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New guy

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    New guy

    I don't think anyone wants to sound cruel. But this has gone on since July and we have had several people here with truly appaling w/d that have perservered and gotten sober. I'm sure I'll get jumped on for this but it just seems like one thing after another stopping your progress forward. You had Ativan and were under a Dr's care which is a step above the majority that did it with sheer white knuckle determination. We will all back you 100% if we see some steps forward.


      New guy

      Ok I had second thoughts. Here is the deal. I have gone through a living hell with MRSA in the last 2 weeks, and thats on top of the alcohol stuff. No place on earth would accept me with MRSA for rehab. The fact that I even have to explain this to anyone is ridiculous. This thread is for me to record what I am going through, not for anyones judgement. As I said before, if you want to read about what I am going through and encourage me, please do. If you want to come in and pass judgement, get lost, dont need it, dont want it. Dolly, work in progress, get lost, dont ever want to hear from you 2 again. I just spent 4 days in bed puking like a sick goat and am just now getting over it, dont really need your "expert" advice on jack squat. Let me continue to put down everything I am going through without your interference please. I have worked in hospitals for well over 10 years, my wife is a registered nurse. You dont have a clue about what you are talking about, you are just being judgemental I do not post for you, I post for myself and those that may one day want to read about what its like.


        New guy

        Hey Dazed
        I hope that you are doing better and that you will continue to come to this site. There are people here who genuinely care. I have been away for a week (lost my internet connection), so I am not sure what was said that is bothering you. I do agree that messages over the computer can be misconstrued. I said something one time that offended someone and that was not my intention. I do hope that you will stick around. You have had such a struggle. You could be an inspiration to many others. I truly wish u well.
        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


          New guy

          Hi Dazed,

          Don't know if you're around or not, just wanted to wish you well. Haven't seen this thread for awhile - I spend sooo much time on line these days! Whatever your next step, hope it helps your journey.



            New guy

            I know I said I was not coming back back but I just got out of the hospital. Was there for 2 weeks.

            I found out what was making me so sick and it wasnt withdrawl. I had Pancreatitis. They put me on a sodium chloride with potassium and dextrose drip for several days and gave me Librium along with B6 and Thiamin injections. Within 2 days I was eating solid foods, was even asking for seconds.

            The Pancreatitis has cleared up and I have not been sick to my stomach since I went to the hospital. My strength is returning, I sleep alot while my body heals itself completely. My liver stats have dropped almost to normal and my head is clear. MRSA is gone.

            Anyone going through what I have described in this thread please ask your doc to check for Pancreatitis. I went to a rehab specialty doc and he said most normal docs will not check for the disease for some reason. It can and will kill you in a short period of time. Most docs will attribute your symptoms as simple withdrawl. Also check out the drug Librium.

            16 days AF.

            Acute pancreatitis usually begins with pain in the upper abdomen that may last for a few days. The pain may be severe and may become constant—just in the abdomen—or it may reach to the back and other areas. It may be sudden and intense or begin as a mild pain that gets worse when food is eaten. Someone with acute pancreatitis often looks and feels very sick. Other symptoms may include

            swollen and tender abdomen
            rapid pulse
            Severe cases may cause dehydration and low blood pressure. The heart, lungs, or kidneys may fail. If bleeding occurs in the pancreas, shock and sometimes even death follow.

            Damage from alcohol abuse may not appear for many years, and then a person may have a sudden attack of pancreatitis. In up to 70 percent of adult patients, chronic pancreatitis appears to be caused by alcoholism. This form is more common in men than in women and often develops between the ages of 30 and 40.


              New guy

              yo dased,like stoppin or moderating take your time on your future,your probably a good cop and good at your work,sometimes stress puts us in situations like this,i just went thro a 30 day program in march,it was covered thro my work,lots of professionals there,like yourself,very confidenial to,tht id share that with you,if all fails you could look into that,most companies have an EAP[EMPOYEES ASSISTANCE LINE]specially in your line of work,hope this helps gyco againHOMEWOOD WAS WHERE I WENT


                New guy

                There is a place in Cushing, Oklahoma called Valley Hope. Cushing, OK Treatment Center - Valley Hope Association It is supposed to be one of the best programs in the US. It costs about 14k for a 30 day stay though.

                If anyone is interested in that type of thing. For me personally it is not. My drinking days are over. Iced Tea is my new weapon of choice. Next step is getting rid of the tobacco usage. I have saved 15 dollars a day x 16 days so far.


                  New guy

                  all the best dazed.
                  i'm new poison is lemonade. then i switch to ice tea when zee belly complains.
                  u stick to ur guns and stay away from zee booze.... period. i'm reinventing myself too.


                    New guy

                    I have a thing for unsweetened tea.


                      New guy

                      Dolly said
                      "I really think something else is up. I'm not trying to be Chicken Little but this seems extreme even for the worst w/d "

                      You were right. Who woulda thunk it?


                        New guy

                        Wow, dazed, sounds like you were really, really, sick!! I'm glad you got the correct diagnosis and the treatment you needed. I'm really happy you're ok.
                        NF since June 1, 2008
                        AF since September 28, 2008
                        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                          New guy

                          Dazed I am glad you are back and even more glad that you are OK.
                          That must have been really scary for you.
                          You sound like you are doing well now though. I am pleased to hear that.
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            New guy

                            startingover;397127 wrote: Dazed I am glad you are back and even more glad that you are OK.
                            That must have been really scary for you.
                            You sound like you are doing well now though. I am pleased to hear that.
                            Not as pleased as my wife is.

                            Tried to go to the gym today but it is closed ;(


                              New guy

                              Wally22;397151 wrote: Hi D and C
                              So glad to see you are back. You're symptoms were really, really scary, so I am glad to see there was something of a happy ending!
                              Also so pleased to see you are AF, although there should have been an easier way. Wow.
                              Anyone, one way or the other, you got there, and that's what counts. Green tea is supposed to be good for you, is that what you are drinking? You can drink that iced as well.
                              Great to have you back, looking forward to your posts.
                              Thanks Wally22. It probably would have been easier and maybe I would not have ticked certain people off with my whining if I had not have had the pancreatitus. I didnt even know what it was until my rehab Doc diagnosed me with it.

                              I told my mom about it and it turns out that pancreatitus is what killed my Uncle last year. Mine was caught in time and is starting to go into remission.

                              I drink liptons caffeine free with no sugar.


                                New guy


                                I'm really happy you decided to come back. Congrats on getting to where you are now.

