one bad day and just run with it.

          BigKahuna, :welcome: You can start here if you like. Or you can start your own thread and tell us a bit about yourself.

          RU, glad to see that coming back from hols and going AF was no big deal.

          I am doing well and hanging in there at the moment. I go to Lenair Aug 1st and reallly hope it helps. Scared but figure if it doesn't, I will still continue to work at this.

          Love to all and all to come,
          AF April 9, 2016


            ODAT - Monday

            Cindi, thanks for the encouragement. I got a fright all right and must remember not to be so proud.... all this is very humbling and i think i need to bring life to a lower level if you know what I mean. It needs to be more basic and I will just have to watch myself.

            Bigkahuna, I think this is a great place to start. It takes a while to get used to the honesty but it is now working for me.

            Good luck with Lenair Cindi,

            Here's to Monday for us all... xxx


              ODAT - Monday

              Hello All,
              Hoping everyone has a good Monday.
              Feeling more positive today - got some sleep last night which helps!
              Lovely sunny day here in Ireland at the moment (can change any second!) so intend getting outside for a bit and may bring the kids for a walk to the playground. I have tons of work to do, mainly on the computer, but it can wait till later, too nice to be stuck indoors. I'll stay up all night to get it done if needed (might as well make the most of my difficulty to sleep these days!).
              Managed to stay AF Saturday & Sunday so feel good about that and I WILL be AF again today.
              Good luck Bessie with your evening
              Will be thinking of you Cindi on Aug 1st - have to admit I do not really know about Lenair but I have seen a lost of posts about it, I hope it works for you
              Sorry about yesterday Maggymay but at least you are aware of it and you didn't drink as much as you might have before.
              WELCOME bigkahuna!
              Hope I have not left anyone else out.
              There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                ODAT - Monday

                naber! (Turkish)

                Well, let's just see what today brings. Thank you all for your support yesterday. I am getting the same nudges from friends (the ones I can seee and touch - I consider all of you friends too) and family (which you damn near qualify for!) I have already begun to move in the direction of a separation. I deserve better. Rhonda Lenair is right. He punishes me and she said I should avoid people who want to do that.

                Bessie, you've done the pub before and it wasn't a problem. You'll be good!

                Bandit I used to be quite productive in the middle of the night. I use "used to" in a very recent manner.

                Cindi, my inner alarm went off at 3 AM and I often just got up and going. I hope you settle down about your nervousness of Lenair. All will go well. Thoughts become things!

                Rustop, you sure sound good!

                :welcome: bigkahuna! How can we help? What's going on?

                Dolphin, get those BGP on and get up and running, duster in one hand, vacuum in the other!

                Maggymay, you get your BBP pants on. That was yesterday. Good for you for knowing to get up and at 'em!

                I get my car back tomorrow. Whew! I hate being stranded.

                Everyone have a good productive day and feel good about yourself when you brush your teeth tonight!
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  ODAT - Monday

                  Good morning all --- I feel great this morning after an AF day yesterday. As you know, it was a bit of a struggle last night not to cave in, but I did it. Kept waking up through the night though ... 1 hour sleep, 1 hour awake, and on and on.... but all in all, I feel clear headed and ready to face the day. Thanks for being there last night for me. Off to a good start for the week ... let's stay strong together!


                    ODAT - Monday

                    Morning everyone! Yep, I went poof again for a bit while my friend was in town.

                    Did SO great when he was first here, then starting slipping WAY past that 2 glasses of wine control. Damn.

                    But he is now gone, it's a new week and I got rid of all the booze in the house last night. So here we go again =)

                    Have a great Monday everyone!


                      ODAT - Monday

                      Hi guys,

                      Man, this month is killing me! Yesterday sucked! Today is a new day and it will be an AF and NF one.

                      And that's all I'm going to say about that.

                      Love and Hugs,
                      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                        ODAT - Monday

                        Good morning all

                        Welcome Bigkahuna! Hang in the Maggy. Bandit, I think I took away your sleep slept like crap last night. Sounds like a good time Bessie. I'm sure you will be fine. Stay strong Green. I'm sure I missed some people, just waking up, a bit foggy.
                        Today is day 17. I really had no opportunity to drink over the weekend, worked 3-midnight all weekend. I am off today and have a million things to do. It is so good not to have a hangover, or I wouldn't get anything done. I am also supposed to meet up with a very good friend of mine today, who I did a great deal of drinking with. I have not seen her since I went AF, and she has no clue. I really don't wish to get into it with her because she feels that alcoholism/addiction is not an illness, but a choice, and she has a son who is in drug rehab right now. I'm sure I will not drink. I have come this far. I plan to attend AA this evening, as I do every chance that I get. I wish all a successful and pleasant day. Hey, Ireland, you took away our Humid and stormy here.
                        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                          ODAT - Monday

                          Sea, just want to say how pleased I am for your and how wonderfully you are doing. 17!!! Wow!:wd:

                          Waiting, enjoy the new day. That's the best part, we're given a clean slate each morning. Let's all try to make it a good one! :h
                          You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                            ODAT - Monday

                            Thanks river ...

                            And HIya One2many. Missed you all as well. Sometimes the strengh I gain from being here surprises even me. When I go away for a bit is when I fall down again.

                            Having a very sad morning in missing "the guy" again. God, when does the pain stop? Went to listen to some music last night and came home and cried for most of the night ... he is a musician and it just brought it all back again. And I KNOW it makes it worse when I drink. Felt like I was starting to heal ... but that damn AL is such a depressant.

                            Well, new day and new week and time to kick myself in the butt again and get back on track. I am leaving to go camping for a week in Yosemite next Sunday. Hopefully I can hold it togther as I know there will be plenty of AL around and I'll be without an internet connection to come here for support. At least I have this week to prepare to be stronger.

                            You guys are great. Wishing us all a strong day filled with smiles.


                              ODAT - Monday


                              First day back to work today, and sailing on through. Feeling good and strong today.

                              Have a great day ya'll!
                              "Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

