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Alcohol and Anxiety

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    Alcohol and Anxiety

    Hello All,

    I am on my second day sober. I have been a drinker for years. But never actually craved it. I would always drink and not be able to stop and end up in a blackout and then sick for three days after drinking. Not able to eat and feeling like death was just around the corner. I'm sure I have had bouts with alcohol poisoning throughout my years of drinking. The anxiety I have been dealing with is very HARD. I feel like it's never going to end. And I also know that if I keep drinking the way that I do, it WILL never end. And something about brain cells ~ I think I have lost a few here and there throughout the years... God willing all will be ok....:new:

    Alcohol and Anxiety



      Alcohol and Anxiety

      Hi kz45 and :nicemeeting::colorwelcome:
      Great job on your Day 2!! I'm working on day 4 right now. It's hard and I get anxious too and at the moment I'm not sleeping well at night. I know it's from withdrawal and things should get better in a few days. Try to keep busy, drink lots of water (that really helps!) and stick around here. Lots of support and great people.
      When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
      -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


        Alcohol and Anxiety

        Hello people,
        I am having a very hard time figuring out what to eat. My apitite is horrible and nothing sounds good. Does anyone have a suggestion as to what I should be eating? I've been drinking tons of water and tea...but as far as eating it's been very hard. I haven't had much of a memory either? I find things done around herer that I don't remember doing. This is all so strange....


          Alcohol and Anxiety

          kz, congratulations on your decision to stop the madness, and on reaching Day 2. The early days can be a real bear, but getting free is SO worth it.

          Just wanted to say welcome and best wishes!

          Day 68 AF (if I can, anyone can!!)
          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Alcohol and Anxiety

            kz45 Welcome, Have you read the book ? I think vitamin supplements are so important while our body heals. Even if you choose not to take any prescription meds. As well I feel it is important to have a good doctor to talk to and have a physical and blood work. Very best to you and your health.


              Alcohol and Anxiety

              kz45;370811 wrote: Hello people,
              I am having a very hard time figuring out what to eat. My apitite is horrible and nothing sounds good. Does anyone have a suggestion as to what I should be eating? I've been drinking tons of water and tea...but as far as eating it's been very hard. I haven't had much of a memory either? I find things done around herer that I don't remember doing. This is all so strange....
              kz, have you read the links in this sticky thread about withdrawl? If not, you really should. When I stopped drinking the first time on July 11 2007, I had my husband read the symptoms and keep an eye on me for the first week so he would know if I needed medical attention.

              Assuming you don't need to see a doctor, I will say that I too experienced the "brain fog" you are feeling. I would mix up words in sentences, forget what I was about to say, stuff like that. We have done some serious damage to our bodies, and it takes time to heal.

              As far as what to eat, you will probably have an easier time staying AF if you RESIST any temptation you have to eat sweets. Alcohol behaves like sugar once it's inside our bodies, so if we won't give the body alcohol it wants sugar. Sugar just perpetuates the cravings for alcohol in my opinion, and that is also in the My Way Out book. I would suggest proteins and veggies, and any sugar from low glycemic index fruits like berries, peaches, cantalope. If you go for grains, try to stick with whole grains instead of highly processed ones like white bread.

              Drink LOTS of water. LOTS AND LOTS of it. If you are having trouble sleeping, Valerian Root worked well for me initially. Melatonin isn't for me, but works for lots of people. 5HTP and L-Tryptophan are other things you will see mentioned around here for sleep help.

              Hope this helps....HANG IN THERE. If you are smarter than I was, you will stick with your decision to quit AL NOW, and therefore only have to go through this one time.

              Day 68 AF
              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Alcohol and Anxiety

                Doggygirl said exactly what I would have said. lol. Very smart Doggy. My anxiety was horrific for the first 5 days. I had to get Ativan from my doc to help me withdraw, and then taper off the Ativan. Anxiety is pretty much in check now. Thank God. I am using Evening Primrose Oil, L-Glutamine, and Melatonin to help with anxiety and sleep. I have increased my doses, and Finally slept last night. Welcome aboard, hang in there. It does get better!!
                "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                  Alcohol and Anxiety

                  I hold you in my thoughts and high regards on your quest to freedom from this misery.
                  Know too well the anxiety and withdrawl. I must say that the GABA and the AMINO ACIDS as well as the TRUE CALM have been amazing.

                  Coming is is a major antitdote and of the hightes caliber of medicine is taking in all the wisdom and goodness from the bright souls here.

                  Best of wishes to you~

                  " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales

