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Need to Share

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    Need to Share

    I posted a couple days ago, downloaded the book and have been reading it. Started on Kudzu and some other supplements but I drank this afternoon, a bottle of wine, slept it off and am sooo mad at myself. I wake up everyday and say - I will NOT drink anymore. I have family I don't want to hurt, I don't want to ruin my health, I want to have control over this and then it just "happens". I will be sitting at work and start thinking about a drink....and do everything to get the thoughts out of my head but then on the way home I stop get a bottle of wine and thats that. It's like some other force has control over me.

    Can anyone share if they think the CD's help and are worth the investment - and I do realize we all respond differently. I have got to kick this.....It is sad there are so many of us here but it does help to know I'm not alone in this struggle.

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    When I first came here my post said,

    "its morning so I want to stop"

    The answer came " read, read, read"

    I was disappointed as I wanted a magic cure. But I think now that it was good advice.

    I read and began to exercise, I read and began to take the recommended supplements, I read and began to alter my thinking.
    I didn't send for the CDs but others find them useful.

    Good luck with the programme. My advice " read, read, read"
    Enough is enough


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      Thank you for the words of encouragement. I will keep reading and I know it won't happen over night. Today is day 1 and I will focus on that.


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        It can be very hard for many to get that "resolve" to quit NOW. It helped me when I made a list of all the reasons I needed and wanted to quit. I gave the list to my husband, asking for his support, or you could post it here.
        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


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          hi liz i also dont have the cd s,but i ,like you also tht a great deal of drink,its what u call an addiction,same as anything you do to much of,there are many sources out here,waves said it in a nut shell,read,,so many articles out there,ive been in and out of programs and hospital sike wards for years,just to find out now,i,what qualty of lfe do i want,drink to most is just drink,to some it can lead to disaster,not hard to figure,ive found out in the past 9 months that,even when sober of mind,its difficult,theres 3 kinds of people abstainers,moderators so called normal drinkers, and US,we wil never not exist,its just comin to terms to what we are ,you have to decide what you are and by comin here and relating to other people mite just help gyco


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            o by the way WELCOME


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              I understand (like all of us here) the morning resolve to not drink, followed by the afternoon trip into the liquor store... You mention the thoughts about drinking, that you try to make them go away... Here's another approach you might try: accept that those thoughts are NOT going to go away. Maybe ever. And realize that they are ONLY thoughts... they are not some sort of magical or alien power that has control over YOU... the TRUE YOU is the one who knows that drinking alcohol is drinking poison... So, work on just taking a step back from all that THINKING ABOUT DRINKING, and do something else... read the MWO book, read other recovery books, take a walk, whatever, and then see how you are doing. And do that as often as necessary, one day at a time...

              Best wishes,



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                Welcome Liz,

                Don't get dis-heartend, it doesn't happen over night, it is a process and make sure you have read the book from cover to cover and have all the tools ready. I have made many a slip-ups... I still am in fact but coming here every other day helps me and I know I'll find the support here.

                Have you thought about joining the Newbies thread for daily support?

                Keep posting!!

                "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


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                  I bought the hypnosis cd's because I had used some for quitting smoking, and I think they helped. I figured I could afford them because I wasn't spending money on beer. I do like them, I only use the sleep learning and subliminal at bedtime right now.
                  Just my opinion. Hang in there, it takes time and effort!!
                  NF since June 1, 2008
                  AF since September 28, 2008
                  DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                  :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                  5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                  The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


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                    Nice to see you here, Liz.:welcome:
                    I can relate to your story. It's almost like a 'force' is taking over when you know you don't want to drink today but something 'makes' you stop for a bottle of wine. I used to buy 2 because I could never stop at 1. Today is day 6 for me and it's been hard. Mostly the not sleeping at night due to anxiety. I did buy some AF wine and have some of that in place of the real stuff. It's not bad. Whatever gets you through the rough spots I guess. I do not have the tapes but I take the Kudzu and that seems to help out alot. Keep reading here and make sure you read the book. The best to you and glad you found this site.
                    When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                    -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


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                      :colorwelcome: lizalaraine!

                      I really like the way WIP described the thoughts of drinking - they are only thoughts, not actions. While I found it difficult to ignore them at first, it DOES get easier with time. The tools offered by MWO are a big help.

                      I really like the CD's. I have the series for alcohol free. I don't listen to the Clearing and Hypno ones as often as I probably should any more (because I think they are very positive) but I DO play the Sleep Learning one EVERY night, and the subliminal one in my office almost every day. I think they are worth a try. There is no "magic bullet" - just tools that help your already strong resolve to succeed.

                      I am happy and grateful for each and every alcohol free day. It was SUCH a poison filled prison for my life. Like Wave, I too have found exercise and it is a GREAT morning alternative to a hangover. Life is good and I hope you find that place too!!

