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ODAT - Wednesday

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    ODAT - Wednesday

    Morning all. How is everyone doing? Hump day for so many. Kind of just another working/busy day for me. There is no working week ..... or weekend off!!

    Special shout for my juicy Green bean pal - huge amounts of joy, positive thoughts and cyber hugs to help you with what you are going through.

    And everyone else can have some too - as we are all 'going through' something, some more than others.

    Occurs to me that really I shouldn't be in this new section of the board any more - I will have been on here a year in October but this ODAT thread is my regular daily check in and is here for new members and established ones. It also occurs to me that I am stressing less about getting the AF 30 days in. I used to get very worried that I was failing by not doing the recommended 30 days and looked at those who had given up totally with awe. And I still do - it is a hell of an achievement. But it no longer makes me feel inadequate.
    I like to do what I am doing now - more AF days than drinking days and working hard at moderating when I do drink. I still have my 'dog days' but they are getting fewer and the quantities less.

    That's not for everyone and I do really think that following the programme properly and doing the intitial 30 days plus has got to be the way to go for most people. A friend of mine has admitted to being an alcoholic and his counsellor is recommending a 90 day AF stint before he even thinks about the next step so you do need that time to clean your body and retrain your brain. Bessie just likes to do things her way!! It's taking longer but it's because of the ODAT that I am able to do it at all. Keeps me focussed.

    So bigs hugs to everyone. Hope you have the most gorgeous weather that I have here. It is the biz! :H:H

    Bessie xx

    PS No tools needed for AF night last night. Just sheer tiredness!!

    ODAT - Wednesday

    Morning Bessie and all to follow!

    Day 5 AF for me today and feeling ok but constantly tired even though I got a good sleep last night.

    Had an argument with my hubby last night too over something silly- I was cranky and irritable as it was, with a thumper of a headache around 6.30pm (start of the witching hour/s for me) and he came in from work giving out that the kids were eating in the living room - the only reason i let them eat there was because he had filled the kitchen table with all his stuff. The man is a hoarder and his work and hobby stuff is all over the house and the sheds outside- the kids even have to share a bedroom so that he can have a room for himself (which he can't even use as there is so much in it) which can't really go on as they will need to be separated soon. Meantime I get a corner of the kitchen table for my laptop for my work.

    I give out and give out and give out and give out about it (get the message!), he cleans it but within hours it's back to the way it was.

    I think being sober may lead to more arguments as if I am drinking I just mellow and let it go. Anyway, he sulked all evening and would not talk to me despite me trying to break the ice later on (I am always the one who backs down just to sort things out) so I just went to bed. He's gone off to work this morning without as much as a goodbye.

    We'll see what happens later, I am not in the mood for bullshit if you know what I mean!

    Anyway, enough moaning, only positive thoughts for the rest of the day and I will not drink today no matter how much I might feel like it at present.

    Have a good day everyone
    There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


      ODAT - Wednesday

      Hi Bessie and Bandit and all to come!
      Oh Bandit can totally relate to hubby stuff. Not that my hubby is very messy just that he has very different ideas about the 'mess' the kids create. I am more relaxed than he and crumbs etc totally freak him out! Deep breaths eh!
      I've not been on for a while.....end of term and my son and sisters birthdays and hubby away most of time. !st day of 'holidays' (well for kids anyway!) My al intake usually spirals during holidays alongside my stress levels. My aim this next few weeks is to not let it.
      Me too like you Bessie really am awestruck at the way people can go totally al free. I want to get there too. ODAT is what I can manage at mo. Tonight I want to be AF so may need alittle moral support!
      Take care all and have a good day !
      love Eviexx
      Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
      Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
      For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


        ODAT - Wednesday

        good day all

        Hi everyone,

        I am nearly finished Allen Carr's book and I think it is very good. But you do have to be ready for it. I am just about finding out the easyway he talks about and i get the message already. It is a question of trusting yourself really and looking at the problem of alcohol differently. He talks of us being ignorant of the substance and that our messages about it are confused. I know he would not be for everyone but I think it is good. The power of positive thinking i suppose. I definitely feel better since I started it on Monday and I think I look better too.

        God, I remember the days of minding kids and keeping hubby happy. I wonder are they all the same - the hoarding bit and fussy over kids and their gear. It used to stress me so much - reading about it reminds me of those days.....I used to just head off to my friend and let them off. I should appreciate my life now more I think.

        I am heading off on a little trip in August with my gbf to Scotland on a hike for three days. I cant wait.

        Hope everyone is doing okay....



          ODAT - Wednesday

          Hi...ITS RIPPLE..

          Another day in SOberland... :notes::notes::notes:

          BESSIE: Thanks for keeping us together..Joy to the world. we are not bored...
          BANDIT: Another Friggin day without whine...Good Gurl. Tell Hubby bug off.
          EVIE: Where have you been, welcome back to the FREE world.
          MAGGY: The only one you have to keep HAPPY now is YOU!!!
          One2MANY: Yup, AF, another FREE DAY of FREEDOM...

          I'm good .... going back to sleepie time with OLIVES ... awprint:awprint::sausages:


            ODAT - Wednesday

            Hi all ODAT'rs

            Thanks Bessie for once again putting into words exactly what I have been thinking. Like you I have been on the newbie threads for sometime and had been thinking should I move?. I have managed to do a few 30 day AF stints but when I slipped I felt inadequate and at one stage stayed away from MWO for months and continued to drink!!!

            The ODAT thread has been a lifeline, we are all getting there our own way. For the newer newbies, I will say that the more AF time you get under your belt the easier it gets. The important thing is that we stick at it. This thread is the first thing I log onto every day and it's great to see all the new faces and hear about how they are getting on. I'm having too much fun here so I think I will stay a newbie.

            The sun is shining so I am off now to do some gardening. Catch you all later.



              ODAT - Wednesday

              Hello all!

              Gotta tell ya Bessie, I look for the ODAT thread every morning, and would worry if it wasn't there! Sometimes we just need a place to vent or "visit".

              I know what you mean about trying to do this program your own way. When I first started I tried that---and I did cut way down on my al consumption--but when I did drink---I drank too much, and THAT is NOT moderation, it's binge drinking. I decided if I was really serious about it--I needed to try the 30 days, like I had poo pooed previously. I CANNOT believe the difference in the way I feel. Physically and mentally. I have been totally af for 50+ days now. I don't have to beat myself up for drinking, and I don't have to feel like crap. I have more time for my family and life in general.

              I really don't know what the future holds as far as drinking goes. Thats why I still hang around the ODAT thread. Yesterday I was wondering if I should set a goal of 6 months to see if I could do it. Right now, the desire is just not there to drink, and the fear of a hangover after being af so long is a good motivator.

              Well, sorry this got so long. I just wanted to give my 2 cents FWIW on trying the 30 days AF--you won't regret it!! :h

              Have a great day/night all!:h:h
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                ODAT - Wednesday

                Hi ODATers

                Sorry haven't been on regularly recently but am preparing for end of term and going on holiday on Friday.

                Will be back in 2 weeks - Bessie don't you dare stop the ODAT thread I look for it everyday (even if I don't actually post on it).

                Luv to all and super strength to all Mums as the school hols are here!



                  ODAT - Wednesday

                  Bessie --- please don't move somewhere else ... I am a newbie, but found this thread to be the first one I go to as well. I'm not sure how I really want to handle this... AF seems almost impossible to me right now, but trying to get as many together, and then moderate when there is an occassion to drink, like out to dinner with friends. I haven't told anyone about my concern, and there would be eyebrows raised and questions if I didn't have a couple of glasses of wine. Can do that with just my hubby (and he'd be pleased), but I haven't told even him. I need the support of the people here and this site to continue. This is now my 4th day AF. Haven't had that many in a row for years!


