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ODAT - Saturday

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    ODAT - Saturday

    Super quick today - another holiday cottage changeover day and my cleaner is off so hubby is doing one of them!!

    Another AF night - easy thankfully. This evening may make it mod tonight with a nice supper and a shared bottle of wine. But that is all.

    Have a great day all - make it whatever you want!

    Bessie xxx

    ODAT - Saturday

    Ia orana! (Tahitian)

    Hi Bessie and all to come. Welcome to all the new ODATs I see here and have not welcomed. I've been a bit distracted and quiet lately. Holding tight to my sobriety though. As my sanity is closely tied to it I make special efforts. :H

    I am finding myself at a crossroads with dear hubby. With out going into the the details I will say this to you.... If I were not sober, I could not deal with this. Maybe "would not" fits in there too as alcohol certainly encourages you to procrastinate. I am able to view the situation in a rational, non-impulsive, non-reactive manner. There seems to be a good chance I will be separated and jobless in a short period of time. I am a strong, independent person and if that is the path which I am to take, I will make the best of my journey to become a better person in a better place. Without AL (or my husband should that be in the cards, neither of which I could really count on anyway. Except AL was most certainly always there for me :H but not in a good way.

    So those of you starting out, don't be afraid of what life will be like without AL. Embrace it and live it. I'm not saying it's easy - I'm just shy of 6 weeks and I still hang out on ODAT You will vibrate at a higher level and the law of attraction will bring better things and people into your live. You can only go up. Al ties your wings, don't let him clip them.

    Have a great weekend and stay in control of YOUR life with choices that your heart knows are best for you. :l to all.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT - Saturday

      Hello Bessie and all odater’s what a day it’s been for me. Greenie you sound like a different person “on the level” not that you weren't before but so strong and confident so to speak so happy for you…. hope things work out for the best. I had my god sons 4th party today at one of those play center things it was so good to catch up with my sister we have always been the best of buddies since day one. Any way the day was great at the end my daughter wanted to go home with my sis and my godson Timmy in the BMW my sis married wealth….. actually my brother in law is my sailing buddy we went to school together he went on to make it big. Sorry I digress as I was pulling up at my sister’s house I heard this screaming .I ask sis what’s up as my godson was screaming like a banshee. She said on the way home he was trying to impress my daughter by shoving a smartie lollie up his nostril. Well it got stuck and the screaming began. She said ill take him inside and get the tweezers and see if I can dislodge it. Well she came out and said “Hospital job its way up there”. So I offered to drive her while she comforted her son and my brother in law looked after the other kids including my daughter. When we got to out patients they got us in pretty quick as Timmy’s screaming may have caused others there to have a heart attack!!!! The doc wanted to do an X ray but the nurses and others were all in disagreement no one could agree that a “smartie” would show up on a X-ray so get this we didn’t have any on us so the doc insisted we find a shop buy some smarties and bring them back so they could do a test X ray to see if the smartie would show up. By this stage I’m saying to my sis are we in an episode of the Twilight Zone. Anyway we found a shop bought some bloody Smarties and went back to the hospital. They X rayed and guess what “Smarties don’t show up you cant X ray a smartie. Learn something every day. By this time my godson had gone into a sneezing coughing fit and sprayed the doc who was up close with the remnants of a partially dissolved smartie. We went home and started rolling around on the floor laughing. What a day !!!!!. Makes me wonder what’s install for tomorrow definitely NO Smarties LOL
      Love Cap.


        ODAT - Saturday

        Good Morning everyone!
        Boy, Capt'n, that sure is quite a story there with the Smartie and the docs!! Not too smartie on their part!!
        Greeneyes: Sounds like you may be entering a new chapter in your life. I wish you all the best.
        I'm on Day 2 today. It's been quite a struggle for me but I will just keep trying.
        Bessie: Always good to read your posts no matter how short or long.
        Be strong, have a great day!
        When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
        -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


          ODAT - Saturday

          Capt, I have to be that way. I'm actually pretty depressed over this whole thing but I have to keep my chin up and keep treading water so I don't go under. And I have a lot of people here to help me with their water wings and life jackets.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            ODAT - Saturday

            That story is hilarious. Really does sound like a Tv show. Glad all CAME OUT OK.

            Geenie- so glad you are able to see all this through AF eyes.

            To all ODAT'ers - Have a great day!!


              ODAT - Saturday

              Green Eyes -

              Your message reached out to me. You sound very centered and strong, so you will make it through all this. Plus, it sounds like nothing's really happened... yet.

              I'm glad you mentioned procrastination as being one of the side effects/results of drinking... OMIgosh, when I think of all the time I've wasted, I could faint.

              I'm on Day 2. Looking forward to seeing all your and other's success. That is the best encouragement of all!

              Great day to all.
              Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                ODAT - Saturday

                HELLO EVERYBODY!

                I thought my day yesterday was eventful--but just does not compare to a smartie up the nose story. I bet he doesn't do that again!:H

                Greenie--you do sound more confident and in control--I'm proud of you. Maybe a little time apart is what you both need!:h

                You newbies--hang in there--ODAT--remember!!

                Yesterday was one of those days that started out bad, and just kept on with that pattern. The type of day, that in the past would have me drinking pretty early! I did contemplate having a beer with friends with supper, but that didn't transpire--and I'm glad!!

