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    It's my 6 day AF today, and I began to craved last night. :upset: I feel so quilty about it but really can't get it away from my head. I got no one to talk about it because I don't want to be seen as failure again. I don't know how to make it tonight...Thank you for reading....:upset:


    SUez -
    I really admire your goals and your determination. Do you take kudzu? That helps. I have never tried L Glut. Six days is really wonderful. SOmetimes people go in chat to get thru a long night. You can do it!!



      You are not a failure if you are still trying! Not sure if you meant you had a drink last night or just have really strong cravings. Either way are here asking for help. So you are doing what you can. Have you read the book/taking supps? Drink lots of water with lemon is good for your body. I will check back in a few, got the water on the garden outside.

      It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.



        Suez, No one here will look at you as a failure, so put that thought out of your mind. 6 Days is really good....I hope that tomorrow will be day 7 for you. mwo2 brought up an excellent point, have you armed yourself with the right tools to help you through this? The book is #1 Kudzu L-glut and many say GABA too, really help with the cravings. The supps help to rebuild your system.

        Wishing you the Best!
        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

        AF 12/6/2007



          first you will never be a failure .. you can do this and you are doing it ..just stay busy and strong and great job on 6 days af keep it going and you are not alone keep on posting and stay close
          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..



            Hi Suez,

            MWO2 and Kate are dead on with their advice. Be careful, though, not to label yourself a failure, whether you drank too much or just endured a horrible craving. From my own shameful experience, if I let my mind dwell on the failure then I get the negative energy all juiced up. It starts a downward spiral. It's the old dieting lament - I ate a piece of cake, so might as well eat the whole thing!

            Best to examine that experience. What went wrong? What did you learn from it that will help you out the next time? We've all failed, but the mere fact we're here says we didn't give up; and you won't either. I felt myself slipping last night when my computer wasn't working and I had to be on the phone with tech support instead of here - which is a big part of my sobriety. Worked some things out in my head early this AM while on my 4-mile walk. Re-doubling my goals to kick AL to the curb with mostly AF days, and an occasional half glass of wine (though those are getting fewer and farther between). Rooting for you!!!




              Good suggestions, here. Maybe one more idea for you would be to be careful in what you are expecting from your program... if you are expecting to never experience craving, then when/if you do have an urge to drink, you will naturally feel like a failure. Might be good to look at that... most people (nearly all people) who work through ANY program to stop abusing alcohol will experience desire, craving, urges to drink! That is normal.

              It's not the craving that is a problem... it's how we respond to the craving that can cause a problem...




                Dear Lila, mwo2, Kate, tlrgs, vera-b and A work in progress,:l

                Thank you for all of the support and advice, really thank you all. Last night I even didn't want (dare) to looked at my remain half bottle of vodka and just stay in my bed (and I realize sometime avoid the reality is also not so bad). And this morning I awake and felt, really I'm not so failure (maybe not a failure at all).:happyheart:

                Tonight will be another battle for me, hope I still can continue my AF (will try my best) . And I will remember to keep saying to my self I am not a failure because I still got you all. :thanks:




                  hi sue, congrats on the days you stopped,as somone once said to me,pat yurself on the back ,you deserve it,how you feel is normal,as far as the people around you ,they dont understand,most of the time its good to keep well enuff alone,thts what i find ,in my case,im a long time drinker, and so are the people around me,but i at times didnt control my drinkin,and at times it wasnt pleasant,at least you recognize it in the early stages,keep comin ,great support here gyco



                    Hi Suez
                    A suggestion from me: Dump the rest of the vodka down the drain. You don't need to be looking at it as a reminder that it's there. Best to you, it's hard but you have support here. Keep coming back.
                    When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                    -- Franklin D Roosevelt --



                      Suezz, nice to hear from you... good for your af, I agree dump with greenhouse "dump the vodka" !
                      Hope you have a good day keep reading and posting, hope you got the book.supps.cds drink lots of water with lemon.. It does get earier

                      It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.



                        I've been counseled before (whether cigs or AL) to just "throw away" - and I never could. I thought that it would be like "throwing MONEY away".

                        However, I actually did that for the First time in my life 4 days ago. I threw half bottle of bourbon down the drain... No one forced me. It was a very strange sensation. But it did empower me. For one thing, if I even thought about buying AL, I'd remember how I poured that down the drain... and it somehow made it seem ludicrous to buy more.

                        I think throwing it away makes YOU in control. And that's a good feeling. A feeling that addiction doesn't allow... so you feel like you're facing and fighting that addiction head on.

                        (STILL fighting the cigs, though. That WILL happen. When?!!)
                        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