                    ODAT - Wednesday

                    Good Morning from the Northeastern US, where we are going to have two days of severe storms, especially tomorrow (my day off) Grrrr. They are talking about a possible tornado tomorrow. I have never experienced that, and can't say that I would like to.
                    Bessie, please don't go anywhere. I look for you everyday on this thread. I love to read about your life. I have family in Ireland, and hope to visit within the next couple of years.
                    Bandit, I think I took away your sleep problems. I slept like crap the past two nights even though I was exhausted from work. I tried Melatonin last night, but it did not really seem to help. Funny, It used to work when I worked third shift and had to sleep in the day time.
                    I am waiting for my doctor to call. I had to stop the Celexa because of side effects. I'm am not sure if she will want to start me on something else, but I really don't feel like I need an antidepressant. I am only depressed when I drink. Hope everyone has a Great day!!
                    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                      ODAT - Wednesday

                      Hi everyone!

                      Bess, you know that you and I are so alike - we've said it many times - we both work the program the same, have had similar dog days etc........some day we will get to our 30 days but in the meantime we have both cut our consumption WAY down, have more AF days than we ever have and have managed to learn how to mod.........even this month when I have struggled it has been moderate drinking, not dog days so I guess I shouldn't be beating myself up too much eh?

                      Like everyone else here I log on to ODAT every day - ususally don't even have time to look at the other boards even if I want to!

                      Hope everyone has a great day,
                      Love and hugs,
                      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                        ODAT - Wednesday

                        Good to hear from everyone. LVT25 your post was good food for thought and a balance to my (almost heretical!) approach to the programme! . I certainly haven't written off the idea of a 30 day stint.
                        I may well get to it one day. Particularly if I find myself going backwards. But at the moment ODAT is the best approach for me.

                        Had the most fab day in the garden. Very sweaty and mucky but got lots done. Paid a friend's son to help and it is really encouraging when someone gets in and does some of the jobs that I would never otherwise get round to.

                        Also pondering the fate of a couple of chicks that were hatched in the incubator. One is plainly not thriving, the other seems fine. I do have two separate hens with two young chicks apiece and I am just pondering whether it would work to introduce the incubator chicks to the outside chicks - it is a question of whether they will adopt them or see them as a threat.

                        Toddling off to Google and look in all the chicken care books.......

                        Bessie xxx


                          ODAT - Wednesday

                          Anyone hear from Greenie today?

                          I am worried about her.

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            ODAT - Wednesday

                            Good evening Bessie and hump day ODATs,

                            If you're still not convinced, Bess, don't move this thread - please! I, too, now come to this thread first because most of my MWO friends are here. You're the proverbial "in" girl, and we all want to hang out with you.

                            Sea, sorry to hear about the Celexa. I stopped taking it (I know, I know, you're not supposed to stop taking an antidepressant w/o dr.) mainly because I'm not depressed when not drinking. Seemed silly to drink then take medication to not feel so bad. Duh.

                            Cindi, have not seen a post yet from Greenie, but I came here first. Her posts yesterday were not encouraging re: hubby. Seems like the female world is colliding with the male. Either they (the guys) are too damn picky about things, or they adore "things" so much they create a mountain of clutter, or they are not dealing with whatever and going off sulking. Surely there are a few good ones out there. Having a pretty good day myself. Just finished track #2 of the clearing tape, and my mind has been purged of all negative thoughts. Either that or I'm having a total senior moment and forgot what they were. Thunderstorm rolling in, so will post this before the lights go out. See you Thursday.



                              ODAT - Wednesday

                              Getting through day 4 AF fine ---- have to drive 1/2 hour to my bridge group, so I don't usually have any Wednesdays ... until I get home! But not tonight ... I stayed away from it last week as well .... came home, brushed teeth right away and got ready for bed and read.... that's the plan for tonight after bridge as well.
                              Vera-b --- had lots of thunderstorms here today as well .... sun has come out now though ... but more on the way tomorrow. Wettest June/July on record here!

