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    Well, I have finally admitted to myself that is not normal to drink nightly, especially when it means I don't do other things that I used to enjoy. I guess I got into a rut and let life become sitting at home drinking. I relized it was a problem when I started forgetting what had happened the night before. I have started feeling like I am living half a life because from about 7:30 until bed I am usually blitzed. Last night I had nothing to drink, it was rough, but I made it. The biggest problem was my emotions were just on edge and with little ones around it was hard to deal. Tonight I am trying social drinking, we have a friend over, he brought drinks....we'll see. so far I feel good. I am very interested in having this outlet for my emotions. I'm not sure AA is right for me...the whole "higher power" thing gets me a bit. So anyway, hello to you all. I am interested to see where this journey leads.:new:


    Welcome! I am new here myself and tried out my first day of sobriety today. I made it 17.5 hours. I am like you, I would get off work and come home and drink all night. I look forward to following your thread. Good luck!

    I am not sure about the higher power thing though, mine is sitting in the living room watching the new family feud show and I would be smoke without her. hehe



      Hi HH!
      This is the best place! I have little ones, too and this is the first night I'm trying to go drink free! Yikes! Two year old children are nuts! Seven year olds, too for that matter!
      Best wishes with dinner. I tried dinner with friends on Sunday night. Going for one rita turned into, well not just one, that's for sure. I'm hoping all goes as planned for you. I've heard someone here say drink a club soda and lime. They called it a "mock-tail". Funny!



        Hi, Healer, welcome! This is a great resource, both as a support place and as a program. Seems that it works best if you use it in both these ways... Most folks will suggest that you read the MWO book, get rolling with some supplements, look at all aspects of the MWO program, decide what you really want and need to live the kind of life you want, and then make a plan and follow it.

        I am very new here, too, but can tell you, from what I have seen and experienced so far, that this stuff has helped me, and has helped a TON of other people.

        Best wishes,




          Hi all,
          I have been around forever, but still struggling. The MWO book is great. You will feel energized when you read it -- you can download it for $12.95 and you have it instantly.

          Classic Girl, I have an almost 2 year old, and a 17 year old stepson, so I can relate.

          I cut way back on drinking in May; tried a 30 in June but didn't make it. July has been a disaster. But -- I am planning on startinganother 30 on Aug 1st, and I just told hubby of my plans tonight. ANyone who wants to band together, thre are strenght in numbers and we all need the support.

          Welcome and keep posting and trying!

