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what is it?

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    what is it?

    I turned 41 this year. 20 years of drinking. My father was killed by a drunk drivern when I was 8. I joined MWO the day after my b-day in Feb. I did awesome at first. Did everything like RJ. Worked like a miracle. Am back to mods. Hate that I cant have AL, hate that I want it. At first, couldn't understand why the rest of you had it so bad, was thinking, JUST FOLLOW THE BOOK, DO IT, IT WORKS. It does work. Why am I drinking again? Does anyone know why? :upset:

    what is it?

    oh dear thats a shame but at least you know you can do it now and you just need to give it another kick. It probably never fully goes away we might have to just accept that. We are always going to have to be vigilant. Like you I have found great success with the program since 1 April but think I am over the honeymoon period now and its just a bit blah now.....and I know I could very easily slip up.
    Not sure if this helps but maybe just start again with whatever you did the first time. There is always antabuse of course which I will most definitely get if I cant stay on the straight and narrow.
    BH (no more)


      what is it?

      Why ask why??? Seriously... the "why do I do this" questions are often a waste of time, because (a) there are always a thousand equally valid answers, and (b) the "answers" don't really solve anything. Better to ask yourself: "given what I know about my drinking, and how it affects my life... what should I do, next?"

      Best wishes.


        what is it?

        it took me many times before.. to get me where i am today ..the question you need to be asking yourself is that are you ready. to do what it takes get where you want to be . and are you tired of waking up with a hangover al making my life worst for family , friends , life ..the answers are within you and know you are not alone..we are here for you.. we have all gone thru this at one point in time and alot are still going thur it and in time everything get better and you did it once you can do it again
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          what is it?

          Mr T have you checked your back lately Im sure there are wings there you inspire me every day with your posts buddy people like you come around once every hundred years so glad im on the station to meet the T train I got my ticket and am jumpin on board. Your the best Mr T love ya buddy


            what is it?

            I think at one time or another most of us "test the waters" of sobriety. I think at that point some also realize that moderation won't work for them.

            Don't give up, you know it works. Maybe spend more time on the forums???

            You can do this. Just never quit trying to quit!!
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              what is it?

              Hey BostonBay,

              For every person on this thread there is probably a different reason that the siren call of the booze gets under our skin. Drinking excessively totally defies any sort of logic. So when we do succomb, we feel like total a-holes because it's just so plain stupid. We ask ourselves "why", then subconciously answer ourselves "because you're an idiot, devoid of any restraint, totally ignorant", etc. etc. And then how do we manage those negative feelings? You guessed it - more al. Addiction is a fascinating subject if it weren't so heartbreaking.

              Perhaps this time around you'll be all the wiser from your failures (it's all any of us can hope for) and you'll go on to help so many others as you help yourself. Keep a positive attitude - it can only help. We're all pulling for you.



                what is it?

                Man, you guys are smart! I'm soooo listening. Thank you and smiles to Boston Bay.

