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ODAT Thursday

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    ODAT Thursday

    Hi All,

    I have just heard on the radio that there are hoards of flying ants all over the country. Apparently it is the beginning of the summer of love. They are here to have sex and are making their way around Ireland..... I have noticed them in the house over the past week but have not really picked up on the sex thing. I better check them out and move them on. What will I do if my little house turns into a haven for sex for ants!!

    My hike to Scotland is all set. I am looking forward to it a lot but did a stupid thing with the ryanair booking. I did not take down the reference number and got no confirmation email and know the airline who cares (!) when I get to check in they will probably boot me over to get another ticket. I cant geth them to answer the phone and i cant get anywhere on line as i have to have the reference number. But the ticket cost me less than ?15 so I guess i can buy another one if I dont sort it out today.

    I finished Allen Carr's Book and am going to read it again. I think it will do a lot for me. It is a mindset really about giving up alchohol. One of his pointers is that once you make the decision to stop drinking then you do not ever question that decision. You just live your life as someone who does not drink. You have to look at it differently and I wonder if you could really follow his Easyway and continue to think of drink as a problem. I wonder if any of you have read it and have any thoughts? I am doing well this week AF. When I do feel ready to go with Allen Carr I will be having one last drink and that will be it.... Now that I am thinking of it again I think it is a very good book and it just shifts your mindset if you are ready for it. I will think more about it and maybe do a little thread....

    I certainly am in better form and must get up now and what adventures the ants have been up to.

    Sun is shining here and view from my window is lovely.

    How are the chickens Bessie?

    Hope everyone is okay.


    ODAT Thursday

    Hi Maggymay and all to come

    The topic of conversation on this thread just gets more and more interesting, ants having sex, not something I ever thought about!! Bit dull and overcast but hopefully it will brighten up to a lovely day. Off to have my walk with the doggies, my friend is on holidays so I am going solo these days. Still get the exercise but miss putting the world to rights!! I find it a form of therapy.

    Have a great day everyone, catch you all later.



      ODAT Thursday

      Morning Maggymay and Rustop! (and all to come of course!)

      Not very often you'll find a post on any forum that combines Allen Carr, Ryanair and ant sex but we are nothing if not varied here!!:H:H

      Thanks for starting the thread MM - I was online earlier but forgot (!!) to start the thread as I updated my signature and drink tracker last night when I got in from another successful evening of al avoidance! Lovely evening viewing gardens of a local big country house and supper after. Ticket affair which included the first drink and anything afterwards was to be paid for. I didn't take any money and made sure my first drink was AF. Easy.

      I thought today that a regular message that appears on these boards is directed to new joiners to say that it does get easier. Well I need to say it really DOES! The thing is never to give up giving up. Never stop trying trying to stop. The sermon endeth here!!

      Have a wonderful day all.

      Bessie xxx

      MM - the chickens are very well thanks! Though I have a chick in the incubator who is really not doing very well but each time I go in there thinking to finish it off, it seems to have rallied and I leave it a bit longer. Not sure if I am being cruel but I really hate to PTS anything when it seems to have a chance.


        ODAT Thursday

        Hello everyone,

        Well I have to be honest and admit that I did drink some wine last night so I cannot say that today is Day 6 AF for me :upset:
        However, I had two glasses and then went to bed so at least I did not drink the whole lot.

        I'd like to be able to say that today is Day 1 again for me on another 30 day attempt but I just don't think I am at that stage yet, I think I have to stick with the ODAT for now and do the best I can. I have a lot of things coming up over the next month or so that will revolve around drinking - holidays, family gatherings, parties etc. and things will get back to normal in September so we will see what happens one day at a time.

        Maybe I should read that Allen Carr book - Maggymay, what is the title of it?? - is it just stop drinking?
        Regarding Ryanair, I'd probably just buy another ticket as if you leave it until you get to the airport they will probably, knowing Ryanair, charge you a small fortune and then your holiday would get off to a bad start.
        Regarding flying ants and sex all I can say is fair play to them, maybe I should dim the lights and light some scented candles to help get them in the mood??

        Hope all are doing well and have a good day.
        There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


          ODAT Thursday

          odat thursday.....

          Got a new ticket. So now that is sorted. No update the ant sex clinics we apparently have here but will keep you posted. I wonder how they manage it .....

          Meeting friends tonight and will have cake and no drink. I am beginning to realise that most of my friends are happier without drink.

          Allen Carr's book is at home and I will post the name later. It was simple to find - something in the title about alcohol. I do think it is working. I find being on line with this site more now to do with support than trying to stop drinking.

          hope all are doing well.,



            ODAT Thursday

            Good Morning ODATimers. I have been remiss about posting but will try to check in every day. I love hearing from all of you and getting the news about chicks and ant sex, etc. I am still taking antabuse after 75 days and I am still sober thank God. but without the antabuse I am certain that I would have swilled a drink and then some at least one. My simple advice to those struggling like me -- do whatever works if getting sober is at the top of your list!

            Love hearing all your morning adventures and good luck, God bless,


              ODAT Thursday

              Hello All

              The Allen Carr book is called (I think) "The Easy Way to Control Drinking". He tries to fool you with the title, as it is actually about quitting drinking for good and not about drinking in moderation. I have read it three times and found some of it very helpful, but other parts a bit simplistic.

