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    Sorry Bess, I'm still up and It's Wednesday here so I thought I'd start the thread........

    Well, yesterday was quite the day for us ODATers.......we had a few bumps......

    But we are all here together - helping each other through lifes daily struggles. Work, children and relationships, the ODAT family is always here to support - remember that everyone........we all love and care for our cyberfriends very much.

    Big shout out to Greenie - yesterday was a hard day for you - but you have done so well. Remember your goal. And all the friends you have here that are standing by you through all of this. We love you girl. We are so sorry for the pain you are going through right now but will be here with you through this tough time. Love you.

    Hope everyone meets their goals today,
    Love and hugs always,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


    I'm still up too. Thanks Uni :h. I think I miss the loving memories from a good while back more so than actually missing HIM now that he's an addict and a lying adulterer. And an angry one at that. Still.... the abandonment, lying to my face, cheating, rejection, displaced anger, etc. takes it's toll. Crap, I'm down to 110. You'll never believe this but I told my MD everything. BTW, bloodwork was normal; I guess it's just stress.

    Everybody try to stay stress-free today. Those who can't - let's just try to make it through the day and manage a smile or two. There's mine. I'm good.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



      If that's the case greenie, hold on to the good memories of times past and be thankful that you are moving on from the hurtful times of the present.

      Glad the tests came out good and that you were honest with the MD.......todays thread will be a good long one i'm sure!

      How's the rest of our ODATERS!!!
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.



        All men are bastards!

        My lovely friends! I nearly laughed out loud when I logged on. I've just managed to catch up with yesterday's ODAT before I went to start today's and the theme was going to be ALL MEN ARE BASTARDS!! Just for today we need to vent about men!! Mine is pissing me off big time too though I really can't say I have it as tough as you guys.

        Mine just keeps putting me to the bottom of the list because it is easier to fob me off than all the other priorities he has in his life. I know that's not a real big deal but he is usually right at the top of my priorities so the inbalance is getting me down.

        So all men wanting to post on here today better perhaps keep it short or support the ladies!! :H:H I'm not normally for men bashing (after all they do have their uses!!) but it does seem that they are causing some very lovely people on here a lot of grief atm and a general bashing might make us all feel a bit better!! :H

        Love to Lovely Uni and Juicy Green Bean and to all to come.

        Don't let men drive you to drink!!!!




          Hi Uni & Greeneyes and all to come,

          Greetings from a lovely rainy Ireland today!.

          Uni, hope you have a good day and sort things out with your BF.

          Greeneyes, sorry to hear what you are going through. Hoping you can take what was good from it and move on and hopefully after some time realise how much better it is to be out of that type of relationship. I think Vera yesterday posted a very good comment about relationships and how this means that the other person is meant to be there for us, supporting us not lying, cheating etc. It is not easy now but hopefully it will get better and very well done for not drinking, shows how strong you are.

          I am doing ok, still AF since Saturday which is helping me to concentrate on the mountain of work I have to get done by the end of the week - going on hols next week so have to get it done by the weekend. Sleep is still a big problem though but at least I mainly work from home so I can take it easy in the mornings and wake up as the day goes on!!

          Best Wishes to everyone out there for Wednesday!
          There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.



            Hi Bessie,

            Sorry, must have just missed your post - hope you are doing ok today.

            Maybe Wednesdays should be 'Men Bashing Day' instead of 'Hump Day'??

            No just kidding - I know some of our female friends are having a hard time with the men in their lives at the moment but it isn't always the men - my hubby is being very supportive at the moment but I cannot say the same for some of my female relatives who are being a right pain in the the arse. Maybe it should be 'Whoever is treating us like shit Bashing Day' - whether they be male or female?!

