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New guy

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    New guy

    ah...I guess it would. I wish you all the best tomorrow and going forward


      New guy

      Dazed...everyone there is in your condition if not worse.
      They will take great care of you and you'll be feeling better before you know it.
      What did you eat. Maybe try something bland (banana, rice, apple sauce, toast (dry) when your stomach settles down and drink some gatoraid if you can.


        New guy

        I ate a military issue MRE with all of the spices it had. I had a peanut butter and jelley since then. I just like the MRE for the caloric value. Had 1 yesterday and did fine, but things change on a daily basis with me.


          New guy

          Oh, my Doc recommended slim fast, those stay down well and give me alot of the nutrition I need. Guys and gals I have lost almost 30 pounds going through this. This is complete BS. I am becoming more angry than anything. My body simply wont go along with what I want it to do. I was a physically intimidating figure and now I am becoming a shell. Rehab must work or I will die.


            New guy

            It WILL work Dazed and you will be a better man when this is over.
            You'll get healthy while you are there and gain your weight back and get some energy to play on that tennis court and in the swimming pool.
            Oh yeah....ensure also will give you needed calories and nutrition as well.
            Oh man....MREs.....I used to be in the AF....remember they came with a little bottle of tobasco sauce...probably not the best for you right now...


              New guy

              They taste so good though!!

              Everything is settled, wife is out getting me a supply of everything I will need. I will wake up tomorrow, take a shower and head that way. Hope the nurses are hot.


                New guy

                Dazed........I've been away for a couple of days so just checking in now - i am so glad you are going into rehab tomorrow. We will miss you when you are gone but I am so looking forward to a progress report when you return.
                Good luck.......remember when you are there that you have a HUGE family here that loves you and is supporting you through this.

                Best wishes and you CAN do this.
                Love and Hugs,
                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                  New guy

                  You rock! Cracks me up hoping the nurses are hot!

                  I can't wait to hear from you when you get out of rehab....
                  Never give up. Never give in.
                  Keep your wife and children in the forfront of your brain. Good luck. We're all routing for you.....


                    New guy

                    Thanks Wally
                    I am a Nurse. lol
                    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                      New guy

                      My wife is a nurse too..You chicks are HOT.


                        New guy


                        Thanks--need to hear that once in a while. Will be hotter when I lose the 6 pounds I've gained from alcohol!


                          New guy

                          You have gained? I have lost. I am to weak to make the 2 hour drive so I am stuck here another day.


                            New guy

                            I really think something else is up. I'm not trying to be Chicken Little but this seems extreme even for the worst w/d and you're drinking so I don't think we can assume it isn't w/d. Is your Dr totally aware of everything that's been going on? It just seems too long and too involved. I've never heard of the Ativan not helping. I do have concerns that you are drinking on it. I'm not trying to be harsh but I think perhaps the rehab is the best to help you with the physical stuff right now. You are not driving yourself correct? I think it's time to bite the bullet and go. Let them check you and and move forward. You are in limbo right now and have been for awhile.


                              New guy

                              Goodness, D&C, this is starting to sound like a really bad novel... are you sure you aren't getting some lulz out of this??? Sorry if I am barking up the wrong tree... but hey, what's really up, here?



                                New guy

                                No, nothing sinister, fighting through a bad sinus infection on top of everything else.