                      70 Days Alcohol & Hangover Free
                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


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                        Liz the thoughts are all part of the obsession we have ingrained in our brains unfortunately and they are hard to get rid of. It does take time and I think personally somehow we never get rid of them TBH, we just have to learn to control them. I always have to be vigilant of these thoughts, they can appear at anytime as they have done today. It's all about whether we act upon those thoughts. Cognitively challenging my thoughts has helped me a lot in the past and still does in certain situations. I say in certain situations because sometimes my heart rules me head and in those times I have to be extra careful.

                        The best thing about getting sober for me though was, like yourself, knowing that I'm not alone in this struggle. This forum is a wonderful place to get things off your chest and share your worries without any fear of judgment; which is the last thing any addict needs. Tell me not to do something and I'm gonna do it!!!!lol

                        Love and Happiness
                        "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                        Clean and sober 25th January 2009


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                          The advice about those "thoughts" not going away is such good advice. They are just thoughts and I have to learn to control them. You may not remember in my original post I told I had spent my adult life surrounded by alcoholics (exhusband (who died from alcoholism at age 49, my current husband and 3 (sons) of my 4 children-I thank the Lord daily my daughter has no interest in alcohol at 27) and I have always been in control until a year ago and then I realized I had developed serious issues with alcohol. I have spent my adult life reading, going to counseling and 3 yrs ago a friend and I started an Alanon group in our town. I was told by a local therapist that our community, in our state has the most functioning alcoholics. (not sure where her statistics came from) but I know a lot and now I am one.
                          I keep asking - how could this have happened to me? I daily make my list of things to be thankful for:
                          My Faith - I do believe and pray daily for help and to help others.
                          My family - I love all of them dearly,
                          My job-I'm blessed with a decent stable job.
                          My health - I have a few health issues but they are my fault for not taking care of myself.
                          My home - I have a decent home and car.
                          My furry kids - Molly & Rudy (dogs) and Max (cat) they would not forgive me if I didn't mention them.
                          I am blessed to have freedom.
                          Oh, life has so many blessings.

                          I try to focus on those things when I get those "thoughts". Today I am doing ok, my grandson is spending the night so I will do fine today. I'm reading and taking Kudzu and L-Glutomine. Trying to read about supplementation.

                          Thank you to everyone that writes. I am going to come here everyday and give accountability as to how many days I am AF. Blessings and hugs to all.


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                            Well I made it through Day 1 AF, now for day 2. I never thought I would have withdrawal symptoms but am now starting to think I do. I notice on day 1 (any day 1-there have been many) I get home from work and get anxious and feel shaky and just feel funny. I had my grandons who is 4 all night so I keep busy with him and went to bed early when he did. So now on to Day 2 - I am going to do it. I have gone up to 3 days AF in the last months but then I just can't do it. The hard part is the weekends, my husband is home (he is gone all week) and he drinks. So I have to be strong while watching him drink. He drinks beer and I use to but I totally drink wine. What stinks about that is - I love the taste of wine, not just one, although I do have a favorite but I love trying new wines. I know I should be able to tell him - I have a probelm with alcohol (as does he) and I ask for his support but I believe he would choose the alcohol over me. His drinking is another story. Well guys, on to day 2 - I can do it and I will do it. God is with me, I have the support of this community and it's one day at at time. One of the things I say over and over in my head is "No Regrets" that is based on a book I recently read about a man who lost his wife & 4 children in a flash flood while driving home. His unshakeable faith and what he went through is an he said he has No Regrets about how he has lived his life and he felt blessed to have the time he did with his family. The key is I want to have No Regrets when I go to bed and wake up and when it is time for me to leave this life. So for me it is NO REGRETS - ONE DAY AT A TIME. Sorry to ramble., thanks for listening.:teeter:


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                              Congratulations on completing Day 1 and moving on to Day 2. You mentioned that Day 3 has always been a difficult one - a lot of people find that to be the case so you are not alone there either. Hang tough and keep your resolve (and your Kudzu and L-Glut) close at hand.

                              For weekends I have found that I absolutely must have a plan. I think through all of the things I will be doing and my strategies to stay sober. Especially in situations where I will be around other people drinking, I plan what I will be drinking. It's nice to figure out some things that you consider "special" to have on hand - things that you don't necessarily drink every day. I also keep lists handy of things to do. The busier I stay the easier it is not to stick my head back in the bottle.

                              The fact that your husband drinks will be a challenge, but not an impossible one. Please don't let that stop you.

                              Best wishes for a good Day 2 - YOU CAN DO THIS!!

                              Day 71 Alcohol & Hangover Free
                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

