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ODAT - Sunday

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    ODAT - Sunday

    Morning all. Another quick one as late up and off to ride before it gets too hot. Too hot!? In England?! Wow!

    Not a good day with Al yesterday. Kicking myself hard about it because it just wasn't necessary or even particularly enjoyable. Habit only and I was tired, stressed and grumpy and let my guard down. Won't happen today. Today is a new day, new approach, new resolve. That's what ODAT is all about.

    Love to you all.

    bessie xx

    ODAT - Sunday

    Thank you once again for starting the thread, Bessie. I love reading this thread every day. It keeps me motivated.

    Enjoy your ride.

    I love your attitude. Yes. ODAT. Never quit or give up, just take it one day at a time.

    AF April 9, 2016


      ODAT - Sunday

      Hi Bessie and all to come ! AHH one2 the sund'e roast just had one such a wonderful tradition I love it. Walks in the park today bought Olive our dog a staffie a new KONG ball>>>>> bad move she loves me so much now....... she keeps hump'in my leg LOL maybe i sould get one for my dearest. have a wonderful Al free day guys
      Love always Cap


        ODAT - Sunday

        Hi Bessie, Cindi, One2Many and all ODATers.

        Beautiful day here in Ireland - just typical that I can't enjoy it - stuck in my room trying to get this work finished for tomorrow. However, got a good chunk of it done yesterday so if I stick at it now I might still get a few hours later on to enjoy the sun.

        Keeping me AF though if nothing else!!

        God One2Many, know what you mean about your hubby having to ask where everything is. I had to stop what I was doing yesterday to make breakfast, lunch and dinner plus dress my daughter for a party as he hadn't a clue what to put on her. There's nothing in for today's dinner and I just know it will be me that has to go to the shops. I'g get annoyed only I find it is just such a waste of energy:upset:

        What's keeping me focused at this stage is the fact that we are both off for a week from Aug 2nd and as well as visiting relatives we are also bringing the kids to a hotel by the sea for a couple of nights - can't wait, paid for by the fruits of my work this weekend!!

        Best Wishes to all,
        There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


          ODAT - Sunday

          odat sunday

          hi all,

          dont feel too good today. went out to dinner and had couple of glasses of wine only but fee the effects badly. I think drink is just not suiting me physically any more. I dont know when I enjoyed a glass of wine, I think I am gradually weaning off it which is good.

          i am still in bed and have to plans to change that for now..... but i better shift my sorry ass and get moving. dont want the day gone on me.

          cooking chilli for my friends at six so that will be nice. Think i will chocolate cake as well.

          Small sleep first and then off I go....

          hope everyone is okay



            ODAT - Sunday

            Morning all!
            Well it is baking hot here....not very often this happens!
            Can't believe I am in the middle of cooking a roast dinner! You all sound pretty upbeat- thats good. I'm pleased with myself as managed my first AF night last night in 10 days. I know its nothing to shout about compared to most but it seems a small victory at least.
            Well better get back to the kitchen!
            Take care all
            Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
            Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
            For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


              ODAT - Sunday

              Morning all, it's fun to hear what has been going on across the Pond while we were still sleeping over here! That roast dinner sounds good...

              I got a decent night's sleep last night after months of getting up around 3:30am (would wake up at 3, lie there for a while, thinking grim thoughts, then hell with it, get up and get online... which is how I was such a productive blogger, even tho getting drunk every night)... this morning I woke up at 2, looked at my watch, was horrified, but quickly got back to sleep...

              Today will be another full day of working in my mother's house (it has minimal air conditioning and it's goddam HOT and muggy here in midwest USA) getting it read for her to go home TOMORROW from the nursing home. It was a pit, even after I had cleaning ladies do a LOT work on it...

              Right now, the hard physical work and sweating feel really good and healthy.

              Doing all this with my live-in ex-partner, who is a really, really good person (we just don't click in the romantic/sexual way). She doesn't drink and doesn't approve of drinking, and HATED my drinking. Don't blame her for THAT, at all, of course...

