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Day 3 sober after regular heavy drinking

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    Day 3 sober after regular heavy drinking

    3 days ago i was at work and at about 8pm i actually started to pass out and had to be taken to the ER. it obviously scared me to death. Come to find out i was completely dehydrated from staying up late and drinking heavily the night before (vodka and beer). I didn't really drink any water at the end of the night and woke up just in time to be at work at 4pm. that didnt give me an opportuntiy to eat anything, most importantly i didn't drink anything accept a glass of iced tea, which im sure made it worse for me.
    when i got to the ER at about 830 i told the doctors i had been drinking the night before so i recieved an IV. i felt better but still jittery and light headed.
    its day 3 and i feel better than that night but i still feel light headed (foggy), jittery, and i get occational waves of kinda like a flushing feeling through my body. I get an anxious, almost nervous feeling off and on. ive read other threads and found that this is normal. Im 27 and have drank heavily for about 5 years, with breaks here and there. i know my head will eventually clear, hopfully within the next couple of days, but it is still scary. im drinking alot of water, pedialyte, and right now im drinking cranberry juice to maybe help the craving. any thing else i can do to help me through this? after a scary experience like that i really want to quite.

    help please... thanks

    Day 3 sober after regular heavy drinking

    Welcome. Glad you found this site. Sounds like you have a great start. Unfortunately, you had to have a bad experience to bring you to this point.
    You are young and I suggest that you try very hard now to control this problem. It is a progressive problem and the longer you drink the harder this will be. The first days are hard but if you do not drink you won't have to do this again. Good Luck. Stick around. There will be many here to help support you.


      Day 3 sober after regular heavy drinking

      thanks for the support. its nerve racking right now but all the more reason i really never want to go through this again.
      my dad has been sober for years and does it through AA. hes knows i drink, but not as much i really do. i have always seen myself following his footsteps, so any support i can get is great. even if im able to sober up i may consider going to AA to keep me from going back.


        Day 3 sober after regular heavy drinking

        Sounds like you are DETOXING keep drinking lots of water


          Day 3 sober after regular heavy drinking

          Hi , Hope you are feeling better soon. Just keep coming here and read and post.
          you are so young. I know you can do this. Much success to you.

          God Bless


            Day 3 sober after regular heavy drinking

            Welcome DSR,

            If you can control your drinking at this young age, you will be able to fully embrace your life rather than live in regret. But just, if not more, importantly get to know the full MWO program. I highly recommend you read DeeBee's thread, also in this category, on reading RJ's book and following through on the program she outlines. Then, come here often for encouragement, inspiration and the company with of others who have thrown the gauntlet down in the face of the demon alcohol. Know it is not your friend. It won't ease any troubles, just create new ones to deal with. It's expensive and can fill you with more regret and remorse. Stick to your guns and kick AL to the curb!



              Day 3 sober after regular heavy drinking

              I just wanted to say WELL DONE for making it to 3 days!! I screwed up today on my first day but i can't wait to start again. WELL DONE and keep it up. You'll feel better soon!!!!!!!


                Day 3 sober after regular heavy drinking

                thankyou so much..... im on day 4 and i am still feeling anxious and my head is so cloudy... it is hard to see the end of detox (and thinking my head will never clear up scares me to death). the only thing that really is helping me is to do non strenuous physical activity - like pulling weeds, doing laundry etc.. it is soooo hard, so thanks for your support