                If you read my post yesterday, I was off to fix fence. Well, by the time I got there, the girls were 1/4 mile away in the neighbor's field. They were eating weeds, but the sweet green corn was just feet away. Of course they wouldn't even turn and look the way they came from. Some had to call hubby home from work--we moved them to a different pasture. When we got back, I noticed a young calf we missed--great!! DH asked if it was with the group and I said yes, different one! So, I said son and I could catch it and take it up to pasture. Funny :H:H. Little shit runs like an antelope! Anyway, he's still by himself. Hope the neighbor can rope him so we can get him back with his mama soon! I won't bore you with the rest of my day, but little things just kept going wrong, and my frustration level was very high! Hope today is better!!

                Have a great weekend all!:h
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  ODAT - Saturday

                  Dear greenie i feel for you t I just got my boat licence renewed plenty of life jackets and flares
                  greenie things shall unfold in your favour I know it!!!!!!!!!!!
                  Love always cap


                    ODAT - Saturday

                    Good morning all

                    The sun is finally out in the Northeastern US, forgot what it looked Today is day 22 and I was scheduled to work the whole weekend, but I work for a Nursing Agency and the patient census dropped and my shifts were cancelled. I am not happy as I need the money so badly. I made myself some great AF plans for the day. I am going to a Folk Festival with my sister and 2 of my cousins. None of them drinkers. I will go to an AA meeting tonight. Greenie I am truly amazed at your strength. Capt, so sweet that you and the Mrs. are rekindling the romance. My Ex-husband Never listened to a thing that I said, so frustrating, hence the I find my cravings have intensified over the past few days; weird, it kind of coincided with starting the L-Glut. Who knows? May just be that I am closing in on the big 30, or could just be my sick alcoholic stinking thinking. I am also not sleeping well at all since I stopped taking Ativan, but I knew it was just a short term thing. I looked for Calm Forte at Walmart. No luck. Melatonin is not working. My daughter has some valerian, but it has to be ground up and put into capsules. I will probably give that a shot. At this point, I will try anything non-addictive, to sleep. I can't take benadryl. It has a paradoxical effect on me. I wish all a wonderful day. For those still struggling. Hang on, we are pulling for you. Love to all.:heart:
                    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                      ODAT - Saturday

                      Sea your one cool thing in my books!!!!!
                      Love cap


                        ODAT - Saturday

                        Capt, you are the
                        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                          ODAT - Saturday

                          Hey guys,

                          Sea, hope you get some sleep soon - I am an insomniac myself so I now how difficult it can be. Sleep aids don't always work so well for me, melatonin does nothing, valerian nada either. It can be difficult so I hope you can find something that works for you.

                          Cap - what a hillarious story - my friend had a daughter who shoved a raison up her nose once - well, a hydrated raisen becomes a grape - well hell, that was fun to get out let me tell you!

                          Greeny, you sound great - you will get through this- I have listened to your journey the whole way and I am so proud of you.

                          I had a crap week in terms of work but I survived and thank god it's the weekend. Tonight should be fun, I have to go to a wedding that my boyfriends ex girlfriend (who is frickin psychotic BTW - even he says that) will be at - woo hoo - can hardly wait..........just can't wait to see what antics she trys to pull - I'll fill you in tomorrow.........

                          Hope you all have a great day!

                          Love and hugs,
                          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                            ODAT - Saturday

                            Hello All,
                            Checking in late today - just after 6pm here now.

                            Hope all are doing ok today.

                            AF weekend for me - has to be, have a piece of work that has to be finished by Monday morning which will take all weekend for me to do. Hubby is on babysitting duties but hard when you are trying to hide away in the same house and of course it is the sunniest day so far this week - typical!

                            I have been concentrating on this now since about 11am and I feel like my brain is about to explode!:bomb:

                            I know AL destroys brain cells but can they recover?? and if so how long does it take and what can I do to help my poor brain recover from all that I have put it through?!!:nutso:

                            A few years back, I probably would have been able to do this work blindfolded, cleaned the house, baked an apple tart and negotiated world peace all at the same time!!

                            Roll on Monday morning!
                            Best Wishes to all
                            There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                              ODAT - Saturday

                              Afternoon , Saturday ODATs,

                              Sea, I wish I had some experience with sleep aids. Nothing can wreck more havoc on my mood than sleep deprivation. Now that the storms have come through and the air is a bit clearer, perhaps sleep will once again bless you. Hell, what do I know? Maybe it's an odd alignment of the moon and stars. Greenie, I think everyone sees strength in your post because life changing events like separation are part of the scary unknown. And while the whole thing is depressing, you're not moaning about "why me" and planning to drown the sorrow. Instead, you're taking it all on with sober heart and mind, and it's that approach that most of us find so inspiring. If you can face uncertainty of that magnitude in your life, surely we can face a lousy day at the office, a screaming child (even one without a smartie up its nose!!) or whatever gets us down. Thank you - you inspire us!

                              And Cap'n. - way to go with the Mrs. So many don't even try. My husband (who's being considered for knighthood, or sainthood, or just goodguyhood) put up with a drinking wife for 'way too many years. Hard on any union.

                              Uni and everyone else, enjoy the rest of the weekend. I'm off to the city with family for a fun day. Thanks for being a part of it.