            Bye for now
            There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.



              wow,what an article to wake to,ladies,this is very primitive talk,its what you call having control of ones life,bashing someone else for your own problems,and letting them have this much control of your mind,shame on you,i guess if it makes you feel better,its ok,theres s never a reason for some things, like not waking up and just saying what a wonderful day,and not lettiing someone elses emotions control you,life is a mind gamee,but when you let someone else control you youve lostt he battle,and is tht not what life is,have a gooday,gyco



                We are not all bad just 99% LOL Hey you girls you think you got a monoply on this. My first girlfriend....... I came home from work tired and walked into my room with her in bed with my best friend I was so daft I didnt realise they were an item BROKE my fuckin heart......... and there was a number 2 I dont want to talk about that one.......... how too smash a heart into little bits and say!!!!!! its ok dear you will get over it FU!@#$%^&*()_K . Sorry but you girls don't have the cheated broken heart place on the side of the road reserved for females only!!!! MEN hurt too!!!!!! I know we are unable to communicate ...... But we do have hearts and souls
                Cap............ but i must say we are a bunch of assholes I agree, but there are some nice ones i would like to think that me and GYCO are the good guys LOL
                pps i LOVE MY MATE Greenie you shall survive this one trial you are the sweetest of hearts love CAP



                  LOL! OK Gyco - you're so very right but just occasionally we need to vent! Primitive talk? I like the sound of that! A bunch of cave girls today!! Sober ones!!

                  And Bandit - The theme has been officially changed to "Whoever is treating us like shit bashing day" ! Much less sexist!



                    Gyco...... i think we need to move out numbered!!!!



                      Raining in the midwest USA, too, maybe a bit like Ireland... would love to go to Ireland one day, pretty much all Irish ancestry on my mother's side (the Delanys and the McColgans)...

                      I hate to betray my gender, but I must agree with Gyco, somewhat... and it's NOT that men are NOT bastards (of course they are!!! LOL!!) but that, really, we are ALL bastards... we all hurt each other, especially the ones we are closest to... none of us can be perfectly supportive and patient with another flawed human being, and we are all flawed... the alcohol only makes it worse, for everyone concerned...

                      And it's also true that some betrayals just can't be overcome. I've been there, too, been deeply hurt and also have deeply hurt others, sometimes to the point of destroying the relationship that I thought would be a healthy forever partner-relationship or marriage... God, it can hurt. And it is so hard to decide when enough is enough, or when enough is TOO MUCH... Glad I am single, right now, actually.

                      Today will be day 9 AF and I am doing great, other than still not sleeping well (getting up really early nearly every morning, just as I had been over the past 3 or 4 months... ). I am still getting my mother's life organized, all her financial stuff needs to be moved around so I can take care of it, it was a big ol' mess but I am gradually putting it together in some sort of coherent way. And I am having dinner with her at her house tonight. She will INSIST that I have a drink with her... so instead of arguing about it, I will take some V-8 juice and lime juice to keep in her fridge, and pretend I am having a bloody mary. That's what I've been drinking if I am at home around 4pm these days (which is the time that I had decided was the new "cocktail hour"!)... and hey, it's really good!

                      Good day, everyone...




                        Awwww CaptnJack - you and Gyco will be safe again tomorrow!! :l:l We'll do a bit of cave girl chest thumping (doesn't that bring up some images!!!??), have a scream and shout and punch a few bags and then be all sweet and light again. :H All our problems will still be there but we'll have had a good old ODAT rant rather than opening a bottle and will feel better! xx



                          What you mean by noise my sweet irish one
                          love you so much you are funny cap



                            Its Ripple! Lots going on here...yup, i'm Ripple ..... Another job interview today! I better get my fat ass to work before i get too lazy. Gotta make sure there are 'enough' funds for the senior years!!! :grannypants: :bath: :sun: Time off the bottle now ensures better living later...thats the way i look at things TODAY!!! Wish me lucky stars for an impressive presentation...hope i score. Losing faith not working butt getting used to dooing nothing! Happy HUMP Day! :H



                              yeah on that godawful noise! you are in Ireland and probably you don't have a lot of firearms in the house like we all have here in the USA (just a little joke... but a bit too true!) so you can't just go over there and shoot 'em all, or at least fire some warning shots in the air... SO I would at least slip a note under the door, a nice note... for starters...

                              wip (once I nearly shot a toilet with my rifle because there was a RAT swimming in it... )

