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Motherhood is fun??

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    Motherhood is fun??

    OK they are perfectly delightful little beings and I think I?m glad I embarked on this motherhood adventure BUT I can?t stand??..

    ??the constant interruptions of tasks, thoughts and conversations
    Drinking has been my hobby for several years now. It's time to get a new hobby

    Motherhood is fun??

    try being a teacher.
    best form of birth control i could ever recommend.
    i love my students all of them. LOVE to see them come and LOVE to see 'em go.

    it is REALLY hard to be patient all day long, isn't it?
    as your "little rays of hope" grow up remember this when they tell you their teacher doesn't like them, k? and you schedule that meeting to get to the bottom of things?

    i'm being silly,,, but honest.

    taking care of children is really hard on everyone's best day.
    so, what about those less than best humor days?

    parenthood is the most challenging, most frustrating, and the most important job anyone can ever have.

    i cannot offer any advice but i can (from deep within my being) empathize with your frustration.

    one 'modus operandi' i use often is i am as entirely goofy, unpredictable, and upbeat as possible w/the kids. they never know quite what we'll be up to when they come into my classroom. and i teach children from 3.5yrs to 19yrs. a difficult balancing act.
    i make it a game... if i'm bored then the kids are gonna be bored. and if the kids are bored their gonna get up to nothing good.

    hang in their mom! i feel ur pain.


      Motherhood is fun??

      CONGRATS i raised 4 with my wife,its a task, trust me enjoy them when there yung,they get quick b4 you no it,


        Motherhood is fun??

        Hey Love,

        I understand your frustration completely. I think the essence of my maternal years when my girls were small was a quest for the little spaces of time and physical space where I could enjoy an uninterrupted moment. My hats off to single mothers everywhere who's circumstances make it all the more difficult to carve that little space. Just remember, this too shall pass. Plot and scheme your way to a private moment (I made many a deal with dear hubby) and buck up for the other times. One day they'll be young adults who will fondly remember their childhoods, and you'll get the blessed sanity and personal space that's all been stored up.


        p.s. My hat's off to teachers everywhere. There are some professions i'm not cut out for - it's been a growing list. Mover (the kind that have to pack up households and haul heavy things for a living), truck driver, animal control person, teacher . . .


          Motherhood is fun??

          I'm a mom (almost 2 yr old son), stepmom (17 yr old stepson) AND a teacher! No wonder I drink! (sorry) One piece of advice that has been suggested to me, and it's hard, is to let things go a little bit. If the house is messier than you'd like it to be, oh well. Who really cares? Try to prioritize tasks and just get done what needs to get done. I know I shouldd follow my own advice. Try to take care of yourself, too; a friend of mine told me "we have big jobs." (as mothers) If we can't take care of ourselves, we sure as hell can't take care of anyone else.

          Hang in there!


            Motherhood is fun??

            Hi Luvwins,
            I can so relate to your post....

            I have a 5 year old girl and a 3 year old boy and I also currently work from home - it is so hard to get even a few minutes alone to do anything. It is worse at the moment because it is school holidays so the little bit of time I would normally get, when my daughter is at school and my son is at playschool, I don't even have at the minute and my workload has also increased.

            Under pressure at the minute to get something done for Monday and my husband is supposed to minding them for me today - keeping them busy etc.. but so far I have made breakfast, lunch and dinner, fed all the animals twice and put a wash out!! - the house is like a bomb hit it but I refuse to clean up....

            But come September hopefully things will ease off and I will get a small bit of time in the mornings. Everyone keeps telling me they are at a tough age and I hate telling them I am busy or 'to give me a minute'.

            They are only young once and will grow up so quick. Sometimes I just give up on work, housework and spend the time with them - even if I have to catch up at night - I just want them to remember their childhood as being a happy one. Staying off the AL for me helps me to have more energy and to make the most use of my time so that I can prioritise what needs to be done.
            But I know what you are going through!
            There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.

