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Read the book My Way Out!!

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    Read the book My Way Out!!

    Hello nice experience everyday i too think of this plan... how to stop? i was a chain smoker 4 23 yrs but i stopped it 4 two yre now plz help me 2 stop drinking too i consume 4---6 pegs a day plz help me....


      Read the book My Way Out!!


      For all newbies:-)
      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


        Read the book My Way Out!!

        Great thread!
        I got my book on Thursday and have read most of it. I plan to finish reading it today. My first thought was that this program as a whole does not get enough attention on the fourm. So I was happy to see this thread.
        I did not initially order the cds probably because they are not discussed much on the fourm. In fact I did a search on hypnotherapy on the forum yesterday and most of what I found posted about the cds was negative feedback. But reading the MWO book I have realized that I should have ordered the combo pack. I want to be successful in this and don't want to try to skip important parts of the recovery process.
        Can anyone give me some positive feedback on the hypno cds?
        Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic


          Read the book My Way Out!!

          I have the cds and use them quite often. I have been AF for over 60 days. I joined MWO about one week before becoming AF and have been rolling along ever since, very happy in my sobriety. My opinion is that the cds are working for me. Changing the way you think about alcohol is one of the cornerstones of this program, that is, getting to the point that you can take it or leave it. I know many here still grieve the loss or miss alcohol in their lives or feel deprived of AL. When you still miss AL or feel deprived you will always be in danger of going back to old habits (similar to dieting and depriving yourself of certain foods). I don't feel deprived and I don't miss alcohol but I also know that I can't Mod. I know, for myself, if I take that first drink, I will bring the cravings for AL flooding back. Making the choice to Mod or abstain is an individual one and you will develop that decision over time and working the program, but I am firmly convinced that the cds have helped me immensely. Best wishes in your quest, Peri. Kriger
          "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


            Read the book My Way Out!!

            Thank you for bumping this the book is very important. I would just like to say a few words. I have been called nasty names on here for being sober and promoting sobriety. I judge nobody. I have struggled more than I care to admit. I actually have drank Listerine. Anyway I digress.
            What I want to speak about is modding. I believe it can be done by some. However until you read the book you really don't understand what moderating is. It is not a reward. The thing that brought me to this site was the idea of moderating vs quitting.

            I'm an alcoholic. Not a problem drinker. For the longest time I thought I was modding. "I didn't drink all week soI can drink on the weekend" "I will not drink until the party" It still leaves alcohol in control. We live until we can drink again.

            When we treat AL as a reward it still controls our thoughts and actions even when sober. Some of us(and not all) need to learn we will never be able to think of alcohol the way we do butter. I can use butter and leave the rest for months. I can't do that with a bottle. I can have butter in the house and not be tormented by it. I am an alcoholic. I cannot mod. The second I accepted this my life changed.

            I know this is long but I feel badly when I see people in pain b/c they think they are doing the program. Modding does not and will not work for everyone. For those it does work for I truly am thrilled for you. For the rest remember 1 is too many and 1000 is not enough.


              Read the book My Way Out!!

              hypnotherapy cds

              I just ordered the hypnotherapy cds! I really want to "work" this program. [and I'm ding my part to 'bump' this thread LOL]

              I have a really great support system in place and this forum is a huge part of that. I have reached out to some "live" support too. I would like to say how important I think that is. It doesn't have to be a spouse - although it may be - but reach out to your people, it really helps!

              I will report back when I start my hypno cds.

              Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic


                Read the book My Way Out!!

                Good on you Peri! I always wanted to try the CD's but financially it was too much of a strain for me as the shipping costs are crippling to SA. You are right, it is good to have somebody on your side, RJ mentiones it in the book. It can get tricky explaining to kids especially why you are taking so many tablets and needing time out so it is great that you have a support system to help you.

                Dolly, i agree with what you say but another BIG part of modding sucessfully is you HAVE TO DO 30 DAYS AF. I did not do this initially, in fact I was so excited when reading the book that I didn't read the last couple of chapters. I had cut down to one glass of wine a night, but it bugged me that I was still drinking every night - for me that is not modding! It was only after modding, (fairly sucessfully) for 3 months did I go AF for 60 days and it does make the world of difference. My intention is still to do many 30 days AF whilst modding to keep the balance and ensure that I don't "slip".
                "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                  Read the book My Way Out!!

                  In completing RJ's MWO book, there is a line that stands out to me, "Prepare to change your life." She goes on to say that the word "prepare" is key here. She recommends that you gather all your supplies together before you start. Gather up all your material supplies (book, cds, meds, supps) and gather your psychological supplies (your courage, your support system, your motivation), and incorporate all the pieces for the greatest success.