              I do, however, recommend his books about giving up smoking. They have enabled me to stay ciggie free for nearly 2 and a half years now! (and I was a complete addict to nicotine for 33 years!).

              I don't at present have any comments to make on ant sex, but will ponder on the subject!

              Best wishes to all.


                ODAT Thursday

                Good afternoon I have read Allen Carr ( is a worthwhile read) I'm sure ant sex is easier though Matten, Maggie , Bandit, Rusty good to see you..... Bessie I love your ODAT approach it makes a lot of sense if that makes sense however the little color thing at the bottom with numbers mmmmmmmm is that a maths thing I failed math miserably do you add or subtract ????. Anyway might check in here if thats ok otherwise tell me to piss off lol seems a gentle way to start the day!!!!. Am 8 days af but am going to check out this al free wine called "Endenvale" apparently pretty good and get another day under my kip. all the best...
                Love cap


                  ODAT Thursday

                  Good Morning all ODATer's ---- I am pleased to say today I'm working on my 5th day AF!, after finding you all a couple of weeks ago. Haven't done that in years. Would have one day AF --- only because I wasn't feeling so well after a night of too much drinking, and then I'd be back at it. A pattern I had for many, many years, sad to say.
                  Last night I had my regular Bridge night, so I normally wouldn't have had anything to drink (until I got home at 9:30 pm). Well, last night as soon as I arrived home, hubby called to say his car had broken down, and could I come and pick him up? I was so happy that I was AF and could to it! I would have been so embarrassed to tell him he'd have to take a cab because I'd been drinking..... he drinks very little and only on occassion.
                  So thank you, thank you, thank you for being here. I plan to go AF during the week, and only if we have a social thing on the weekend... I will Mod then. If I can't Mod, then it will have to be AF. :thanks:


                    ODAT Thursday


                    Hi everyone,thought I would stop by and say hi!

                    Allan Carr's book is really helpful, to me at least, "Easy way to stop drinking" is the one I read, and it makes al sound like poison, it is dehydrating, which makes us want to drink more and similates alcoholism as a pitcher plant (the kind that eats bugs) and to which degree we are dependant on al, the further down the pitcher plant we are slipping.................really neat, helped me for a while, maybe I should break it out again, til I go to Lenair at least, cuz I need something, am at the bottom of the plant right now..................not good!:upset::upset:

                    Gotta go, wanted to say hi to everyone!

                    PS, Bessie, I am receiving 9 chicks mail-ordered on Friday, very very excited about that, two guinea hens, a bunch of bantams (they are so cute!!!)


                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                      ODAT Thursday

                      Who is Alan Carr? I know where Ireland and Scotland is...Ants having SEX? now how does that happen? Just checking in on a sober note. HAVE A NICE DAY ALL~:h


                        ODAT Thursday

                        Hi guys,

                        Doing well here, back on track, an AF night for me last night - feeling better after my rough start to my month. Have my therapy appt today and then a nice dinner with my BF. Busy day today - by the way, what is the Allan Carr book on non smoking? I want to get it - trying desperatly to quit - have good days and bad days but would love a book that would help me.

                        Hope everyone has a great day,
                        Love and Hugs,
                        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                          ODAT Thursday

                          Happy Thursday to all!

                          Day 4 AF for me! I was a crabby b-word after work yesterday - waiting for the GABA to take effect! I got over it pretty quickly. Had a horrible stressful day at work - my clients are EVIL and it would have been a great excuse to drink last night - maybe that is why I was such a toad - I WANTED MY WINE! But I stayed AF. Woke up soooo tired - had HORRIBLE thunderstorms here in the Northeast last night and my poor doggy kept jumping under the covers (he is a 60 pound dog) and had a terrible case of stress-induced gas. Yay. Need to re-paint the bedroom - the smell peeled the damn paint! Feel great anyway though. Hubby told me he was having some people over from his old work Friday. I said "great, how many are coming?" ....he says of 25 - 30! Holy crap! It's off to the warehouse store for large quantities of food today. I asked him NOT to buy any wine for the party and to only buy a pony keg for the bar downstairs - I will stay away from it - too tempting when cans of it are in the fridge. And it will be totally gone after the party which is good. I am keeping positive and upbeat about everything - I want to stay AF. I will do my best.

                          Wow - what a start to the day - Flying Ant sex, farting dogs, just doesn't get any better than that, does it?

                          Hope everyone has a great day!

                          "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                            ODAT Thursday

                            My hubby gave up smoking with the Allen Carr cds - they really worked for him - ok he had to do them twice but it worked. So there's hope Uni and all trying to give up.

                            Cowgal - looking forward to hearing how your chicks are when they arrive. A neighbour of mine has guinea fowl - ugly things but very funny!!

                            CaptnJack - good to see you on here! Not going to tell anyone to piss off :H:H (unless they really piss us off of course!)

                            Here's the low down on ant sex!!

                            Ants - Mating, Reproduction, And Life Span

                            Bessie xxx


                              ODAT Thursday

                              Thank Bessie for the ant link might cuddle up to SWMBO and dream of ant farms LOL

