Good Monday to you Spidey,
Congrats on your honesty - most of us lie to ourselves so much when we're drinking we don't know the truth if it kicked us in the (ok, I'm starting to love this word - must be our European friends who are letting us in on all the fun!) arse. That said, I think Ms. Doggy has a very valid point. I speak only from my own lousy experience, but putting off 'til tomorrow what should and could be done today is part of the bs we feed on.
Was watching a bit of the Randy Pausch video, shown on the news once again because of his death. In the face of terminal pancreatic cancer, he was the embodiment of living life to its fullest. Knowing his days were numbered (aren't we all?) he made every single moment count. I know his widow and young children will miss him dearly, but they have to take some measure of consolation in knowing that he was with them 110% until his last breath. Don't mean to be ominous - just was so impressed that a dying man could teach us all a thing or two about living. Something to consider.