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First Day AF Tomorrow

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    First Day AF Tomorrow

    Hello Everyone -- This is my first time posting. I don't know how much alcohol is a problem for me or not, but I guess I'll find out soon. It has been creeping up on me. For the longest time I limited myself to a half bottle of wine a night. At social gatherings I would usually have 3 or 4 glasses, though on occasion would have more. (As a 5 foot tall female, this seems like a fair amount). Lately at times I have been drinking a whole bottle of wine a night. I function OK -- am sometimes late to work, but have never been a morning person and my boss doesn't really care -- but I'm starting to feel not OK about it. For one thing, I feel fat, bloated, and tired. For another, I am in the health field and have seen people with severe liver damage. It's not pretty. Also it's expensive to drink this much. Another thing is that alcoholism is in my family -- father, a couple of grandparents, brother, etc. Anyway, I have decided to try to go 30 days AF, starting tomorrow. I bought a really good bottle of wine to drink tonight (I'm halfway through it but will probably finish it off -- don't want to waste it, you know). I am really glad I found this site. I know that AA is not for me, and I don't think I'm like my brother, who if he has just one drink is out of control, and I love wine and would hate to think of never having any ever again. I'll see how it goes for 30 days, and if I can't even do that, that in itself will give me more information to go on! I plan to order some kudzu from this site. By the way... what is "HF"? ...

    First Day AF Tomorrow

    Hi Katagrl,

    Good luck on your 30 days AF. I am currently on Day 4 after a few trys.

    I think it is a good idea to do the 30 days and see how difficult you find it. Drinking really does creep up on you. I used to only drink at weekends and then slowly but surely over the last few years it became a nightly habit and became a full bottle of wine, sometimes more. It really has affected my ability to work well, look after my kids, I put on weight and generally just felt tired and lousy all the time.

    It is good that you want to do something about it now.

    Best Wishes,
    There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


      First Day AF Tomorrow

      Hi Katagrl,

      Have you prepared yourself and got the suppliments, read the book, poured all the wine down the drain and made sure you have a exciting NON alcoholic drink?

      When you feel the urge to drink jump on-line for support we have all been in the same boat or about to climb in.

      Keep us posted how you're doing!
      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


        First Day AF Tomorrow

        good luck kata yur in the rt spot people here are very understanding gyco


          First Day AF Tomorrow

          Hi there,

          The book is the best way to start this program IMHO. (in my humble opinion)
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            First Day AF Tomorrow

            Your story sounds very much like mine.
            Enjoy your wine tonight and be strong tomorrow )
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              First Day AF Tomorrow


              You sound a lot like me - was an occasional, moderate wine drinker. I LOVE the taste of good wine and it slowly progressed (which it will!!) to a bottle of night, on the average. Sometimes more, and then I would take a night "off" because I felt so rough. I, too, could not imagine never drinking wine again. I am now DAY 24 AF, and the thought of staying that was is sounding better and better. It has been a struggle but the rewards have been SO worth it. Good luck! And NO MATTER WHAT (ups & downs) keep coming back - it makes such a difference.

              By the way "HF" means "hangover free"... Some AF members use this and alot of moderators seem too also. Because although moderators are not necessarily "alcohol free" they moderate their drinking so that they are "hangover free"... It's a great feeling...
              God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


                First Day AF Tomorrow

                Another newbie

                Hi - this is my first posting too. Yep - the drinking has crept up; breast cancer surgery and treatment threw me into depression... crept up some more... it's in the family including father who died at age 49 and mother at 60. I'm 54. I've read the book, have started preparing, am waiting for the CDs and supplements to arrive. In the meantime, I am AF and planning to stay that way until I get with the program. I've done hypnotherapy before and know that it can really work... quit smoking 15 years ago and never went back. I'd like to be able to drink moderately, socially or not at all as appropriate. Time to get my life back on track with a little help from MWO and friends. :new:
                Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. -- Nelson Mandala 1994


                  First Day AF Tomorrow

                  My first post too. Pretty down right not, after an argument with my 21 year old dtr. last night I went to the bar and she moved out. I'm thinking about trying to become AF.
                  Love, Peace & Happiness


                    First Day AF Tomorrow

                    Welcome to sobriety.

                    You will know when bottle disease strikes!!!! Ask now and know later. My tip would be do a 30 day run dry! NO BOOZE for 30, then 60 and then 90...okay you are re-wired and ready to resume your regular drinking habits.


                      First Day AF Tomorrow

                      Welcome to all the newbies,

                      So that I don't have to repeat an excellent post, suggest to you all that you read DeeBee's post under the category "Just starting out" re: reading the MWO book. This place is a wonderful way to work through your ups and downs as you grow toward sobriety, but you will get the best results by fully engaging in the program. Kata, I, too am a wine girl but I've learned that I simply cannot drink even a small amount on a regular basis. I enjoy a glass from time to time (and I mean enjoy - it's sipped ever so slowly) but I make sure I put in plenty of AF days in between. Ripple's right - need to go AF for a good while and start new, healthy habits. The old AL demon is always lurking around a corner ready to strike at the first sign of weakness, so I put on the armor! I had a slight inkling to drink tonight (not a full bore craving), but heck it's Tuesday and who needs it? So I've spent the last hour here which is infinitely more satisfying.

                      Let us know how ya'll are doing. Sobriety is a wonderful way to honor ourselves, spreading that gratitude to others around us.


