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ODAT - Monday

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    ODAT - Monday

    Late start again, sorry. Somebody, I swear, is stealing hours from my days. I've been up for ages, showered, fed everything, breakfasted, ridden (phew - hot and sweaty and the flies were a pain!!) met with the builders, done a bit of urgent admin and now it's bloody midday! How did that happen?!

    Anyway, I'm enjoying the sunny UK weather atm though it's better to stay indoors during the hottest part of the day. One of my dogs didn't leave the house at all yesterday until the evening. Think she must have reabsorbed her wee!! Or else she's got a bladder like a camel! (takes after me!)

    Well that's a good start to the day - bladders! Where's it going to go from there?

    Hope everyone is doing well. Need some AF pledges for today on this thread or mod if that's what you're into.

    Love to all to come. :l

    Bessie xx

    PS Welcome back FinallyRN!! Good to see you. More tales of what you got up to in the UK please and where the hell did you eat a $25 dollar burger. That's about ?12 right? Must've been a posh place! Or a posh burger! :H

    ODAT - Monday

    Late for you maybe...

    But early for ME in US!! (It's only 7:00 AM right now.)

    AF Day #4 for me today. Had a "flutter" of wanting to have a drink yesterday - y'know, one of those "what the heck, why not??" moments. I'm not sure how it passed, but it did!!

    I'm learning that a day can be good WITHOUT alcohol. In fact, it mostly goes Better!!

    (Now... if I could only do as well with CIGS. UGH.)

    G'day everyone!
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


      ODAT - Monday

      Hi All,

      Hope all have a good day today.

      Bessie - know exactly what you mean about someone coming in and stealing hours, it's nearly 1.10pm here now and I could have sworn it was still morning time.

      Savon - well done on Day 4 AF - keep it going!

      One2Many - congrats on the baby walking, it is a lovely age. I know what you mean about the washing - my house is like a bomb hit it but I'm going to leave it till later and bring the kids to the playground now. It is sunny here now (sort of) so going to make the most of it. By the way I would be interested in joining the September AF Club too and starting on September 1st so count me in - if you have ordered the supps etc. - any idea how long they take to arrive here? - I would like to order them too but it will be the end of the week before I can (pay day!!).

      I am feeling better today. Got my work done and emailed it off this morning so feel good about that. Still tons to do this week though as will be taking all of next week off.
      Good reason for staying AF this week - was AF on Saturday and Sunday and found it tough but during the week it is not so bad.

      Best of luck to all.
      There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


        ODAT - Monday

        Said, I was going to join these threads! So here I am pledging to be AF today.
        Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


          ODAT - Monday

          Today is day 3 for me!!! Have much to doo. :thanks:


            ODAT - Monday

            Morning everyone. Day 4 AF for me. Had a terrible night last night. Went to bed at 9:30, woke up at 11:15 aching all over...legs, arms, etc. Took 2 Tylenol and tossed and turned til after 2:00 and finally went back to sleep. Terrible restless night. I never heard hubby get up at 5:30, shower, dress and leave for work! What is this? I am thinking it might be AL withdrawal. Need to find something to help me sleep better.:upset:
            Other than that, I'm happy that I'm not hungover today. Lots to do today like make a bunch of basil pesto, weed the garden, clean my floors and on and on and on....
            Good day to all of you guys!!
            When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
            -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


              ODAT - Monday

              Hi guys,

              Glad to hear everyone is doing okay today. I had a pretty good weekend - not AF but mods. The wedding on Saturday went well - the BF's ex girlfriend was pretty well behaved, didn't go too psychotic on us or anything - she did get in our space a couple of times and we just walked away.

              Hoping for this to be a quick week for me, I'm on holidays next week and just want to get through this week and get there - it's been really stressful at work lately and I'm so un-motivated right now. Tired and just wishing I could win the lottery and escape this rat race, ya know?

              On that note, back to it........

              Hope everyone has a great day,
              Love and hugs,
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                ODAT - Monday

                Seacailin Finally Sleeps

                It is a beautiful sunny day here in the Northeastern U.S. Great job Sav on Day 4. I can't give up the cigs yet either. One demon at a time for me! Way to Go on Day 3 Rip. Look forward to meeting you. Greenhouse, congrats to u too. I did not sleep well for 6 nights. I was going nuts. Yesterday, I increased my dose of L-Glutamine and took 6mg of Melatonin at bedtime. Finally, seemed to help. I know that many on the Holistic Healing thread can help you. Nice to see the AF pledges. Today is Day 24, which is a small miracle. I could not put more than 2 days together in the past 4 years before. Bonus-I lost 5 pounds without even trying!! Just No Beer for 24 days. My family commented this weekend on how much better I look. I was all bloated and puffy looking before. More motivation to stay AF. Hope u all have a Great Day. Keep on truckin'. Love u all.
                "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                  ODAT - Monday

                  Good morning ODAT'ers,

                  Beginning day 8 today.

                  Congratulations on your sobers days. WE CAN DO THIS.

                  Gotta run and get some chores done, will check in later.

                  PS...Greeneyes...check in girl, you are in my thoughts...hope you are doing OK,

                  Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                    ODAT - Monday

                    Hi all, I got cleared to go back to work tomorrow so I am happy. No AF days for me yet but my withdrawl has started to let up and my intake has dramatically declined.


                      ODAT - Monday

                      hi all

                      I am back on day 1 for the day! I am hopeful that I can rack up some all sound so good, I am just hanging in there right now.............

                      love you guys!!!:l:h

                      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                        ODAT - Monday

                        Wishing all a blessed and peaceful Monday~

                        Today is day off and "it" wants to begin already at this early hour.
                        I am fighting off its voice as we speak.
                        Commiting to nothing until afternoon as once it is in , it is all over.

                        Sending good vibes your way and wishing everying a day of rest from harm.


                        " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


                          ODAT - Monday

                          'Afternoon Monday ODATs,

                          Had a good AF night last night after those 2 lousy glasses of wine Saturday sent my head spinning. Just not used to it anymore. Much prefer the AF time, and so it is for the week (ODAT, of course!). Youngest daughter took off by train to Pennsylvania today to visit friends and missed her connection in NY (one train late, another on time). Whatever did we do before cell phones??? Anyway, she was able to take a later train and all is good. But calming her down over the phone when the first panic hit was my big day. Work was slow (summer pace) and nothing else going on. In the mood to plop here and read posts. Sounds like we need to start a smoking cessation thread. Does RJ have a program for that? Could you use the cd's and insert a negative smoking message on the hypnotic one? Just a thought. Sea, I think I'm gaining your 5 pounds. At first lost a few, but have been on a "can't stop eating" thing. If not one thing, it's another . . .

                          Well, that's all I have. Good thing I don't entertain for a living - would be booed off the stage! Hope everyone has a good week.



                            ODAT - Monday

                            Yes - I've done an evening AF after 8 evenings of not doing! Going to bed now!
                            Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                              ODAT - Monday

                              Back to day 1 AF for me .... had a good run last week, but did plan on drinking on the weekend ... overdid it Friday night (as I knew I would), but then moderated for Saturday and Sunday, which I was pleased with. No foggy head for me this morning! So AF frm here to Friday again ... it's a long holiday weekend coming up and off to my brother's cottage. Picked up some AF Beer and wine to give it a try --- plan on taking it up with me, so I will not go AF, but nothing like I'd normally do at the cottage .... that's my plan.
                              I will probably join those that are going AF come Sept. 1 as well.

