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A bit Disappointed in Myself

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    A bit Disappointed in Myself

    Modding has been good, until this weekend. Not out of compulsion, but just mindless habit, I just had too much Sat, and then last night, with my hub. And we weren't going to even have AL on a weeknight...too much being, instead of 2-3, it was 4-5. I wasn't sick, or falling down, or hungover this morning (although, I've come to appreciate how CLEAR I feel with no AL), it was just not what I planned, and I feel kind of stupid to say, "it just got away with me". But that's what happened because I was not being disciplined about my servings.

    I guess today's a new day, I just hate feeling so dumb, or so easily back-slidden.

    A bit Disappointed in Myself

    4tops - I am right there with you unfortunately. Very disappointed. Didn't overdo it so much, but did it nonetheless. Really had to meditate this morning and do a little self-forgiving (not too good at that). Trying hard. ODAT is all I can do. I didn't crave it, I just did it! Arrrrg!
    "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


      A bit Disappointed in Myself

      Ditto Tops!!!

      Just missed you in chat, but also had the same thing this weekend and the scary thing was it also got away from me... had a glass during lunch on Saturday, then another later in the afternoon then another and then another and when I added it all up for my drink tracker it was WTF!!!

      There has been alot of talk on the mod forum and I am definetly a candidate for 30 days AF next month, It is scaring me a little cause I have only done Sundays AF but damn it this isin't modding is it?
      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


        A bit Disappointed in Myself

        way to go tops at least yur reconisin it congrats gyco


          A bit Disappointed in Myself

          4Tops, KBCE & DeeBee, Don't be hard on yourselves. It took me a year to find out I could'nt mod. I suppose thats the reinforcement I needed to get good and strong. I do slip from time to time and have the same feelings you do. Think positive and keep this battle going, its so worth it. I have had a drink so many times out of habit and once my defenses are down I'm screwed. I try to keep as much AF beer and wine in the house as I can and take that first. It usually gets my mine off the other stuff and its like a pacifier as I think I needed something. Best to you, big hugs.


            A bit Disappointed in Myself

            yes - the habit

            I'm with you guys! I also am trying not to fall into my old evil ways, and although I am not drinking 2 boxes of wine a week, down to only 2 bottles a week since my AF June, I do tend to drink each bottle at one time, and then go a few days without. Now, that is not modding, is it!!! I still can't stop myself from drinking the bottle until it is gone, and the only thing that stops me from drinking more is that I only have that one bottle in the house at any given time!!!! Otherwise, who knows what kind of shenanigans I would get up to! I also am considering another 30day AF stint in my near future. Why the heck not?!?!?
            xoxo Peanut


              A bit Disappointed in Myself

              KAT20 - thanks for that - you made me feel better! I need to find a good AF wine. It really is worth it. Life is so much better hangover free (even a slight hangover is terrible in my opinion!)
              Any suggestions on a good AF wine?

              Your friend Kat (hey I'm Kat too!
              "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                A bit Disappointed in Myself

                Hi all,

                I, too, would be interested in a good tasting al-free wine. Tried some years ago, and quite frankly preferred water over it - it was bad. Whether it's an AF or mod day for me, I cannot stop being vigiliant. And, my personal definition of modding has had to be reduced, or I'm off to the races. Try to leave several AF days in between the occasional glass of wine. But I do enjoy holding the glass and going through the motions - how weird is that? We drinkers are a strange, but lovable bunch!



                  A bit Disappointed in Myself

         were not drunk, you still had control of yourself, I think that is an accomplishment. You're doing really well I think.


                    A bit Disappointed in Myself

                    Hi Tops!

                    Sorry to hear about your disappointment. I might suggest 30 days AF before you start modding. RJ talks about it in her book - and it really seems to help clear out the old "habits" and then replace them with new habits.

                    Always remember a BAD habit is something that leaves us feeling bad about ourselves. So if you felt bad -- it is a piece of this puzzle for you in deciding IF you can moderate. Also remember that RJ talks about modding in relation to BUTTER. If you don't think about butter, you don't over indulge, and you don't feel bad after consuming it - that is the definition of moderating. Just food for thought.

                    Keep on .... you will get your path figured out. Hang in here!
                    AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                    Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                    (from the Movie "Once")