              Best to all,



                ODAT - Sunday

                Good morning everyone. It's so great to hear how everyone is doing and those roasts from the UK sound awesome! Is that a traditional Sunday dinner? Another AF night for me and I'm working on day 3. Yahoo!! Did alot of garden work yesterday. I pulled up the garlic and today will hang it to 'cure' for a couple of weeks and then clean it up and store it for the winter. Alot of chores around the house here this weekend. My s/o has put in a new sliding glass door and that has taken alot of work but looks really nice. We are getting along nicely here in the Northeast and it's going to be another muggy day. Gotta go see what's ready to be picked in the garden. Good day to all! Stay strong and I hope everyone reaches their goals today at ODAT.:l
                When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                  ODAT - Sunday

                  I am new here and really enjoying the ODAT threads. Today is Day 3 for me. Friday was AF, surprising given we had company over for dinner and the liquor was flowing. I stuck to me Fresca and club soda and with the help of Kudzu, I made it through the night. Yesterday, after a Saturday of chroes and errand, I made a big dinner. Sat down with a glass of wine and can't even say that I really enjoyed it! Maybe that is a good sign!! haha!

                  Going to a concert today and the family wants to tailgate prior to the show...hoagies and beer. I am packing lots of Diet Pepsi's. I paid too much for these tickets to sleep through the show. Knowing that I will have to "confess' on these boards tomorrow will help to keep me on the straight and narrow.

                  Hoping that everyone has a great day. Will check in tomorrow!


                    ODAT - Sunday

                    Think I may need to join these threads...
                    Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                      ODAT - Sunday

                      Hi all,

                      well here I am (Pipa) with my second ever post. Just started resisting that ol' demon alcohol in a more serious way this am. It is interesting reading through your thread. Maybe i will fit in. Not making a roast, though. Must go to my three family house in Connecticut today where i have a family squatting - not paying rent - OUCH. Need to get in to install the smoke alarms I forgot to install befor I can start the eviction process. OUCH this will cost $$$$.00 of dollars and I cannot afford it at all. Hope to be able to talk with them about some less costly (for me) solution. Hope for good luck.



                        ODAT - Sunday

                        Good Morning ODATers

                        I miss those traditional Sunday dinners. I am divorced, kids are in their 20's and never want to sit down to dinner at the diningroom table. They take their plates and find the nearest television. Oh, well, fond memories. Day 23; have kind of a lazy day planned. I must hit the supermarket. Again! Where does all the food go? Tonight I will go to an AA meeting and that's about it. Back to work tomorrow unless the Agency cancels me Again. This is killing me financially. Fortunately, I have two opportunities for permanent jobs this week. Praying. I soooo need money and Health Insurance. My sister and I are very anxious to visit Ireland. You wonderful people from Ireland make me want to visit even more!! Have a Great Day all.
                        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                          ODAT - Sunday

                          Just wanted to Welcome a fellow New Englander. Welcome Pip. I am sure that that family squatting in your house is very difficult for you. I wonder if they are amongst the 400 million US residents who lost their home through foreclosure. It is a very sad state of affairs. I wish u success as you begin your journey. We are here for u.
                          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                            ODAT - Sunday

                            Happy Sabbath fellow ODATs,

                            Bessie, you are the queen of ODAT. Sorry to hear you had a bad al day. I had 2 full glasses (wine) last night with hubby and adult daughter, and it nearly knocked me for a loop. System is just not used to it. I'm with you Maggiemay, this old body much prefers AF. And so it will be tonight as I'm not caving . . .

                            Sea, you are so on track!! I am inspired every time I read your posts. And the prospect of a full benefit job - that would be so wonderful. I'll do my best to send some positive vibes out to the universe. Let us know how it goes. With over 3 weeks AF, you will probably exude the confidence and demeanor that will be irresistable to an employer.

                            And to friends across the pond, may I come for dinner? On weekends I try to get hubby to grill (tonight it's BBQ ribs) so I can do things I like - like come here! Everyone, have a great week.



                              ODAT - Sunday

                              Hi all ODATer's --- glad to see everyone is doinig well. I managed to Mod very well last night --- only 1/2 oz. gin in my tonic and lime... wouldn't have had that even, but hubby (who doesn't drink) asked me to mix him one when I was making my AF tonic ... but he didn't know that .... so I threw in just a splash (and it was only a splash.. lol!). ... and that was it for the evening .... felt good about that. Today we were guests in the executive suite at the tennis finals of the Rogers' Cup in Toronto to watch Nadal vs. Kiefer. Of course, along with a wonderful buffet there is a FREE open bar! I resisted and had a couple of AF drinks, and then dear hubby brings me a glass of wine (he doesn't know this little program I'm on yet). Between the doubles match and the singles match I had one more glass, but then that was it. Trying not to have anymore for the rest of the evening ... it's only 6:00 pm here, so it could be a struggle!
                              Will keep checking in here.