                  I thought about this as I have experience cooking projects. I find my recipe for let?s say stir fry (yummy!). I have made stir fry many times and have tried both of the following scenarios:
                  Scenario 1: I start chopping the veggies. When the onions are ready I throw them into the wok. As I start to chop other veggies I realize I haven?t started the rice yet. I start the rice, the onions are now burning and the other veggies are not even ready to go in the wok yet. I quickly get some other veggies ready, throw them in, stir it all up, put in all the spices, and in my chaotic mess, decide that the dish will be just fine if I use everything but the soy sauce, so I leave it out. Now the stir fry mix is ready but I have to let it simmer because the rice is still cooking (stir fry is not meant to simmer). When it?s time to eat I?m frustrated because it didn?t go like I thought it would and the meal tastes ?ok? but seems like something is missing.
                  Scenario 2: I gather all my ingredients. I make a plan which includes starting the rice first since it will take the longest to prepare. I chop all the veggies, measure out all the spices (and the soy sauce). Then I add the veggies, spices, and soy sauce to the wok in an organize manner. When it is done the rice is ready to go, I have a tasty meal, and I feel successful and happy with the results.
                  Trust me, I like Scenario 2 best and try to plan all my cooking projects this way now.

                  Back to the MWO program. I started out piecemeal: started reading and posting here, got the kudzu (which is amazing for me!), ordered the book, read the book, ordered the cd set, and plan to purchase the remaining supplements later today. In the mean time I have had some drinks, and have had some AF days. And I feel good about what I've done so far. I?ve been sampling the ingredients but I didn?t have the complete ?recipe? yet. I now have the recipe and realize that each piece I have sampled to date is preparing me "to change [my] life".

                  I have been thinking that I will try this program without the topamax. Now that I have read the entire book, however, I have changed my mind about that. Who knows, the topamax may be my ?soy sauce?. Without it, I may not attain the final result I so desperately want and that would frustrate me.

                  After reading the entire book, I believe that if I truly want the full benefit of this program I need to include all the ingredients. Thanks to RJ for this ?recipe? and thank you DeeBee for starting this thread.

                  Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic


                    Read the book My Way Out!!

                    I did read the book

                    I too read the book and feel strongly about it. I'm going to order the cds and vitamins today. A little scard the vit's wil make me sick like I read on someone thread. How do I get people to answer me back and talk to others?


                      Read the book My Way Out!!

                      autumn08;440226 wrote: I too read the book and feel strongly about it. I'm going to order the cds and vitamins today. A little scard the vit's wil make me sick like I read on someone thread. How do I get people to answer me back and talk to others?
                      Autumn, welcome, and I'd recommend that you start your own thread in the "Just Starting Out" section. Just tell a little about yourself, about your concerns, OK?



                        Read the book My Way Out!!

                        Bump for newbies!


                          Read the book My Way Out!!


                          I've responded to many threads asking about the cd's. I heartily recommend them. My experience was similar to Kriger's - they really do help change the thought patterns. And yes, true modding is not measured in days or drinks. It is where our head and hearts are with AL - and if it controls our thoughts or plays out in our actions, it's still got us by the, well, horns.



                            Read the book My Way Out!!

                            An update! I have just read what I wrote back in July and I'm proud of how far I've come since then. Little did I know when posting this thread just how much further I had to go on my journey - I figured I was taking my supps, meds and modding quite happily, job done, right...... NOT. 9 days after this post I found my name on the list for 30 days AF in August .... holy crap! I had a nervous melt down. I was not ready to go AF and did I really NEED to go AF, I mean just look at how well I am modding?

                            Long story short, I ended up doing 60 days AF and it was one of the most painful, confusing, enlightening and exhilarating experiences I have had. With the support and help of my friends here and my hubby at home I DID IT!

                            I am still taking all the supps (bar the Milk Thistle) religiously but I have stopped taking the Topa and I am now back on the road to moderation, wiser, healthier and stronger than before.

                            To anyone who thinks that 30 days AF just ain't for them as you are sucessfully modding, give it a bash, I highly recommend it.
                            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                              Read the book My Way Out!!

                              That's awesome! I often look back at things I've written (journals, etc) and can really see growth so I know what you're talking about.

                              So, I forget, are you still AF or modding? So glad to hear how much success you've had.

                              I plan to do a 30 day AF as soon as all my cds get here. I got notice from my Dr today that he has ordered the tmax for me (it was very easy for me since I have a long history of migraines I asked for it as a migraine preventative). I've read the book I've got all the other supps bought and ready to go. I am hoping to be a modder but first things first (just like the baby mtn goat).

                              Like you, I have an incredibly supportive husband! I am sure that has to help imensely. I am also sure that one can be successful without that direct support.

                              When I am able to visit S Africa, I'll come look you up (it's on my list of places to see before I die).

                              Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic


                                Read the book My Way Out!!

                                Ok I am sold, I am signing up this weekend with next pay period and downloading the book and getting the CD"s....I also am one of those that have been doing great and then not so great. Thinking that my dosage for the day is excessive ie. 2 pills 3x day and thinking that I could handle if only 2x or once, yea right. I am sold on this website and the support that is here and as of this week am jumping in with both feet and not looking back. As read in several other post's I can't change yesterday, I have no idea what tomorrow brings so I am only going to worry about today. Thank you all.
                                AF with a few speed bumps during 2014 & 2015 but will succeed.
                                As of 4/12/2014 I have not smoked at all and feel great.

