My husband isn't a drinker so i hide my drink from him so he'll not ask me questions or talk down to me or even think i have a problem. I hide bottles of wine in my draws, behind things ect ect and if he sees me drinking i'll fill the bottle up with water or something so he'll not think i've drunk that much.
I've come clean to him and showed him my hiding places and admitted that i've got a problem but within days, i'm back drinking again and hiding it.
I need help to stop, i need support. I need to do this for my health, my marriage (it's not in trouble) and my baby girl who's 8 months.
I just love to unwind after a hard day at work but one glass is never one, it turns into 2, 3 and a bottle. It's just such an easy way out of my head, helps me relax. It's like an excape but it bites me in the ass the next day and it needs to stop!
Thanks for letting me get that off my chest!