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Day 3 sober after regular heavy drinking

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    Day 3 sober after regular heavy drinking

    3 days ago i was at work and at about 8pm i actually started to pass out and had to be taken to the ER. it obviously scared me to death. Come to find out i was completely dehydrated from staying up late and drinking heavily the night before (vodka and beer). I didn't really drink any water at the end of the night and woke up just in time to be at work at 4pm. that didnt give me an opportuntiy to eat anything, most importantly i didn't drink anything accept a glass of iced tea, which im sure made it worse for me.
    when i got to the ER at about 830 i told the doctors i had been drinking the night before so i recieved an IV. i felt better but still jittery and light headed.
    its day 3 and i feel better than that night but i still feel light headed (foggy), jittery, and i get occational waves of kinda like a flushing feeling through my body. I also get an anxious, almost nervous feeling off and on. ive read other threads and found that this is normal. Im 27 and have drank heavily (beer and vodka) for about 5 years, with breaks here and there. i know my head will eventually clear, hopfully within the next couple of days, but it is still scary. im drinking alot of water, pedialyte, and right now im drinking cranberry juice to maybe help the craving. any thing else i can do to help me through this? after a scary experience like that i really want to quite.

    help please... thanks